Ah, Jacques Brel. Forgot he was a Belge.
-- Ian
-- Ian
Grand Jacques was a genius. The brilliant, mysanthropic poet of the post-war "Golden Years".Originally posted by The Devil
Brel, bloody hell, I rest my case.
Bah.Originally posted by The Devil
I think he's over-rated.
In ENGLISH please - not all of us were clever enough/got on with our French teacher enough/wanted to learn French enough to pass our GCSE's...
In the wearing of Amsterdam
Y has sailors who drink
And who drink and reboivent
And which still reboivent
They drink with the health
Of the whores of Amsterdam
Of Hamburg or besides
Enfin they drink with the ladies
Which give them their pretty body
Which gives them their virtue
For a gold coin
And when they drank well
plant the nose with the sky
are mouchent in stars
And they piss as I cry
Over the inaccurate women
In the wearing of Amsterdam
In the wearing of Amsterdam.