The pet hate thread

My pet hate , at least my current one, is the Kenco coffee 'rappor' kenco obviously think that most of their customers are stupid

julian2002 said:
god i just realised i sounded just like mick parry there. i'm so sorry everyone.


I believe it's treatable, possibly even surgically removable.
I've just remembered another one - Lexus style light clusters on any car except a Lexus, looks crap, so why does everyone who mods a car seem to do it?
Are you SURE you want me in on THIS one?

  • Whistling
  • Abba
  • Piezo electric beepers - they're in EVERYTHING from phones to keyrings, and they're at that one frequency that sets me off!)
  • That INCREDIBLY loud woman across the floorplate from me at work - she needs a sock in her gob!
  • Middle management - remove the lazy tossers, and save the NHS and public sector. You're SUPPOSED to WORK, not hold endless pointless meetings. Slackers - and they get paid MORE than the worker ants for that. Assholes.
  • The UK - we've been to the dogs since the 60s thanks to the pinko brigade
  • Lowlife scum who know their "rights" while they burglarise your house, then get given a nice foreign holiday and sympathy for the emotional trauma they suffered when you dared to knife one of them for threatening your little daughter and wife (well, it'll GO that way - let's face it; Tony Martin - we salute you!)
  • Criminal Justice Bill - what justice?
  • Equality - women want it, and still expect the man to change the lightbulbs and unscrew the jars, then get arsey when you hold the door open for them.
  • Dogs - well all bar about 2 that I've met anyway
  • Chavs
  • Children - unless brought up properly
  • Mathematics - computers were designed for a reason!
  • Tax - why do we pay into the NHS to only have to pay for everything again - get those lazy Dole scroungers off their asses and into work)
  • BOGUS asylum seekers/ILLEGAL immigrants (nothing against genuine ones - all 10% of them)
  • People who moan and whine, then don't do anything to solve their situation (my sister, in other words - fat bitch that she is)
  • Buddweiser - King of beers my arse - prince of p*ss morelike
  • Mobile phone ringtones
  • Mobile phones at work
  • Cyclists who ride on the pavement at night with no lights or helmet
  • Car drivers who moan about the weather - most of that climate screw up is YOUR FAULT guys!
  • Mothers in 4x4s - good one, Will
  • ...but, people whinging about speed cameras - you drive in the speedlimit, you don't have a problem - what's the big deal???
  • Career women
  • Labour
  • Conservative
  • George W
  • Rechargeable batteries - they always die when you most need them
  • Sweetcorn - why is it ALWAYS in mixed veg?
  • Washing/washing up/hoovering - when will that robot, promised in the 60s, come out that can do all this? (and don't say "get a wife" - he he - it's still 50/50 split and there's DOUBLE the work then!
  • TV adverts - one, they're all about cars or families, and two, they're always 5000dB louder than the programmes
  • Hot weather when you're at work
  • Debt
  • Speed of modern life
  • Pollution
  • Media coverage of "news", like David Blunkett getting a woman up the duff - who gives a sh**?
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PBirkett said:
People who deliberately walk straight at you in towns and make no effort to at least try and let you past.
Chav mothers who run you over with buggies

That's the advantage of a symbol cane and being partially sighted - I broadside them at full speed and ignore their indignant moans - if they can't see my cane why should I see them? ;) Never tried walking over a buggy though - even I have more feelings for scummy little vermin (chav children) then that!

PBirkett said:
Blond women who suck their way to the top.
Women complaining they "have a belly" when its flatter than an ironing board. You wanna see a belly? Heres a belly, and while your at it, have a look at this as well.... ;)

<Finchy mode>"While yer down there, love!"</>

Dam right about the women who sleep their way to the top - I call that inverse sexual harrassment.
ilockyer said:
One thing we've all forgotten, and is far worse than all of the above....

WASPS! Evil little black and yellow hooped bastards! They should be extinct.

Yeah - forgot about that - they go for my eyes (it's the eyedrops I use) so I tend to kill them if I can - and I usually don't try to kill anything - even moths and flies get trapped and let outdoors, but wasps? No way. Evil little sh*ts!

The only good wasp is a 1980s metal band!

I've got some more - well, all in one really:
People who can't use CapITaL LeTTeRs properly in document titles - initial and full caps is bloody hard to read or is deemed to be shouting. Also, those who can't use words properly, such as:
  • It's - its
  • Where's - wears
  • Sell - Sale
  • Their - There
  • Weather - Whether
  • Your - You're

Oh - and God as well. How the hell a fairytale can sell that many copies, be so full of inconsistencies, and still be deemed by some to be the manual we should be using to lead our lives is fekking beyond me. People should read the "Celestine Prophecy" instead and try something new. Also, religion gave us the epic WORST RHYMING PAIR ever:
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geeez Dom I thought my list was long, but it would seem I left quite a few off there, total class!

Time to add some more I think

People who screw the benifits system and make a living off it, yes this DOES happen, and its OUR effing money.
Car drivers with bad road manors, who pull our in front or cut you up, and I suppose if I hit them it would be my fault - assholes.
Council Planning departments, interprit the guidlines how they like, tossers.
Toriests who don't know the meaning of QUEUE.
The Media, always getting the wrong end of the stick and messing up people's lives when most of us couldn't give a shit anyway.
Telewest TV, crap cables boxes that freeze every 10 minutes and take an hour to change channel.
Michel Schumacher, Make F1 interesting again, ban this guy from racing or better still stick him in a Manardi! See how well he does then!
the speed of the internet, or rather lack there off, I'm in a 8mb backbone and its still SLOW.
Customers who don't know if their shitting, showering or shaving, god make a choice and stick to it!
Sash windows, they rattle, drafty and yet people still want them, like WHY!
People who insist on having a Period house, look we live in the 21st centry, we should be moving forward not Backwards!
Builders who say they'll drop a quote in but don't and you have to keep chasing them,
My Wife's family, grrr, they drive me nuts!
Ebay sellers who sell faulty items as new and then don't return your emails.
Mens, so called, Fashon, mens clothes suck, unless you like, black, grey or white, ya really exciting.
Tie's, a health hazard, I refuse to wear one.
The whole "looking smart for work" bull, I sit behind a desk, what difference does it make?

