Taming room acoustics

What brings you over here then Marco, you have never been known to frequent the 'commoners*' forums?

* I refer of course to myself.
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The grapevine said someone was bad-mouthing me. Turned out to be true :)

So, I thought I might as well mingle with the peasants while I'm here :p

You, of course, are not one of them ;)

Marco's right about the TV. So I need a dedicated TV room.

Do you know what? Now they are saying there's too much salt in pork sausages. Is there no end to it all?
The thing I have always wondered, is just how much pork is there in pork sausages.

As for salt, I can't help thinking that it's demonisation in food is slightly unfair, I can't imagine what is supposd to be wrong with it.
Some of the reduced salt foods are virtually inedible to me.

They've split their baloon in St Ives too, no it never ends.......

It's not the salt in the sausages that's the problem, Bub, it's that you lot north of the border insist on deep frying them, like everything else you eat.

This must be true, I read it in a southern jessie middle class newspaper. Rather, my butler read it to me.

-- Ian
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Your butler can read? Swanky types down south. Mine just grunts and scratches his scrote. It's not all bad news though: he cooks a mean deep-fried salad & croutons.
Originally posted by The Devil
he cooks a mean deep-fried salad & croutons.

Just ask him for bigger portions then, there's nothing like skimping on the uncooked weight when you're deep frying something with all that water content ;)

Have you tried deep fried Black Forest Gateau ?

is that the ninja's deep dark secret? that it's a deep fried lp12? seriously though i've heard a few lp12's and they've not sounded bad..... for vinyl :D :p

did tim at least get the 820 turbo (with gateaux options)?

Originally posted by julian2002
i've heard a few lp12's and they've not sounded bad..... for vinyl :D :p

did tim at least get the 820 turbo (with gateaux options)?


JU mate, I'm afraid I aint herad any good LP 12's, but still have faith brother Ju :D
No Timpy got the fully Unloaded version with enhanced whipped cream dispencer and chocolate sprinkles shaker, Top machine mate :cool: T.
just before i put the lexus in for it's mot i was considering anything as a lexus replacement and i am ashamed to admit that a rover 827 was one of the better bangernomics contenders as they are peanuts to buy. luckily the lexus passed with flying colours and so will be terrorising the tractors 'round my way for the forseeable future.

you want to take a listen to your namesakes lp12 in liverpool. best vinyl system i've ever heard for pure musical communication. gary's wasn;t bad but his cart was on it;s last legs so hopefully i'm going to go for a return visit to listen to his new one, and hopefully sometime soon he can visit me for a listen to my shoddy cd front end :D.

