Muper Soderator
as someone who's relied on the benefit system in the past i'd prefer not to see it go. i'd prefer a sliding scale applied for good parenting and responsibility (taking parenting courses, dealing with your child when they misbehave at school in cooperation with teachers rather than blaming them, that kind of thing).
as for the article it quotes a figure of 600 quid a week but isn;t clear whether that is each or for all 3. i suspect the latter. now 200 quid isn't a lot to live on when you consider that probably includes housing benefit and council tax benifit too. certainly as a single parent on income support you end up with about 90 quid a week to live (food, electricity, gas, tv license, etc.) so it's not a lot really and certainly not enough to suport the champagne lifestyle some think the unemployed enjoy.
for me though the most disturbing thing is what the kids have called their kits... amani, t-jay and lita, now that's just fcuked up.
oh and to answer those asking what encouragement there is to 'get a job' well, when i started my own small business i was eligable for tax credits. i didn;t claim the full amount (it's based on an estimate of your earnings) however even with a gross over estimate of what i'd earn i was still getting about the same in tax credits as i was on income support. the thing is this isn;t publicised so hardly anyone knows or understands what this is all about.
as for the article it quotes a figure of 600 quid a week but isn;t clear whether that is each or for all 3. i suspect the latter. now 200 quid isn't a lot to live on when you consider that probably includes housing benefit and council tax benifit too. certainly as a single parent on income support you end up with about 90 quid a week to live (food, electricity, gas, tv license, etc.) so it's not a lot really and certainly not enough to suport the champagne lifestyle some think the unemployed enjoy.
for me though the most disturbing thing is what the kids have called their kits... amani, t-jay and lita, now that's just fcuked up.
oh and to answer those asking what encouragement there is to 'get a job' well, when i started my own small business i was eligable for tax credits. i didn;t claim the full amount (it's based on an estimate of your earnings) however even with a gross over estimate of what i'd earn i was still getting about the same in tax credits as i was on income support. the thing is this isn;t publicised so hardly anyone knows or understands what this is all about.