The pet hate thread

Here are mine

1) Tony Wilson - You didn;t want the Haceinda to be built but took all the credit for it when it was, you didn't sign the Smiths, you nearly ran me over once

2) Scallies - No explanation needed

3) Cheapo mini systems - Bad for the environment

4) One man cars driving in the city centre when they can easily get the bus like most sane people do, its quicker and far cheaper but if you insist in causing traffic and driving round 3 hours until you find a parking space.

5) Labour - All they care about is London and the rest of the country can get stuffed.

6) Dixons - They charge £15 for an 80p USB lead - enough said.

7) Clubs that play commerical music

8) Not having anything to moan about

9) The weather

10) Simply Red.
Riiiight....been compiling a list. This is a work in progress :D :

- Eurosceptics
- middle lane hoggers
- tailgaters
- people who don't move when the traffic light changes to green
- people who walk too slowly and block the pavement
- The Daily Mail and The Daily Express
- anyone using BA Online Checkin to reserve MY favourite seat on the plane before I get a chance to do it
- people who bring crate sized suitcases (and a briefcase, and a big laptop bag) onto the plane as hand luggage using up the space for everyone else
- airline staff who let people do the above
- people who dive into a lift just as it's closing
- lifts where the "close doors and let's get a move on" button has no effect (like in our office :mad: )
- tourists (here in Lisbon) who don't buy pre-payed tram tickets and then all they have is a 20 Euro note
- large groups of the above, delaying the tram for ages
- people who assume that everyone in the world speaks English, and that if they don't, speaking louder or as if to a young child, will help
- English tourists in the Costa del Sol or Algarve who just want "England, but with sun"
- English bars, restaurants and clubs in the Costa del Sol or Algarve that cater to the philistines above
- English people who've lived in Portugal for 20 years, don't speak a word of Portuguese and spend their entire life in English ex-pat bars and clubs.
- English ex-pats anywhere in the world (esp. Dubai) who only go there to hang out with other English people, earn loads of dosh and play golf
- People who play golf, esp. businessmen who do it to "network" but can't play to save their lives, yet have all the gear and a set of clubs that Tiger Woods would be proud of
- Golf
- Golf courses
- people who go skiing for the aprés-ski
- people who go skiiing and can't ski and are proud of it
- people who go skiing and think that a couple of blue runs in the morning, a 3 hour lunch and a couple more blues in the afternoon is "an epic day".
- skiing beginners who get in your way
- people who fall off on the drag lift infront of you
- snowboarders

tee hee.

current uk house prices.
current uk interest rates.
the fact that i haven't won the lottery even though i rarely do it.
american foreign policy.
willful ignorance.
people who use others as an emotional crutch to prop up their ego.
all news media.
political correctness.
people who don't aprieciate toilet humor.
public transport.
govornment spending on unnecessary things.
being in polit company and feeling unable to say 'f*ck' as much as i want to.
people not getting to the point straight away.
faux feminism.
binge drinkers.
parents who can't.
my ex wife.
lawn grass - and having to cut it every 3 weeks. - actually gardening in general.
people who don;t see things my way even though i've devoted a significant amount of time to present a logical argument to show why they should.
untested software.
software pirates.
being stuck in a rut.
the fact that i have to sleep.
the fact that one day i will die.
bloody dogs - especially those little bathmat looking gits who yap at you and get under your feet. bastards.

wife beaters
larger louts
willy wavers
lazy w@nkers
Terrance brown (WHU MD)
Incompatent drivers
You guys take life far too seriously, get out the rat race,
Just 2 partial gripes, Woman should look like woman (feminine), not blokes with tits & FMJ Knickers on. Or stick insects with lip gloss and eye liner and 2 sheets of chiffion costing as much as bubs mana pile
And Jeans should be banned in the summer.
I hate cars too, they are evil things that cause traffic jams. Actually I like cars, just as longs as peopple don't have the cheek to drive them on public roads.
Obessive ferrite worship & gospel spreading, being told Its "all in my head" (I've known this from birth, so I don't need reminding!) Coffin' dodgers on a Thursaday morning at the P.O. (if you've found an open one) when you're trying to post that urgent parcel.
People that use the internet and 'think too much for themselves' Knowledge is a dangerious thing' oh yes on this forum for sure.
Trains & Buses (at least the morons that operate them and bugger about with the service for f*** all reason other than to make themselves look good and gain a payrise at the commuters expense)
David Beckham
Chart Pop Music
Excessive sport coverage on TV... has there been anything else on at all this summer?
Big Brother and all these other so called "reality" programmes. Honestly, they're about as real as Jordan's chest and about as dull and pukeworthy.
Radio 1.
Irresponsible pet owners who leave their animals shut in all day/let them crap everywhere in the street/buy pets for Christmas and dump them within a week.
Football clubs being able to evade bankruptcy where any other company would be wound up with debts of a certain scale and no assets... Exeter City survived this and the fans seem to think they have a right to... yet only 3 and a dog go every Saturday...
Sgt Rock said:
What's so wrong with SMTP, it could be worse like x.400 :D

Jon Postel neglected to make authentication a requirement to send mail. If he had, spam wouldn't be such a problem. Bleedin' academics!

