Stand Up Roy Gregory!

In issue 1 of hifiplus R.G wrote that no reviewer is allowed to keep any of the reviewed equipment for free as some other magazines have the practise.
He does state that they can buy at trade price some items(manufacturers discrestion) as can anyone in the industry.

If you liked a product you might want to talk about it a lot.Is this not a possible explaination for talking about some equipment a lot.
If you were given a pair of speakers for writing a good review about them but they werent really that good, would you keep them over better speakers?
How much Valhalla can Roy be getting to keep writing these glowing reports?
Does he have spaghetti like plates of the stuff?
Surely if you like something you will promote it.
Sorry guys I cant get your reasoning.
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spxy said:
In issue 1 of hifiplus R.G wrote that no reviewer is allowed to keep any of the reviewed equipment for free as some other magazines have the practise.
He does state that they can buy at trade price some items(manufacturers discrestion) as can anyone in the industry.

If you liked a product you might want to talk about it a lot.Is this not a possible explaination for talking about some equipment a lot.
If you were given a pair of speakers for writing a good review about them but they werent really that good, would you keep them over better speakers?
How much Valhalla can Roy be getting to keep writing these glowing reports?
Does he have spagetti like plates of the stuff?
Surely if you like something you will promote it.
Sorry guys I cant get your reasoning.

The guy runs the mag, subsequently he personall benefits from Nordost' advertising - noone is suggesting his bias (if there is a bias) is articulated in order to get more and more Nordost cabling.

I dont personally feel reviewers will promote kit they dont really like in order to keep said kit, but say there were three similarly performing "kits" and one came along with some added cream, I suggest many people (if they were the reviewer) might feel the need to promote the kit with added cream.

It is very hard to argue that Nordost dont get "extra" coverage in the editorial of HiFi+. Any marketeer knows that personal recommendations which appear objective and come from a respected individual are gold dust compared to mass media promotions. As such if RG is convinced by Nordost, either because he loves their products, or because he gets a little added cream, his word will help shift Nordost cables. Either way I think he should lay off promoting them in his editorial its getting repetitive to say the least.

I do in contrast feel certain reviewers are genuine in their articulated opinions and even where they have a bias, they dont cloud all their reviews with banging on about it. I would add this subject has been discussed in some depth before and there is little new to add to that thread.
7_V said:
And forum members have no axes to grind? No 'religious' preferences of their own - Mana, Naim, Merlin, Meadowlark, Seventh Veil, Wadia, etc., etc., etc., etc.?
The difference between me recommending Mana, and RG plugging North-East, is that I have absolutely nothing to gain from it.
The Devil said:
The difference between me recommending Mana, and RG plugging North-East, is that I have absolutely nothing to gain from it.

The other difference Bub is we don't pay you for a supposedly unbiased view.

FWIW RG doesn't himself plug ND in this months mag so far as i can tell, but it seems everyone else does.

If you're daft enough to part with yer hard earned on just the mag reviews then hell bloody mend you, I use them as eye candy, and if they say a product is great then that may make me audition it but nothing else.
My god james, we actually agree on something!! :eek:

Yes, I am partial to Meadowlark speakers. As bub said, I have nothing to gain from recommending them other than hopefully that the company will remain successful and so I will be able to buy another pair when funds and room and so on permit. They're not perfect for everyone, but they do what I like well.
The Devil said:
The difference between me recommending Mana, and RG plugging North-East, is that I have absolutely nothing to gain from it.
Yes that's true. However, it doesn't make the advice of forum members any more reliable (or less), influenced as that advice is by the personal biases of members.
7_V said:
Yes that's true. However, it doesn't make the advice of forum members any more reliable (or less), influenced as that advice is by the personal biases of members.

Absolutely true. Though the benefit of the forum as a medium is its self-balancing process - though I would add that it frequently self-balances to the point of zero advice. And incidentally anyone looking for advice regards sub/sat vs full rangers is going to bawk at reading through >1000 replies. Why bother when you can get simple, single perspective, flawed advice across a three page review in a mag :D.
The thing is, Steve, all of the systems which I have heard that are really, absolutely top-flight have been sitting on Mana stands. Either it's a conspiracy, or there's something about those stands.
Just a thought Bub,

but why dont you put a massive review of Mana.. many pages long full of colour pics in the 'Review' section?

We can then refer people to it when discussions of stands come up, and prevent more regular visitors from getting sore heads from banging them against walls!!

Just a good idea I think.
What do you reckon?
The Devil said:
The thing is, Steve, all of the systems which I have heard that are really, absolutely top-flight have been sitting on Mana stands. Either it's a conspiracy, or there's something about those stands.

Oh so my non mana setup was not topflight then you offend me James, you are obviously deaf yet yoiu can't sign, I don't know:)
If I give an opinion, it is a genuine opinion. You may think I am talking twaddle but it a genuine opinion.

If a reviewer gives an is a loaded dice.

sweeping statement and certainly an unfair generalisation

You could argue the dice are MORE loaded in forums,becuase everyone has a rosey tinted opinion of their own gear,far more biased than any advertising revenue fueled rant from a journalist (if thats what happens,and i doubt it happens that often)

some reviewers will be swayed,many won't,so I don't think you can generalise to that extent
Well, all the people who knock the 'Mana presentation' must like distortion and noise, and the vast majority of them here have no direct personal experience with it in their own system. There is no other explanation. I guess you like listening to the equipment.

Hi Paul, sorry, no not top flight IMO, but I know you won't be offended because it was clear that you are totally happy with it, and that's all that counts, not my opinion.
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Bub :p

You need more Mana, you re still got another 8 feet of ceiling height left, will get rid of the distortion just that bit more,

PS you really should do some speaker meetings, very lucrative, one or two a month ought to do it, the PPI co's will have plenty to spend, and the community will appreciate it.
Okey-doke, money's always useful!

Have you ever considered the possibilty that I might be right about Mana? When you get your dedicated room, it should be top of your list, there is a returns policy, and if you need help setting it up (it is tricky at first, and you do have to be slightly obsessional about the set-up) then I would be only too pleased to lend a hand. Personally, I think you would be shocked at the improvement.
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