The Naim Forum - Time to Come Clean

Mick, I fear you are just using the situation to inflame old scores, besides owning a CDS3 is nothing to shout about I'm afraid, quite the reverse in fact. prhaps an Accuphase Mick? T.

I never mentioned the CDS3, the CDS2 which Dr McPeake owns is an excellent player in its own right.

I was thinking more along the lines of his speakers.


James, you need to refine the 'corner depression' set up method. Poor other James came over the other day and no amount of 'centre lifting' helped. Nontheless, stop chewing those gooseberries; if TC thought my system was crap I'd be thrilled with the knowledge that I was on the right lines.
Dr McPeake

You really must learn not to take things personally.

I cannot recall my system ever being called screechy. Your system has received two seperate criticisms. My view is that your speakers let down what is otherwise a good system.


Sound advice all round, thanks chaps.

The XPS2 thread over there is a riot too, btw. Burndy this way, then the other, new one, old one, one with a pom-pom on, more detail, less music, wife liked it, no she didn't notice after all, or did she?

Phew! a gripping read.
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Briks on the end of Naim are regarded by many as the ideal partnership. ATC's are regarded as non musical and over analytical and hence detract from an otherwise good system.

My advice to Dr McPeake is to look for other speakers.

Whether he takes or ignores my counsell is entirely up to him.


Re: Nonsense

Originally posted by mick parry
ATC's are regarded as non musical and over analytical and hence detract from an otherwise good system.
Regarded in this way by who? Naim dealers? The collective sheep in the green pastures? People who have actually heard a pair?

Honestly Mick, they run rings round [unmodded] isobariks, and they are a speaker to which a gentleman of your calibre should aspire.

If you like ATC speakers, then so be it.

I actually prefer Briks in passive mode, so possibly we are talking about personal taste.

I have heard many speakers on the end of Naim systems and I have concluded that Briks sound better than anything else. They just fill the room with sound that "comes from over there" and it sounds good no matter where you are, ie no sweet spot. To me, they are unbeatable.


Re: Paul

Honestly, you guys :exasperated:

It takes 4 pages of a rather silly threaded argument for someone to say that this is about personal taste. Of course it bl**dy is. That's why the arguments can become so silly.

One person likes ATCs, someone else thinks that the Briks sound unbeatable. One says "active", another "passive". Well, well, well.

So what are you going to do? If you post enough messages do you think the other guy will change his tastes?

I can't help thinking that the key here is acceptance. Let's accept that other people like different sounds to ourselves. End of.

There's plenty of other interesting aspects of hi-fi to discuss, questions to ask, understandings to gain, music to enjoy.

We're on a quest. Would those that know the answers please get off the path - the rest of us don't believe you.
How dare you be so presumptuous


What has this discussion got to do with you. No one was attempting to force their opinions down anybodies throat. Then you come along like some pure and unsullied angel, propogating your holier than thou comments.

I have not criticised Dr McPeake or Paul and neither of them have criticised any other party but you wade in like some pompous windbag trying to outdo Clare Short on taking the moral high ground.

You descend on a happy family like some bloody unwanted relative from hell just stirring the shit.

You have a bloody cheek


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Steve, please forgive Mick, He's still not got over the fact Doug Graham, spent 40 minutes tune demming the chair (whilst seated) in our room at Bristol, whilst smiling in a loud shirt :D he even passed a approving word or 2. You must realise mick has a cds3, so please make your adjustments to compensate for his lack understanding :)
Re: How dare you be so presumptuous

Originally posted by mick parry

What has this discussion got to do with you. No one was attempting to force their opinions down anybodies throat. Then you come along like some pure and unsullied angel, propogating your holier than thou comments.

I have not criticised Dr McPeake or Paul and neither of them have criticised any other party but you wade in like some pompous windbag trying to outdo Clare Short on taking the moral high ground.

Bloody cheek


What has this discussion got to do with me? Nothing except that I started this thread?

Actually, I agree with you. Maybe I did wade in like a pompous windbag. So, apologies for that. I'm in a bad mood tonight. I draw the line way below Clare Short however.

"Pure and unsullied angel" - yup, sounds just like me.

Mind you Mick, I think that "pompous windbag" postings are more effective when they leave out the "Sir" at the beginning.

Good night all.
Re: Re: How dare you be so presumptuous

Originally posted by 7_V
. I'm in a bad mood tonight. I draw the line way below Clare Short however.

Steve, thats pretty basic mate :eek: doesn't get much lower than that, except Peter Mandelson or Alistar Camp-bell :D
Re: Re: Re: How dare you be so presumptuous

Originally posted by wadia-miester
Steve, thats pretty basic mate :eek: doesn't get much lower than that, except Peter Mandelson or Alistar Camp-bell :D
Hey, Ali C's a Burnley supporter and that makes him ok in my book.

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