Well done Mike, etc etc.
However if I may be so bold. Lets just assume there could be a few bob in it, after all zerogain seems like a perfectly usable domain name, why not flog it and make a few bucks?
Believe me in the grand old scheme of things, in a years time when this place is a distant memory your forum will be forgoten Mike, because frankly its just a geeks forum about hifi, I know this is harsh but its true.
I would imagine a few might be PM you now with all the good will in the world, just to flog it on.
It might be worth sod all, there again it might be worth £100 or £200 who knows, sell it and consider it a wage to yourself, because in a years time no one will have given a shit.
Its just a forum mate, its not a baby or a new world, just a forum that after all your hard work might get you enough for a jolly good piss up one night.
BTW PInk Fish seems to be the only UK based hifi forum with any chance right at the moment, again harsh but true so you have been working in a difficult environment, so well done for that.