The future of ZeroGain


First of all I hope your personal issues work out and I hope to still "see you around" whatever the outcome.

And as others have said, a big thankyou for the time, MOney and effort you've put into this place. In a forum with many polar views (and with yours sometimes at one extreme of the spectrum) you've often shown neutrality in your MOderating style.

All the best mate

Midlife's personnel manager here - it's about time someone did something about this site so Midlife and the rest of you idle skivers can get back to doing some work during the day, but have to admit Michael has done a top job.

Ms Hilda Natschuff
Head of HR
Matt F said:
One thing I'm sure of is that the balance and integrity you clearly have will help you to work your problems through to what is hopefully a satisfactory conclusion.

Yep, that's Michael, alright!!!

Balance and Integrity... that's why we all can rest assured that Michael will be ok.

Matt F said:
p.s. still not sure about socialists driving BMW M3s mind ;)

That's how balanced Michael is... his integrity will do the rest!
Just to chip in...
I have personally valued zerogain very much. As a resource I find/have found it to be excellent and I hope it can remain online, even if just as a resource, so that others like me in the foot hills of hi-fi can utilise its strong knowledge base.

The various heated debates which have taken place here, which have at times presented Michael with administrative challenges, have also often benefitted the forum considerably. They have typically displayed passion for the subject in question and published strongly contrasting opinions. The upshot has ususally been new information and ideas which would otherwise not have been published and amongst some of them there are real gems. In many ways this has been the strength of ZG, but the price has been several members becoming disillusioned - including, I think, Michael.

Michael - thanks for making the efforts you have made to be positive and balanced as the forum leader/owner. Thanks for being bold enough to present your changing views on hi-fi (cables, etc.) in the knowledge that you woud receive flak - thanks for performing a dilligent job as moderator and just for going to the effort of maintaining the forum itself. The membership is broad and includes many interesting, experienced, quirky and some slightly deranged - but the mix has been compelling.

Michael - I sincerely hope the issues you face in your personal life are resolved positively and if they are not I hope you find the strength you need to deal with the outcome.
Kind regards
Just heard about this... and thought I'd pop back just to say thanks to Mike and the mods, I've learned a lot from this forum, and has in part contributed to the system I have today, as well as met a lot of great folks over here.

Whatever results from this, good luck for the future. :)
Thanks again for all the kind messages...even the ones in Portuguese generated by the babelfish translator ;)

It looks increasingly like ZG will be able to continue essentially unchanged through the offer by Isaac and the guys at to take it over. I'll have more details over the weekend.

Afternoon Michael, that sounds like good news for a Friday

Relative new comer, and this may be planned for already, but could I suggest/request that you retain a permanent seat on the security council, ie right of veto etc.
Quite obviously from the preceding posts, this place (and congratulations/thanks from here as well) will, for some time to come, be associated with your name and endeavors. Having given it your time and attention it deserves to be continued in a manner which is true to it's roots; that's presumably why membership is at the level it is, we like it here.

Nice weekend to all.
michaelab said:
It looks increasingly like ZG will be able to continue essentially unchanged through the offer by Isaac and the guys at to take it over.
Excellent. Props to Isaac for that. Perhaps they will be able to do something about the logo ;-)
Maybe we need to start a forum for ex-forum owners :D
Right, the forum and domain are definitely going to be taken over by the guys at I've given them access to the database and they done some testing with incorporating it on their server and now it's just a question of doing the actual handover. When we actually do that there will be some downtime and for a while there will be some redirection of domains etc involved until all the "technical" transferring is done.

As for who is taking over my role as the main mod and admin of the forum I imagine that will be Isaac plus some of the other enscape guys and of course the existing mods. I will perhaps stay on as a moderator but for the near future at least my actual involvement will be minimal.

joel said:
Maybe we need to start a forum for ex-forum owners

On the subject of mods and admins...

The current moderators will remain in place, with some new additions which I will announce later. Michael is welcome to remain in whatever capacity he chooses... I don't want anyone to feel that we're giving him the boot.

We will try to make things go as smoothly as possible, but please bear with us should there be any hitches.

I will make introductions of some of the enscape staff who will be involved with zg along with the new moderators.
OK it's all happening - we're going to do the handover today at around 3:30pm which means the forum will be down for a little while. In theory it should only take about 30 minutes but these things always take longer than you expect to it will probably be more like an hour.

Whilst the domain handover is pending the URL for the forum will be:

...I'll put a notice and redirect here. Once the domain handover completes the URL will be the same again.


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