The Naim Forum - Time to Come Clean

The thing that gets me is that Mr Parry has never heard ATC 100As. Ever. Yet he feels qualified to comment upon them.

Ah well.

P.S. Yes, briks are very good.
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Isobariks vs ATC

I've owned briks.

It's not a fair contest against ATC - especially if you hear them "back to back".

The ATC's win.

What brik owners will find unbelievable is that the ATC's they were up against were Active 10's. In all respects - other than bass extension - the ATC's win hands down. Put a good subwoofer with the 10's and the 'briks don't have a chance.

Frankly though, I'm glad there are guys like Mick out there fervantly spreading the 'brik gospel - I had a believer come by and worship at the alter of my aktiv system, which I then sold to him for a substantial sum of money :)

As for 'briks against 50's (I own these) or 100's, well, you'd have to be a believer to think the briks were better..

If you own 'briks and think they are ultimate speaker, you owe it to yourself to live with a pair of modern speakers for a few weeks...
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Dr McPeake

I have heard ATC 100 speakers in London about 2 years ago.

I accept that it is all a question of taste but I found them far to analytical for comfort. I find Briks produce a more natural sound.

Like I said, if it entirely up to you whether you accept my counsell or not. Two independent listeners have expressed reservations about your system so maybe you should consider alternatives.

I also accept Steves apologies. The main thing is for him not to do it again.


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...entirely up to you whether you accept my counsell or not...


This is new information about your ATC100 experience. In what context? The reason I ask is that two of the worst dealer demos I've experienced involved ATC active 50s and 100s. The supplied stands don't do them many favours.

Two independent listeners have expressed reservations about your system

Yes, but look who they are. One had made his mind up before he arrived, the other is -ah- rather, um, eccentric in his tastes, perhaps? In any case, my system exists to please me and Kathie, and not necessarily anybody else. If other people like it, fair enough, if they don't, well that's OK too.

OTOH, I have heard Isobariks in many different domestic settings, for long periods. I can see the attraction, and I actually quite like them, up to a point, but they are nowhere near as good as the ATCs in my opinion. Isobariks are very, very cheap to buy, and if I wanted a pair, well, I'd buy them.
Dr McPeake

So why not buy a pair of Briks and try them out. If you prefer your ATC's, sell the Briks on.


Really don't mind if I sit this one out.
My speakers they whisper -- some like theirs to SHOUT.
They may make you feel but they can't make you think.
And pointless discussion will drive us to drink.
Some have evident wellness of heels as
they grease all the Salisbury wheels but
they find what some speakers reveals is not slick as a Brik.

(with apologies to Ian Anderson)

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