Taming room acoustics

Originally posted by lowrider

Even using monitors + subwoofers, it still improved a lot with bass equalization, so you must be lucky, or with large speakers in a small room you will hear boom, not bass... :rolleyes:

lowrider, I must be lucky then, cos there's no boom to speak of :)

Just deep, tight, tuneful, extended bass. Mind you, the Mana speaker stands do help enormously at eliminating any boom. It was a different story in my pre-Mana days using a pair of Atacama stands!


Better to enjoy the full potential of mains optimised 'under powered' amps, than to realise only 50% of the full potential of more powerful amplification.
The stands, or platforms, or whatever, can only help with the speakers vibrations, not room ressonances...
Personally, I just can't do boom at all. One of the reasons why I tend to shy away from standmounts, particularly those that are ported and designed for near rear wall use.

In fact, the only speakers I've ever used near a wall are the Kabers, but even they're 18" away. With the Castle Trents, Durhams, MS MS10's, Missions, etc. etc. I always pull them out to avoid boom at all costs, even if this tends to put a hole in the bass.

Fast and tight preferably, but I'll do little bass as opposed to boomy bass.

Originally posted by lowrider

The stands, or platforms, or whatever, can only help with the speakers vibrations, not room ressonances...


However, all that concerns me is the sound I hear in the room - and I can assure you there is little or no boom :)

Anyone who's heard my system (and there have been many) that doesn't have a grudge against me, or an ulterior motive, would agree.

Let's leave it at that.

No probs, low :MILD:

If you're ever in my neck of the woods, you're more than welcome to pop in for a listen; that way there won't be any dispute ;)

Deal, if you decide to visit Portugal, maybe Euro2004, I hear Wales is doing well, you are welcome to pop over too... :MILD:
Right - the kids stuff has been moved to the kindergarten, and I've re-opened the thread. I hope it can continue normally again :rolleyes:

Cool. I wish I'd known this earlier before I posted a reply elsewhere to low regarding one of his posts on this thread :D

Hey, low, reply to me here dude (save making the other thread go off topic).

'Grassyarse', sorry, gracias ;)

LOL, I know :D

It's just that I didn't know any Portugese.

In Italian it's 'Grazie'

In Scottish it's 'Cheers big man'/wee man ;)


P.S You should learn some Glasgow slang or Scottish vernacular - it's a right laugh :)
to go slightly (well a lot) off toipic i once shared a house with 4 glaswiegians, don;t ask. into this mix of 4 militant scotts and one southern bastid it was deemed a good idea to introduce a kitten. this kitten was extremely bad at relieving itself anywhere it felt like and was a nosy little thing. so the scots christened it 'monty' as in 'monty f*ck cat' (come on to f*ck cat - get out of it). well it was funny at the time....


Since my bigger system is in a workplace I was at liberty to use RPG foams, traps and diffusors. In my concrete cube of a room this is the biggest upgrade I've made.


PS Marco, sorry to hear about those boom problems. I'm sure the Mana and RKR treatments have helped.
Boom problems? :confused:

Oh, you mean the imaginary ones perpetrated by a certain individual?

Thanks for the concern, Alex, but on this occasion it's unwarranted.

Yes, the Mana supports are wonderful (as always) - ditto the mains upgrades. You really should try the R.K.R approach yourself because the benefits, musically speaking, are bloody fantastic!

Originally posted by julian2002

... this kitten was extremely bad at relieving itself anywhere it felt like and was a nosy little thing. so the scots christened it 'monty' as in 'monty f*ck cat' (come on to f*ck cat - get out of it).

Love it, julian :D

Did you ever hear them mention the word 'zoomer'; it's one of my personal favourites.
