The Manchester hi-fi show

Oh Simon!!! What have you started!!???:duck:

Just to add my penny worth in. I think the dealer was very brave to do a mains cable comparison. I personally wouldn't feel confident to take on that demonstration during a show, There is far too much ambient noise to make any kind of proper judgement.

There is a lot of fuss over nothing and people getting far to upset over things. I wasn't at the show and i don't know what happened but I wouldn't heckle a demonstration especially when the exhibitor has just paid a sum with at least 3 zeros in it. By all means write up about it or have a discussion with the exhibitor but don't undermine him during the demo good or not.

I must say I enjoyed the write up and Simon always say it like it is and will pick up on things.

i'm totally in agreement with the post above.

Steven, i certainly wasn't upset by anything, and neither was i heckling, i never profered my thoughts on the sound until he asked if we could hear it. i'd have been happy to just be sat there enjoying the music if he hadn't asked the question and then said he found the difference 'shocking' and then said if we couldn't hear it we should just give up and sell our hifi.

the implication being that if you couldn't hear the difference you must be deaf or stupid or both.

how about the flip side if you could hear the difference, you are either stupid, gullable or both, it works both ways.

If i went to a shop to listen to gear and the shop guy insisted on dancing in the corner in an offputting way and scowling when 'he' wasn't happy with the music you can be pretty sure i'd say something then.

Do you honestly believe that as a well established shop guy, and no doubt benefitting from several different manufacturers training schemes and demo scripts he doesn't know how to subtlely swing a demo?

oh right, maybe not subtlely...
oh right, maybe not subtlely...

There you have it - not subtly...

Perhaps it's a case of double bluff then. Somehow I doubt it because the world and his dog knows about Steve "Jumping" Jackson. I even made a joking reference to it following my first day out at the Audioworks back in 2003.

If i went to a shop to listen to gear and the shop guy insisted on dancing in the corner in an offputting way and scowling when 'he' wasn't happy with the music you can be pretty sure i'd say something then.

If I'd been distracted by the foot tappery on the part of Steve I'd have said something to him. That first time I allowed myself briefly to be distracted by the shoes on his feet, their colour, shape and materials used as they bobbed about and it just made me smile.

What impresses me most about AW is the time they afford just putting together kit on a quiet monday afternoon, the shared listening to tunes for hours often an hour or so beyond closing time and letting you walk away without spending any money time and time again.

These guys live and breathe music and hi-fi. It's not just to make money. You can be sure that they use what they sell in the shop in their own systems at home.

For example: the Spectral pre I now own came directly from Larry, the owner's home system.

You are entitled to your scepticism and your doubts but I think you should investigate more what they are about before you accuse them of snake oil peddling.

I think it is time to move on from this. You probably are a nice chap, all said and done.
What impresses me most about AW is the time they afford just putting together kit on a quiet monday afternoon, the shared listening to tunes for hours often an hour or so beyond closing time and letting you walk away without spending any money time and time again.

These guys live and breathe music and hi-fi. It's not just to make money. You can be sure that they use what they sell in the shop in their own systems at home.

For example: the Spectral pre I now own came directly from Larry, the owner's home system.
Hook, line & sinker? Yes, and the rod as well! What else would you expect a hi-fi shop to do other than assemble systems, and play music on them? It's pretty obvious that they will be "friendly", and that you won't be spending money every time you visit.

We come in peace, shoot to kill
The amount you guys whittle on about each other's internet exploits on various forums you would think you had shit systems that couldn't hold your attention for more than a millisecond. After a decade, I'd personally be looking to upgrade - and I don't mean the f**king keyboard.
The amount you guys whittle on about each other's internet exploits on various forums you would think you had shit systems that couldn't hold your attention for more than a millisecond. After a decade, I'd personally be looking to upgrade - and I don't mean the f**king keyboard.

So your the guy who did the voice for Buzz Killington in Family Guy.
Manchester hi-fi Show!

The BEST sound by far at the Manchester Show was in the Zouch Audio room, they had the Dali Megaline speakers - Audio Flight 100 stereo amps (2, bi-amping) - Chord Red Reference cd reply - Roksan TMS I've NEVER EVER heard a more open musical sound in my life, amazing actually! Period...

I also really enjoyed the Midland Audio X-Change/Absolute Sounds room, those pair of PrimaLuna Prologue 7 power-amps fitted with KT88's were awesome, (70 watts output), so good that I've recently ordered a pair of the PrimaLuna 7's, should arrive within next day or so.

The Quad roon was really excellent also, great value for money I thought.

Anyone else have views on the PrimaLuna Prologue 7 valve mono-blocks..? Would love to hear their comments please...

best wishes

The BEST sound by far at the Manchester Show was in the Zouch Audio room, they had the Dali Megaline speakers - Audio Flight 100 stereo amps (2, bi-amping) - Chord Red Reference cd reply - Roksan TMS I've NEVER EVER heard a more open musical sound in my life, amazing actually! Period...

I also really enjoyed the Midland Audio X-Change/Absolute Sounds room, those pair of PrimaLuna Prologue 7 power-amps fitted with KT88's were awesome, (70 watts output), so good that I've recently ordered a pair of the PrimaLuna 7's, should arrive within next day or so.

The Quad roon was really excellent also, great value for money I thought.

Anyone else have views on the PrimaLuna Prologue 7 valve mono-blocks..? Would love to hear their comments please...

best wishes


What the hell has that post got to do with personal attacks of the Audioworks?

Oh, sorry, it was a proper post! Sorry I can't shed any opinions on the monoblocks but I found the integrated amps very dull. However, the only true test of any hifi is a home dem.
I thought the Dali room was pretty poor sounding, excessively loud and the speakers were ill matched to the room.

One of the better sounding room, IMO, was the Focal room, small speakers driven by Denson Beat electronics IMSMR.

The Classe/B&W demo was another example of poor matching of equipment to the room IMO. Poor enough sound that was also way too loud. I was disappointed about this as I use Classe monoblocks and was hoping to hear suitable speakers driven by Classe electronics.

The headphones driven by the Naim headphone amp [at the Naim CD counter] sounded pretty good.

I liked the sounds in the DCS room. The stately gentleman there seemed genuinely interested in the music the system reproduced.

Overall impressions sound wise, most rooms played systems too loud, speakers not matched to room, possibly need some acoustic treatment. And the show was spread over too many floors. I felt knackered at the end of the day.

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