The future of ZeroGain

Just like to add my thanks for the pleasure you have provided me.

There must be someone out there with the were with all to take this on ?

I'd be happy to subscribe to help keep this its one of the only balanced forums on the web.

What can I say that's not already been said? Thanks very much for your efforts in running this site. Along with PFM, ZG has been pretty much a daily read for me. Infact, my current HiFi experiment has been inspired by ZG threads - the Squeezebox from Tom (and Julian's) writing and the Nos DAC from your writings.

Best wishes for resolving your current issues. Hope you come through it all well.


hi, yeah, sorry to hear this - but at the end of the day you have to resolve your personal problems...after all, this is only a forum and to an extent - forum members come and go...

but I do hope that ZG is able to continue in some form or another...
I can offer a solution.

At we have a dedicated server, vb license, etc all ready to go. The forum db can be moved over, the domain can be redirected. Thus it will remain at the same url.

I am happy to keep the ZG forum separate from the enscape forums if that is what people want.

michael - let me know if you would like to do this.

Just a few details: Some advertising would appear (no pop-ups, only a discrete banner) in order to try to cover some of the costs involved. No profit will be made from it. I am checking with the rest of the enscape administration also.
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Dear Michael,

Thanks for all the hard work. It'll be a shame if it goes. ZG in my opinion is the best of the various fora and the least one track of them all. Sincerely hope you sort everything out.

That said - it has been a bit quiet and stale round here of late. Maybe these fora have a natural life. It'd be great if someone does take it off your hands, but if it goes ... well its had a good run and maybe these things eventually come to an end. It will be well remembered if it does go, in no small part down to your efforts.

All the best.

I'd potentially like to offer to learn the ropes in order to help out with the tech admin side of things, although I'd be shying away from full on mod duties as I rarely have time these days to vet every single post.

If some kind of manual poll cast via PMs were required again I'd be happy help coordinate if neccessary.

An expanded mod/admin team seems like a sensible way to go IMO. :)
I would be willing to help in some way to help keep this place running, if it were down to a small financial input, or possibly to help with the running of the place. I don't know how Michael has down somuch on his own with only a couple of mods to help him. I'm sure for now there are plenty of people who would help with this burden if no one steps forward (Thanks Isaac just spotted that) to take over

i'd also like to thank you for the work you have done. Like many others whilst I don't contribute much i do normally make this my first point of call when I get a chance to look at the net.

Echoing the above, I'd be sad to see ZG (and Michael) go - though it would probably save me money in terms of not buying more gear! But it gets into the blood..
I'd say management buyout of some sort would be a good way of saving it..
Thank you for all your efforts and patience Michael. When you get to the other side of your problems maybe the hifi bug will kick in again?

I would not mind paying a small subscription to keep this place going. Alternatively I think could do with some more posting.... especially the classical section (nothing since 16th Jan!).
Repeating all other good wishes for Michael, what ever is going on in your life I hope problems are resloved to your satisfaction.

I came very late to ZG, although I have only been here a couple of months, if it goes I will certailnly miss it.

ZG is to good to let it just fade away.

oh dear, what can I say that hasn't been already said.

If it is the end, it was a great forum with a great mix of people, but I respect what Michael will do, and he did a great balance of moderating, not an easy task at all.

I know what you mean about hifi, its not the be all and end all, and my interest has diminished somewhat, hence the fewer postings. There are other things in life than this curiously obsessive compulsive hobby that demands you change kit all the time.

all the best whatever....
Wish you all the best in the future Michael.

ZG shows a pleasant attitude towards and among its members, and though being a member only recently, it's obvious that you and the mods were responsible for its friendly and sensible exposure.

Most occupations and interests only last a certain space of time, and the need for changes is what drives us ultimately. Hopefully though this forum will live on someway, as new audio generations should have the chance to take advantage of previous experiences and vv.

Thanks Michael, for the effort you put in to this forum. ZeroGain was always entertaining and a lot of people enjoyed the opportunity to chat and share their hobby and their prejudices. I personally found the inane discussions about HiFi a welcome distraction from my personal difficulties last year.

What to do? I vote for putting ZG on ice, the archive option ââ'¬â€œ plus a reference to alternative forums, if they agree.

Michael, you will come out the other side and who knows, maybe you'll rediscover your interest and we'll see ZG again! Take care. Tony
Hope things sort themselves out Michael, I can imagine that the ramblings on here are the last thing you want to think about when life is it often is.
Thanks for putting in so much effort, its appreciated by us all. I hope ZG can ride again in some form and I'm sure it will by the sounds of the positive responses here.
Take care.
I certainly hope ZG will continue. There is clearly a lot of enthusiasm for this place (just look at the astonishing posting and thread stats), and I hope some of the regulars take up the challenge.
I'd like to say a big and personal thank you to Mike for taking up the challenge yourself nearly two years ago and bringing this project (if I may call it that) so far and so successfully since then.
Joel,well said.
Totally agree.
This place has been like a breath of fresh air in comparison to 'other places'.

Good luck. :)
Thanks a lot for ZG Michael.

Many of us agree there are things in life beside HiFi. Carry on with your life.

All the best.

Surely some men of good will will take it from here.
Yeah,well done Mike,good call ,right choice,sort you personal things out first (jodar hifi!!)

Buena suerte,saludo:

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