Stand Up Roy Gregory!

James sonically you may have a point and I'm not going to argue for or against, but it's the aesthetic, told Margaret your suggestions (Dunc was awitness)she said exactly what I said she would, when we get another house with dedicated listening room then I can have all the Mana I want, until then I suppose I'm gonna have to put up with a huge amount of distortion, that only you detected I suppose if Mana works there might be gains but I'm sure there not as huge as you suggest, you may be exagerating slightly I think. But one day I might try it until then I can't put up with the look, in the domestic harmony side of things.
All the ones I've heard do nothing to reduce the noise & distortion, and I've tried a lot of them, and heard noisy systems on a lot of others. OTOH, the Mana rigs I've heard have all been quieter, less distorted and clearer, more coherent, intelligible lyrics, things like that.

All that is is a statement of my experience with hi-fi over the past 20+ years. It really works, IMO very well. Argue if you like, it won't affect what I have heard.
" a huge amount of distortion, that only you detected "

Paul 'noisy' or 'distorted' is a relative term. Most hi-fi people, particularly those without any Mana, wouldn't notice it because they are used to hearing it in their own systems, and the brain gets used to filtering it out. When it goes away, you will notice, and you will know what I mean.

I brought some CDs that I knew very well, so I could tell what your system made of them.
James - if I were to get a mana sound stage and take distortion measurements with and without it, using an AP, you'll guarantee that I will get a lower measurement with the soundstage?
If you get a refund, there is no outlay, but be warned that firstly most people don't get a refund because they love it, and secondly, it very addictive.
I'm talking about doing a scientific test. I'm asking if you will guarantee that I will get a lower distortion measurement when using the sound stage?
Isaac, I'm not guaranteeing anything, even if I knew what an AP is. All I am saying is my opinion, nothing more than that. The rest of you can make up your own minds, because you are grown-ups, and making up your own mind about things kind-of goes with that territory.
The Devil said:
If you get a refund, there is no outlay, but be warned that firstly most people don't get a refund because they love it, and secondly, it very addictive.

bad wording on my part, sorry.
In context of my system, i feel there are more pressing issues to attend too:)
AP = Audio Precision, the industry standard audio test system. Specifically, a System Two SYS-2322.

All you're saying is your opinion, but you are stating a specific, measurable effect. If you won't stand by what you say, what value has it?
I've never used nor have any experience of the AP device, I have no idea what it measures, nor how accurately.

Nor how relevantly, I'm not interested in measuring distortion, I can hear it very easily. The human ear is very sensitive to mid-range distortion.

You can do the measurements yourself if you are genuinely interested. If you are looking for hard data - I have none. If you read my post about my experience with hi-fi, you will see that it is a personal view. I really don't care whether you believe it, if fact, you shouldn't. You should try it out, and let us know if you like. Even if you didn't get it to work for you, it wouldn't bother me too much.
The Devil said:
I've never used nor have any experience of the AP device, I have no idea what it measures, nor how accurately.

Nor how relevantly, I'm not interested in measuring distortion, I can hear it very easily.

If it really is so easy to hear, then surely then it must also be measurable (and thus the reduction in measured distortion when mana'd up will be noticeable too)?
I know what I know, you know what you know, Isaac. Why should I worry about your system? Give me one good reason.

Maybe it is measurable - go measure, I've got better things to do that try to prove things which I already know to myself, life is too short.

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