I think that'll do for today.
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ok some other pet hates:

1) This crap people called RNB which is not, its just girls dressed in short skirts with some clever american producer creating the music.


3) The BNP/Racism

4) Flying

5) Alistair Darling, Charles Kennedy, Tony Blair

6) Simon Cowardall.
lhatkins said:
Michel Schumacher, Make F1 interesting again, ban this guy from racing or better still stick him in a Manardi! See how well he does then!

The problem is, they did, or rather, he did that to himself by signing for Ferrari, when the team was in the doldrums with an underpowered, evil-handling monstrosity of a car - and he won three times that first year, including lapping most of the field (or was it all the field?) in pouring rain in Spain in a car running on nine cylinders!
Religious leaders

The tabloid press


Middle-laners who convert a perfectly good three-lane road into a two-lane one, with an empty left-hand lane and everyone else bunched-up trying to get past them on the right.
Can I have some more?

Esure TV ads that feature total twunts (i.e. all of them).
80s 'bouffant rock'.
'Adult Oriented Rock.
Mc Donald's.
Vandalised bus seats.
Pot holes in roads.
Busses that cut up cyclists.
Cars that cut up cyclists.
Drug dealer's BMWs.
Drug dealers BMWs with 15ââ'¬Â subs set to '11'.
Hatchbacks with 15ââ'¬Â subs set to '11'.
Cars with silly pointless blue LEDs on the bottom.
Crap cars with aftermarket alloys and spoilers.
Railtrack (killing people though negligence is never an acceptable loss).
Virgin Trains (since when has a free cup of shit coffee been compensation for being 4 hours late?).
Private Finance Initiative.
Football fans.
Jazz-rock / fusion.
'Brit Art'.
Dog shit.
Microsoft Exchange Server / Outlook / Outlook Express (the global virus delivery system).
Daytime TV ambulance chaser / loan shark ads.
The TV watershed (it is up to parents to monitor their bloody kids, why should I play a part?).
Crap parents.
Smelly hot and packed tube trains.
Screaming children on trains.
Showing morons how to use MS Office.
The London Underground Train Drivers Union (25k is more than enough, it's not like you have to steer round corners or anythingââ'¬Â¦).
Thin Ethernet peer to peer networks.
Urban regeneration that drives second hand record shops / charity shops off the high street and replaces them with Starbucks.
Pub chains (why does every town need totally identical pubs?).
The Masonic Lodge.
Chavs who keep Dobermans in 17th floor council flats.
The BNP.
CDs that make a loud mechanical ticking noise yet still play.
CDs that make a loud mechanical ticking noise and don't play.
The Beatles Museum.
The need for yet another remaster of Kind of Blue.
The lack of Krautrock classics currently being reissued.
IBM PS2 series MCA boot disks.
Jade Goody.
TV Chefs.

tones said:
The problem is, they did, or rather, he did that to himself by signing for Ferrari, when the team was in the doldrums with an underpowered, evil-handling monstrosity of a car - and he won three times that first year, including lapping most of the field (or was it all the field?) in pouring rain in Spain in a car running on nine cylinders!

True, but then Ferrari has money, Manardi don't so thee is no chance of him "improving " the car, so hopefully he'll only get 1/2 way up the grid at best.
The Devil said:
Religious leaders

The tabloid press


Middle-laners who convert a perfectly good three-lane road into a two-lane one, with an empty left-hand lane and everyone else bunched-up trying to get past them on the right.

At least there is no chance of US as in Vegetarians getting BSE/CJD, how ya like that.
I Hate ââ'¬â€œ

People who won't stop talking, Yak Yak All day long.

People who stand really close to you when they are talking.

Unwashed, Loud, Yobbo's who push in @ the bar with no thought for other people.

Football, Rugby, Formula 1, most sports really.

Pubs that have the TV on ââ'¬â€œ If you wanna watch TV stay @ home.

Noisy Children who will not do as they are told.

Parents who do not discipline their loutish children.

Pushy sales people who pounce as soon as you walk through the door.

Dogs & their owners who let them shit anywhere.

All things Euro and the people who think it would be good for me ââ'¬â€œ How the F*/*- do you know what is good for me.

Foreigners who like to tell us what the UK can and cannot do.

European Immigration Law ââ'¬â€œ Why do we have to take the most?

Countries who have got a never-ending begging bowl.

Mayor Of London

UK Welfare System

England football supporters who are on holiday, You are an embarrassment ââ'¬â€œ Christ it's only game played by overpaid talent less Dickheads who rely on morons paying absurd admission fees to see them.

People who wear football shirts ââ'¬â€œ Scruffy Gits.

Companies who make the British working man redundant, then F/**-Off to cheap labour countries and ruin people's live for the sake of a few quid.

Chewing gum and those who chew it all day long.

Indian Food and its stench.


Eco Friendly People.

And lastly

TonyL said:
Can I have some more?

IBM PS2 series MCA boot disks.

Yours really made me laugh especialy this one. Those computers are 16 years old, surely you can forgive IBM for producing the ill fated MCA bus now? It did also take 5 years for the other companies to come with an alternative I.E PCI.

I remember buying a PS/2 model 55, it was a 386DX25 as far as I remember with 4MB RAM. I bought it dirt cheap because some idiot had "killed" it by trying to put Windows 95 onto it.

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