-- Ian
People who deliberately walk straight at you in towns and make no effort to at least try and let you past.
Chav mothers who run you over with buggies
Chavs walking around with no top on - do we really want to see your pale, skinny, smack-ridden body? No, we ****ing dont.
People who blatantly do a stupid mistake when they are driving, and then have a go at YOU for it. They should be put down.
Cats - I am allergic, I dont like them and they crap on our property.
Hay fever - that sucks
Speed cameras on safe stretches of road, or hidden mobile cameras just after speed limits reduce, and also all the anti-speed propoganda that goes with it
People who arse-lick other people at work, drives me mad.
People who go out for no other reason than to cause trouble.
The council who decides to roadwork every single road in Newcastle and Gateshead at the same time, like they've done now, causing month after month of horrific congestion.
People who get offended by swear words or toilet humour.
The tossers who work in the transport section who have made sure that travelling into the city is even worse than it had to be.
People who are sheep and cannot think for themselves, and do what everyone else does without questioning it.
Some of the tosser students in Newcastle who think the place is a dump and that they are better than everyone else - why not **** off then.
People who whinge about the quality of the food in the canteen, but still buy the stuff every day when there is a shop across the road that absolutely puts it to shame, and is cheaper.
Blond women who suck their way to the top.
Seeing stupid idiots do things like "tight-rope-walking" on a kerb right next to a busy road - if they fall under someones wheels, no doubt the driver will get the blame.
Cyclists who have no regard for the highway code, and blame the motorist for everything.
Women complaining they "have a belly" when its flatter than an ironing board. You wanna see a belly? Heres a belly, and while your at it, have a look at this as well.... ;)
People who play golf just to get in with the managers.

I'm sure I'll think of more...
amazingtrade said:
I hate cars too, they are evil things that cause traffic jams. Actually I like cars, just as longs as peopple don't have the cheek to drive them on public roads.

With all due respect, we pay for the roads. I think I've just found another pet hate!

Also like to add that public transport sucks cock. Overpriced, uncomfortable and shit.
I was joking about the public roads thing, I was being sarcastic. As for being over priced I am currently paying £2.50 a week for the buses, I can go on as many as I want and travel as as Derbyshire with it. The buses on the commercial routes (like near me) are every 3 minutes or better, on the main student road the buses are literely every 25 seconds.

I also have not ever experienced any problems with the trains either. I admit in some parts of the country the bus service is quite poor.
I pay £2 to travel 6 miles from my home near Birtley to Newcastle city centre, and get to sit (if I'm lucky) in a seat that would barely have enough leg room for a 6 year old, let alone a big fat bastard like me, and get to share the bus with annoying chavs and smelly old fat women.

Also, there is 2 buses an hour, and thats if they turn up.

I'll stick to me car, thank ya :D
This may take a whileââ'¬Â¦

Chavs shouting ââ'¬Å"Taxiââ'¬Â outside my flat at 2.40am.
Chavs beating up their girlfriends outside my flat at 2.40am.
Chavs doing anything at any time anywhere, especially outside my flat at 2.40am.
Merseyrail (where I am frequently the only person not in chav-crap sportsware).
IRQ conflicts.
G. W. Bush.
Silly heavy metal guitars with pointy headstocks.
LP12s that take 4 hours to get a good bounce out of.
Dull bass strings.
Geoffrey Archer.
Stylus fluff.
Queuing for 35 minutes at the post office to mail out parcels.
Queuing for 35 minutes at the post office behind chav twats.
Baseball caps.
Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Any other God.
Simon Cowell.
Stinky dogs.
Pavement pizza.
Digital compression.
Pop Idol.
Fame Academy.
Chav bands.
R 'n' B being both shite and not actually R 'n' B.
Oliver Lettwin.
Alpha males.
The day after far too much Absinth.
Mick Hucknall.
TV soaps.
That total twat who presented the BB Eforum.
The BBC coverage of Glastonbury last year not showing Sigur Ros.
Donald Rumsfeld.
Ordering vegetarian food in a restaurant and finding bits of meat in it.


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