The future of ZeroGain

Well I have only been using the forum a short period and it's still quite new and novel to me, but if you have been running it for some time I can see how interest must waiver.

Great job though Michael, and like you I too have had (and still do), my share of personal challenges that cause us to think how our priorities are stacked up.

Whatever you decide I hope everything works out for you.
Michael, first and foremost thank you for your great efforts for this forum, which is unique in its art. I can fully repeate the words of Tones, that lovers of classical music like us have a
sort of refuge here, and I will miss it very much.

But I understand fully that personal matters must have your priority.

I hope some way to continue the forum can be found.
Perhaps a new moderator is just what is needed to bring some fresh ideas to this forum.

A Computer help thread - A dedicated Manufacturer Thread, to name a few.

I know it's a thankless task running a forum, but I felt that after the 'Euro Constitution' Thread, that this forum was becoming choked up with yes men,(Penance take a bow), & that as long as you agreed with the mod & his cronies, you where OK to have an Opinion.

I don't want to stir up trouble, especially under the circumstances that the Mod is standing down, but as when Mrs Thatcher was made to stand down, maybe it's time to go.

I didn't always see eye to eye with Michael but I wish you all the best in the Future.

But I still think we should get the hell out of the EEC.

And, of course all the best to the Future Modaerator.

Your opinion means nothing, you are a nasty person with a blinkered view.
I refer you to a previous statement you made towards me in relation to my father being ill -

Originally Posted by Mark67
Things may appear bad for you but you can still find time to poke fun

What goes around comes around

From THIS thread.

I think that is evidence enopugh of your simple and incorrect views on the world.
Even in a thread where most people are showing thier gratitude to the owner of ZG, you still spout your little man idea's.
Sad indeed.
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Markus Sauer said:
FWIW my own take on the matter: either merge ZG and HFP (don't know about the politics involved) or leave ZG as a read-only site for a couple of years.
I retract the first idea. I've just had a look at and I think that on present form, that forum isn't viable.
Oh Dear I seem to have Awoken the Yes men.

Did I not wish Micheal all the best for the future?

As for my Opinion meaning nothing, maybe it doesn't, but I do have one & just because it is different from yours doesn't make me a nasty person.

I did retract the comment about your father at your request, didn't I? It's appears OK for you to poke fun @ someone, but not for someone to poke fun @ you?

Give Yer Head A Big Shake And Grow Up.

Markus Sauer said:
I retract the first idea. I've just had a look at and I think that on present form, that forum isn't viable.

May I ask why, Markus?

Maybe you could reply by PM or in another thread to avoind taking this one of topic.

Mark and Penance, with respect I dont think this is an appropriate thread to relive previous squabbles.

Michael, I can only echo everyone's aforementioned best wishes for a positive resolution for your personal issues. Can I also add my sincere gratitiude for your efforts in establishing and administering this forum. I missed GH when it went and I would certainly miss ZG, it generally has the feel of a strong community in some part due to it's diversity of opinion. ZG is generally great reading, very informative and has certainly helped in my musical enjoyment, whoch after all is what it's all about.

Whilst I have neither the technical know-how nor the time to dedicate to it's running, I would be perfectly happy to make some financial contribution to it's continuation.
Tom Alves said:
Woud you care to expand on this. I'm sure a few of us might take you up on this.
"this" being an expansion of the mod team or a takeover by a consortium of members. What more details would you like to know Tom? My view is that the forum really needs maybe 5 or 6 moderators rather than the 2 or 3 that it currently has. If there were a group of 5 or 6 people (presumably including the current mods minus myself of course) that got together to agree to run the forum then I'd be happy to hand full admin/editorial/creative control over to them.

Isaac's proposal to take over ZG into the fold (maintaining the domain) is also very tempting and doesn't necessarily exclude the option above allthough that would be upto Isaac and the Enscape team. Since enscape's hosting is at (I think) the domain and data transfer would be even easier.

Isaac - I'll be sending you a PM a bit later on.

Soz to get in so late on this, but thanks from me too for all the work, Michael :) As Robbo said, I hope you manage to figure out what needs figuring etc and that it all works out well :)
Apologies for the late reply - but once again, Michael, thanks for all the work and money you have invested into the forum. Hopefully you'll manage to sort things out for the best!
Michael – many thanks for all the efforts you have put in since Zerogain rose from the Groovehandle ashes. It's been a great place to post over the years and I can certainly say I wouldn't have half the great equipment I now own without the friendly advice/information I've gained here.

I'd hope the forum can continue in some form and I must say it wouldn't bother me if, to ensure it's survival, a few discrete links to quality hifi dealers/special hifi offers were included.

I, and I'm sure many others, have noticed your disenchantment with both the subject matter and the forum itself over recent times. It sounds as though there are some very real personal reasons behind this and I wish you well with their resolution. One thing I'm sure of is that the balance and integrity you clearly have will help you to work your problems through to what is hopefully a satisfactory conclusion.


p.s. still not sure about socialists driving BMW M3s mind ;)
Again Michael, many thanks from me for all your hard work. I've only been an occasional poster but have lurked since the old groovehandle days.

Have to admit felt moved to hear it might go under.

All the best.


Many thanks for the tremendous efforts that you've put into running ZG. It's definitely been the best hi-fi forum around, in my view, and I have no doubt that it's your efforts that have made it so.

I hope that some resolution can be found so that the forum continues.

I sincerely wish that the personal issues you mentioned are resolved in the best possible way.

All the best
thank you Michael, i have enjoyed my time on this forum very much, and i hope it will continue in some way, shape or form.

You and i rarely seem to agree on things (right down to whether a vibrating razor makes a difference or not) but i hope that you too have always seen our exchanges as good natured and enjoyable.

Best of luck, and i hope everything turns out well for you.

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