Marco's room will just about take two pairs of shoes and its amazing how good it sounds in there... Marco's system doesn't seem to suffer any room-interaction issues - that is testimony to an open mind, and dedication on his part regarding optimising his system's performance.
And the effectiveness of Mana supports.
Steve, since the recent redecoration/rearrangement of the room, the 'shoe box-sized' room now quite happily accommodates my big arse and four other's...together with all our shoes...stilettos in Ian's case

...well, he's a kinky sod, and it was Saturday night after all
Furthermore, large rooms don't necessarily give the best sound. A lot of the result obtained, good or bad is down to achieving effective speaker/room interaction, and particularly how well (or otherwise) loudspeakers 'drive' the room. Whilst large rooms undoubtedly spread the sound to a greater degree; creating a seemingly more convincing performance, smaller rooms quite often give a more intimate listening experience, providing one is astute in assembling the right system. If one is successful in this regard, large (efficient) speakers in a small-ish room with suitable amplification can give truly amazing results and convey a 'physical', visceral presence that's almost impossible to obtain in a large room without using seriously powerful amps with speakers to match - and I mean those normally used at live gigs!
In the case of my own system in a small-ish room, with SP100s and 135s (particularly since all the mains mods), I've now achieved truly grin-inducing results, especially in areas such as dynamics and bass reproduction. The sense of realism, and the truly gut-wrenching 'physicality' of the performance on offer really has to be heard to be believed :MILD: Steve, you need to come over and hear this for yourself.
Also, as an aside, I'd rather have a small-ish room in a detached house where I can play my system as loud as I want, as often as I want, than have a large room in a flat where I constantly have to be mindful of neighbours and, as a result, rarely experience my system's full potential