The Good The Bad And The Ugly

Hello Steven. Would you like to tell the boys & girls why it is that you use Mana stands? And whatever happened to My Little Pony?
He took a break from public speaking because he became a little hoarse.

A non-hi-fi chap came round to listen the other day and when the bassline kicked in he put his hand on my suspended floor to feel the vibrations from there. There were hardly any. I pointed in the direction of the Mana Sound Bases.
Mana took most of my mid-bass and turned it into deep bass or no bass. And Belgium's not that boring.
Originally posted by Steven Toy
A non-hi-fi chap came round to listen the other day and when the bassline kicked in he put his hand on my suspended floor to feel the vibrations from there.

Strange bloke then was he Steven?
And Belgium's not that boring.

This is interesting news to me, since I have to go to Bruges for a couple of days in the spring. Every part of Belgium I have ever been to (i.e., Brussels) was insanely dull. So what's Bruges like then, anyone know if there's anything to do there once the novelty of mussels and chips has worn off (about 5 minutes)? I'm not much interested in beer, trappist or otherwise, there must be something else to this Belgian business.

-- Ian
Is there an amusing local spirit as an alternative?

I was once presented with a certificate by the Belgian Beer Ambassador to the UK (really), proclaiming me a Belgian Beer Expert, which I got for drinking about a dozen different Belgian beers whilst listening to the ambassador (who looks like the fat one out of Penn and Teller) telling me their history. A wheat and fruit-based experience, largely. Not one I was that impressed by, TBH.

-- Ian

Bruges is fantastic, I had one of my least boring weeks there about a year ago. If only I could remember the name of it, I could recommend a triffic little place to eat run by a very unboring bloke with a penchant for malts. The downside is Bruges is usually full of ghastly tourists. I think Belgium divides roughly as follows: French speaking = intolerably dull; non French speaking = really rather interesting and good fun. They don't speak French with any enthusiasm in Bruges and would far rather you spoke to them in English.


Bruges is a great town with canals, a wonderful main square where you can sit outside and soak up the atmosphere over a nice drink in the evening (if its not too cold in spring) and interesting architecture. I am sure you'll love it.

There may not be too many tourists in springtime too.
Le Plat Pays

Avec la mer du Nord pour dernier terrain vague
Et avec des vagues de dunes pour arrêter les vagues
Et de vagues rochers que les marées dépassent
Et qui ont jamais le coeur à marée basse
Avec infiniment de brumes à venir
Avec le vent de l'est écoutez-le tenir
Le plat pays qui est le mien

Avec des cathédrales pour uniques montagnes
Et de noirs clochers comme mâts de cocagne
Où des diables en pierre décrochent les nuages
Avec le fil des jours pour unique voyage
Et des chemins de pluies pour unique bonsoir
Avec le vent d'ouest écoutez-le vouloir
Le plat pays qui est le mien

Avec un ciel si bas qu'un canal s'est perdu
Avec un ciel si bas qu'il fait l'humilité
Avec un ciel si gris qu'un canal s'est pendu
Avec un ciel si gris qu'il faut lui pardonner
Avec le vent du nord qui vient s'écarteler
Avec le vent du nord écoutez-le craquer
Le plat pays qui est le mien

Avec de l'Italie qui descendrait l'Escaut
Avec Frida la Blonde quand elle devient Margot
Quand les fils de novembre nous reviennent en mai
Quand la plaine est fumante et tremble sous juillet
Quand le vent est au rire quand le vent est au blé
Quand le vent est au sud écoutez-le chanter
Le plat pays qui est le mien

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