geeez Dom I thought my list was long, but it would seem I left quite a few off there, total class!
Time to add some more I think
People who screw the benifits system and make a living off it, yes this DOES happen, and its OUR effing money.
Car drivers with bad road manors, who pull our in front or cut you up, and I suppose if I hit them it would be my fault - assholes.
Council Planning departments, interprit the guidlines how they like, tossers.
Toriests who don't know the meaning of QUEUE.
The Media, always getting the wrong end of the stick and messing up people's lives when most of us couldn't give a shit anyway.
Telewest TV, crap cables boxes that freeze every 10 minutes and take an hour to change channel.
Michel Schumacher, Make F1 interesting again, ban this guy from racing or better still stick him in a Manardi! See how well he does then!
the speed of the internet, or rather lack there off, I'm in a 8mb backbone and its still SLOW.
Customers who don't know if their shitting, showering or shaving, god make a choice and stick to it!
Sash windows, they rattle, drafty and yet people still want them, like WHY!
People who insist on having a Period house, look we live in the 21st centry, we should be moving forward not Backwards!
Builders who say they'll drop a quote in but don't and you have to keep chasing them,
My Wife's family, grrr, they drive me nuts!
Ebay sellers who sell faulty items as new and then don't return your emails.
Mens, so called, Fashon, mens clothes suck, unless you like, black, grey or white, ya really exciting.
Tie's, a health hazard, I refuse to wear one.
The whole "looking smart for work" bull, I sit behind a desk, what difference does it make?
I think that'll do for today.