Lt Cdr Data
most of the things everyone has already mentioned, and of course
celebrity bollux, jumped up nobody's who think they are someone.
young rich types who think they are someone
house prices
crowing wankers
policitical correctness for the sake of it. sure the idea is fine.
all the bloody immigrants who have disappeared. send em back, scroungers, not the genuine ones or workers
the legal system, justice or the lack of thereof.
traffic, queues, london would be great if you killed 3/4 of the people.
media, marketing men advertising, computer people who have no morals and invade your property, pop-ups
people who bump you with a shopping trolley to move you on
mana addicts
anyone who thinks different to me
tabloid readers
gangsta music culture, not frank sinatra or the other waps
english weather
english cheap shit food and the whole english cheapness culture
just look at continental chocolate, beers, and all that
people with foreign homes, people with 2 homes
human nature
managers esp public sector useless twats
cheap tv...soaps, reality crap, big brother, simon cowell big style, kill him
people who slavishly follow rules at the expense of compassion and understanding, read civil servants, brainless twats
lawyers, most
I'm not racialist, I hate everyone equally
modernisers and wasters of money, read idiots who want to revamp liverpool and those stupid lottery wastes of cash in london. what a load of fockin idiots
my god is it any wonder the world is a mess actually doing some of the public revamp stuff. use the cash to improve people's lives, not just showpiece shite, eden project excepted
what do I really hate?? not getting what I want!! how's that in a nutshell?

celebrity bollux, jumped up nobody's who think they are someone.
young rich types who think they are someone
house prices
crowing wankers
policitical correctness for the sake of it. sure the idea is fine.
all the bloody immigrants who have disappeared. send em back, scroungers, not the genuine ones or workers
the legal system, justice or the lack of thereof.
traffic, queues, london would be great if you killed 3/4 of the people.
media, marketing men advertising, computer people who have no morals and invade your property, pop-ups
people who bump you with a shopping trolley to move you on
mana addicts

anyone who thinks different to me

tabloid readers
gangsta music culture, not frank sinatra or the other waps
english weather
english cheap shit food and the whole english cheapness culture
just look at continental chocolate, beers, and all that
people with foreign homes, people with 2 homes
human nature
managers esp public sector useless twats
cheap tv...soaps, reality crap, big brother, simon cowell big style, kill him

people who slavishly follow rules at the expense of compassion and understanding, read civil servants, brainless twats
lawyers, most
I'm not racialist, I hate everyone equally

modernisers and wasters of money, read idiots who want to revamp liverpool and those stupid lottery wastes of cash in london. what a load of fockin idiots
my god is it any wonder the world is a mess actually doing some of the public revamp stuff. use the cash to improve people's lives, not just showpiece shite, eden project excepted
what do I really hate?? not getting what I want!! how's that in a nutshell?
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