teenage pregs.

Well yes certainly the fathers parents are also equaly to blame for this. I am not sure we should be encouraging under aged sex at all though.

Kids should be kid, they should be playing with barbies and not shagging, please excuse my bluntness.

Free condoms are good but they don't solve the root of the problem.
you will never stop teenagers being promiscuous - they have always been and always will be - thus I believe condoms are a good thing for say 14 or 15 and upwards.
I thought they were already handed it out in schools though? Then again thats probably just the media getting things wrong as usual.
yes wolfgang, I am not sure what my intention was either.
But I don't think a thread on ZG is going to somehow change the country. At times, I do think some of my more draconian ideas are wrong, but what can you do? clearly some things are wrong, and I just have a strong sense of justice and right. I may try to moderate my own posting on contentious issues.
I dont' want to get started on this, but I dont' mind immigrants, its just the numbers, it is a crowded country.
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In Holbeach, Lincolnshire, the master of the workhouse told the story of an unmarried girl who was leaving the workhouse after giving birth to her fourth child. As she was leaving, she said to him, 'Well, if I have the good luck to have another child, I shall draw a good sum from the parish; and with what I can earn myself, shall be better off than any married woman in the parish.'

Some while later, the master saw her again and she had got her wish. She was five months pregnant with a fifth child.

This was in the early 1830s. There was a Royal Commission in 1834 which shocked the governing class of the country and brought about a fundamental change in the law, effectively slashing the benefits given. This resulted in a dramatic reduction of births outside of marriage.

In fact, this has been the story from the time of Henry VIII to the present day.

The problem is one of our society's memory loss.
bob mccluckie said:
"I just have a strong sense of justice and right."

Who the **** do you think you are - Captain Decent?
I hope it's not exclusive just to the good Captain, I like to think that most of have some sense of right and wrong.
johnhunt said:

I'm disabled and I work - it just don't bleat on about it all the time. MS by the way

OK, so that's one up on me in the disabled stakes. So answer me this - why do you not mind that your taxes (which are going up year on year at rates far higher than inflation) get wasted on lazy slobs? I'm sorry but I just don't understand how people can tolerate it...

The only conclusion I can draw (this isn't meant nastily) is that you earn considerably more than me and don't have crippling student debt...
Because i'm not convinced they are. any system is open to abuse and the costs associated with the the abuse of the welfare state is part and parcel of having it. the best you can do is minimise such abuse. besides which the vast majorlty of people are honest whether on benifit or not.

by the way - i don't mind paying taxes either

not sure what my income has do do with the above and btw the way for the last 10 years or so my MS has been fairly easily manageable but proir to that i've sure had my moments.
johnhunt said:
Because i'm not convinced they are. any system is open to abuse and the costs associated with the the abuse of the welfare state is part and parcel of having it. the best you can do is minimise such abuse. besides which the vast majorlty of people are honest whether on benifit or not.

by the way - i don't mind paying taxes either

not sure what my income has do do with the above and btw the way for the last 10 years or so my MS has been fairly easily manageable but proir to that i've sure had my moments.

MS can be quite nasty, my aunty has it, she is in a wheel chair she can't do much at all without help, but its still managable and despite the doctors telling her she didn't have long to live 10 years ago she is still perfectly healthy considering, however my uncle earns a lot of money so he can afford to pay the best doctors to research new things.

I think its great that you're living as normal life as possible. Some people would just give up and do nothing but moan about it. You should be proud.

are you a parent?
what's this walking in my shoes stuff and why did you call me an idoit?
how do you propose the implement a system where better parents get more benfits? Do you propose a task force of public spirited people (you and your friends by the sound of it) monitoring the late night chip intake of children of parents on benifit.
maybe you could go round and check they've done their homework as well
maybe a system of brownie points could be earned by good parents for sending there kids into school on time with, to keep the tax burden down, the money taken off feckless parents. Oh and then the BBC could do a fly on wall thing where the poor and stupid get humiliated, have even less money, turn to crime , get banged up...............

sounds like a good system,good luck
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I apprecaite the sentiment

as anybody will tell you has been through anything like that, it's just a question of getting on with life. no big deal really
Matt F said:
What's also disturbing is the names of two of the three poor so and so's:

T-Jay and Amani (sic?)

I've long believed certain sections of society should be forced to pick their kids' names from a given, acceptable list ...
This is actually a requirement in Norway
I don't think anyone can resent paying taxes, but I sure as hell resent them being abused and being given to social parasites. The welfare system should look after the elderly, dissabled and those looking for work ie truly needy not truly lazy. The ecconomy is in a real mess, business is suffering and it gauls me that this arrogant government continue to tax the workers more and more whilst throwing ever more money at these Amoebas.

Labour have this country in massive debt but continue to pat themselves on the back ofer interest rates and the housing market. The thing about debt and I would expect the government to be aware of this, is it has a habit of snowballing. You cant just keep on handing out cash as earners are on the decline.
actually, the chavs don't bother me as much as funding that german and greek bloody royal, tony blairs and the rest of the useless mps that run the country, and having to pay for an illegal/immoral war.
that is why I resent taxes, I wouldn't mind if it went on doing good.
Johnhunt and Domfjbrown, there are thousands of disabled people who are unable to work, my son is severely disabled and will never be able to work. What happens is my wife gets a car for him and DlA benefit + career's allowance, if she didn't receive these benefits she wouldn't be able to afford to look after him. Now it sickens me when i see a person walking quite fast to his DLA car claiming he cannot walk more than 50 yards, watch out for this yourself when it is raining. A lot of disabled people need extra money to live independent lives and as far as i am concerned there are scum claiming benefits all across the board leaving the needy with less than required.

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