The pet hate thread

most of the things everyone has already mentioned, and of course

people :D

celebrity bollux, jumped up nobody's who think they are someone.

young rich types who think they are someone

house prices

crowing wankers


policitical correctness for the sake of it. sure the idea is fine.

all the bloody immigrants who have disappeared. send em back, scroungers, not the genuine ones or workers

the legal system, justice or the lack of thereof.

traffic, queues, london would be great if you killed 3/4 of the people.

media, marketing men advertising, computer people who have no morals and invade your property, pop-ups

people who bump you with a shopping trolley to move you on

mana addicts :D joking

anyone who thinks different to me :D joking

tabloid readers

gangsta music culture, not frank sinatra or the other waps

english weather

english cheap shit food and the whole english cheapness culture
just look at continental chocolate, beers, and all that

people with foreign homes, people with 2 homes

human nature


managers esp public sector useless twats

cheap tv...soaps, reality crap, big brother, simon cowell big style, kill him :mad:

people who slavishly follow rules at the expense of compassion and understanding, read civil servants, brainless twats

lawyers, most
I'm not racialist, I hate everyone equally :D

modernisers and wasters of money, read idiots who want to revamp liverpool and those stupid lottery wastes of cash in london. what a load of fockin idiots
my god is it any wonder the world is a mess actually doing some of the public revamp stuff. use the cash to improve people's lives, not just showpiece shite, eden project excepted

what do I really hate?? not getting what I want!! how's that in a nutshell?
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Mick Hucknall isn't very popular either

My biggest pet hate at the moment though is Labour. Anything outside of London dosn't count attitude.

My main pet hate is people driving into & damaging my car. :mad:

Edited out.
I'm in a very miserable, self pitying, morose and beligerent mood tonight, and so shouldn't be playing with fire. This thread is going to get very nasty , unfunny and ugly as time goes on and so i've decided not to play anymore. Life's too short. Have fun.

All my tongue in cheek comments have been removed from earlier posts, i just can't be arsed.
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Bullies, tyrants and europhiles.
Big fat bastards.
Dial-a-Skip doing their noisy stuff outside my house at 7.00am.
Robotic rule enforcement.
People who cannot even approach racing speed on the road.

Sid, I have feeling you might be right about the direction this thread might take. I'm also glad to hear your comments were tongue in cheek ;)

I'm really sorry about your dog :(

One thing we've all forgotten, and is far worse than all of the above....

WASPS! Evil little black and yellow hooped bastards! They should be extinct.
Thanks, Paul, I also found this definition:

Chav :- Cheltenham Average
More common than flys around shit, often wear burberry and are mistaken for intelligent life. Many of these sub-speiced humaniods gather around sertain locations about the towns and cities of Gloustershire, the most common of all locations is McDonalds. Easily spotted, look for fake gold, the ord Nike on clothing. Listen for the mispronouciation of childs words.
e.g isn't it, this is spoken as innit, and Friend becomes mush, or bruv, though many of them say they could "fukin batter ya" most of them couldn't even batter a fish. To spot a chav, be it male or female, (there is very little difference between the two) look for hair that is shorter than freshly cut grass, the inability to grow over 5 ft and the lack of education. If approuched by one of these humaniod Twats, simply reply with a smart comment or use a big word, such as car, or bus, or floor, mostly they will become confused and walk off, in rare occasions the have been known to attempt to harm people to little effect. It is well known that chavs have little or no friends, just a "crew" of mockly idiotic fools with brand name clothes and there trousers tucked into there socks, also see pikey or townie
Do not be fooled by there Humanoid looks, they are of another race, mainly scum

Can't say I've observed any in Swizzieland.
I think the chav originated in the north east - they've featured in Viz for a good while, and we've called them chavers for over 10 years up here. Unfortunately, it appears they've spread like a plague to everywhere else.
to be honest they've always existed. even in the tiny rural village i grew up in there were / are chav's (although we didn't have a specific name for them). the thing was that there was always some aspiration to become 'not a chav' or if they really tried 'normal'. nowadays being a chav is deemed socially acceptable by the marketeers and media with the clothing and pop music industry leading the pack in keeping the tossers happy with their lot. political correctness has a huge amount to answer for. if it was ok to say to a chav - look your life sucks, you have no purpose or reason, get a grip, a job and look to improve yourself. unfortunately this makes one a chavist and so is no longer acceptable mores the pity.

Your probably right Ju, its just we've always had the name for them up here, I guess thats why...

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