compulsive cantater
Originally posted by domfjbrown
LP12s are laughable devices; I mean, if you walk near one it jumps; they warble like f*** too if disturbed; a wall shelf is the only way you can begin to attempt to coax a stable sound out of them.
Dom, why not just say, "I don't like LP12s and I'll take the flimsiest accusations and exaggerate them out of all proportion" and have done?
I happen to have one of these terrible things. Some points from around 6 years of ownership:
- it does not jump when I go near it
- it never warbles, ever, and the sound is rock-solid stable, always.
- it does none of these things while not sitting on a wall shelf, or on any kind of dedicated support but on top of a cabinet.
Moreover, it performs without any need for major adjustment.
I am not saying that the LP12 is the best deck on the planet, but it is a darn good one. So, why go on rehashing these sorry old myths all the time? Naturally, you have the perfect right to do so, but in doing so you only demolish your own credibility. Naturally, you also have the right to do that. It sounds as if you have had one experience with a poor specimen perhaps on a very wobbly floor; fine, but you shouldn't extrapolate that to cover all LP12s.
P.S. I also haven't detected this "bass hump" in all my listening, so I assume that this is also a myth.
P.P.S. This was written before I saw your other mail. OK, so you've heard two, but I personally can vouch for the fact that Linn made more than two. Why can you not accept that there are LP12s that do NOT behave the way you'd clearly like them to?
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