The Manchester hi-fi show

Oh Simon!!! What have you started!!???:duck:

Just to add my penny worth in. I think the dealer was very brave to do a mains cable comparison. I personally wouldn't feel confident to take on that demonstration during a show, There is far too much ambient noise to make any kind of proper judgement.

There is a lot of fuss over nothing and people getting far to upset over things. I wasn't at the show and i don't know what happened but I wouldn't heckle a demonstration especially when the exhibitor has just paid a sum with at least 3 zeros in it. By all means write up about it or have a discussion with the exhibitor but don't undermine him during the demo good or not.

I must say I enjoyed the write up and Simon always say it like it is and will pick up on things.
hifi addict,

That's a very fair post. As I've said already, I have no issue with people not hearing differences. It's the heckling and the suggestion that someone is cynically out to dupe customers into parting with money for something they know themselves is utterly worthless.

The guys at AW genuinely believe in the products they sell. Nobody else is forced to.
How have I been disrespectful to ZG or PFM? I witnessed a couple of guys heckling in a dem who then decide to go public on the internet with their version of events. It matters not where they chose to do this.

If it is going to cause inter-forum squabbles that I definitely don't welcome then I'll happily delete the thread.
I did not say that you had been. I was referring to comments in the thread.
I have deleted a couple of posts. One was mine.

Thank you for doing that and for your comments in the following post:-

why do you idiots always throw around legal threats whenever there is a disagreement?

Far better to simply laugh it off, people will respect you more for it and it'll be forgotten about in a couple of days rather than become forum legend material.
I agree, not the "idiot" part of course.
The guys at AW genuinely believe in the products they sell.

This is of course true of all salemen the world over, Steven, and don't you let those bitter & twisted cynics try to persuade you otherwise. The world is a cruel enough place as it is without these mind-poisoners, and their dirty talk.

<laughter off>
I may be getting some of sq's posts mixed up as he spreads himself across the 'net, but his central point is that the AW is using dodgy techniques to con people out of money. Simple as that. Liable in my book.
I may be getting some of sq's posts mixed up as he spreads himself across the 'net, but his central point is that the AW is using dodgy techniques to con people out of money. Simple as that. Liable in my book.

Let's see Audio Works try to sue. I predict that they won't, because they would have to prove the converse in court, and that might be a tad tricky, to say the very least.

It's a sales technique, as old as the hills.
Never met or spoken to Steven. It does however seem we share a sense of natural justice and respect for others' views. I'm afraid it seems fair game on the 'web to attack well-respected dealers with puerile and self seeking tosh.
I'm afraid it seems fair game on the 'web to attack well-respected dealers with puerile and self seeking tosh.

That's not really how it comes across to me. I've seen several salesmen use this dancing around technique over the years. There's implicit pressure on the patsy/customer to agree to the "improvements" as no-one is keen to admit in public that they can't hear a difference, particularly if it is said to be "obvious". Everyone wants to be seen as a discerning connoisseur. Do you understand?

Define "well-respected dealers"(!) Surely an oxymoron?
It's a sales technique, as old as the hills.
Yeah, the bastards. I've been exposed to their high pressure sales techniques.

The crafty sods lull you in to a false sense of security by letting you listen to loads of gear, drink coffee and chat before waving you goodbye as you as walk out of the shop with your wallet and credit cards unscathed. The feckers! I was so utterly amazed the first time that (like the fool I am) I went back again, and again, and again!

Now what the hell am I supposed to do? I mean, you know where you are with a snotty YTS'er or Saturday lad waiting to pounce with the latest special offer, or a disinterested shop manager telling you to junk your system and start again.

To add insult to injury the gits at AW are enthusiastic about music. WTF! Not only in dems but this Larry bloke organises trips to listen to the Halle or others playing in Manchester. Talk about guilt trip or what. The tw*t actually spends his own time doing that. What a sneaky c**t.

I just can't handle these high pressure sales techniques. They just do my head in.
Yeah, the bastards. I've been exposed to their high pressure sales techniques.

The crafty sods lull you in to a false sense of security by letting you listen to loads of gear, drink coffee and chat before waving you goodbye as you as walk out of the shop with your wallet and credit cards unscathed. The feckers! I was so utterly amazed the first time that (like the fool I am) I went back again, and again, and again!

Now what the hell am I supposed to do? I mean, you know where you are with a snotty YTS'er or Saturday lad waiting to pounce with the latest special offer, or a disinterested shop manager telling you to junk your system and start again.

To add insult to injury the gits at AW are enthusiastic about music. WTF! Not only in dems but this Larry bloke organises trips to listen to the Halle or others playing in Manchester. Talk about guilt trip or what. The tw*t actually spends his own time doing that. What a sneaky c**t.

I just can't handle these high pressure sales techniques. They just do my head in.

Was that supposed to be funny? Aren't you embarrassed? I'll be honest, I felt embarrassed for you.
Was that supposed to be funny? Aren't you embarrassed? I'll be honest, I felt embarrassed for you.

Nope, not embarrassed in the slightest. :p

The days of taking seriously what people say on forums has long passed for me. I just like to sit on the sidelines and poke fun at those who take themselves sooo seriously. It's all just a laugh as far as I'm concerned and I feel much better for it, thank you :JPS:

Chris Frost,
not hiding behind some made up forum name. :D
Thanks for explaining that but...


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