
I guess that any amp with a proper tonal palatte will sound 'lush' compared to the greyness and sterility of a bryston/PMC combo. I suppose some people just dont have very high aspirations.
I beleive someone already said that in almost exactly the same words. Nice edit though! It wasnt true then either. I beleive accurate and low distortion is the phrase you are looking for. My aspirations are not "high" or "lush" - they are totally for accuracy. I was wondering when wadia shmeister would show up... good evening tony! I assume you will be picking on both sides as the opportunity presents itself? ;)
brizonbiovizier said:
I beleive accurate and low distortion is the phrase you are looking for.
I'd class that as putting your words in someones mouth.

Linearity and low distortion are two things I'd say are to be expected from most decent valve amps, the core reasons people choose valves over solid state as far as I understood.
Absolutely, Greg. An example where valve amps hold the whip hand over solid state IME would be the subtle low level dynamic inflections that valve amps can reproduce. These make the music much more compelling and are completely lost on many solid state amps such as the Bryston.

anyway, lets get back to turntables. The brinkmann is the best TT on the planet, or so I have heard.
Hmm.. both have different kinds of distortion. I have yet to hear a valve power amp that floats my boat though.

BBV if you do want accuracy have a home demo of the MEG RL-901K. Thorsten and I heard them against some PMC IB2's with a 4B-SST and the MEGs beat them down with a big stick! At only £8k for active large format monitors you would do well to hear them before changing your rig around to active. Might want a sub to extend below 30Hz though.

You will find them at KMR Audio on High Road, Whetstone.
I've never heard one, but according to 'experts' that frequent internet forums, they are the best.

Me, I'll stick with my ****ty little CD player.

I'm saddened by the fact your none the wiser than I on this earth shattering matter,
To whom prey tell do we seek such ancient and revered wisdom?
I am now sinking into deep regression
Linearity and low distortion are two things I'd say are to be expected from most decent valve amps, the core reasons people choose valves over solid state as far as I understood.
'Linearity and low distortion' are the two things that are generally absent from all valve amps. People surely choose valve amps because they are non-linear, especially those with a low power output or with a single ended and/or low feedback topology.

Paul Ranson said:
'Linearity and low distortion' are the two things that are generally absent from all valve amps. People surely choose valve amps because they are non-linear, especially those with a low power output or with a single ended and/or low feedback topology.

Which people? Which amps?
Linearity and low distortion? Hmm... Are you referring to the mythical "microdynamics" that like "inner detail" is a mythical invention of mags to sell extremely expensive amps with built in fancy light displays?

Tenson - perhaps I can come along and listen to a meg next time you get an opprtunity? Do they do their own electronics?

Looks like you brought your posse wadia ;) Shame you shot yourself in the foot with your prose. In fact i recommended Yorke not brinkmann - I only started talking about blg after I was urged to do so as Bub and SM clearly wanted to talk about it.

Paul doesn't like valve amplifiers. He doesn't accept the belief that valves are the most linear of amplification devices. He hated having to listen to one recently.

BBV, If you want the mythical accuracy, you have gone about it the wrong way I'm afraid. I have never heard a single PMC Bryston combo sound authentic, and if it were accurate it would sound authentic. Do you mean accurate in the derogatory sense? (ie. dry, bland, sterile) If so then we may have some agreement but as things stand you have a poorly performing pair of pseudo studio monitors ( Confirmed by Thorsten), powered by some posh PA amps, and driven by a turntable that doesn't perform as intended unless setup on a laboratory vibration sink (which you don't own) and a home made phono stage. I hardly feel this constitutes sufficient grounds for the likes of Bub to give credance to your views.
brizonbiovizier said:
Looks like you brought your posse wadia ;)
Interesting you might conclude people arent just expressing their own doubts or asking their own questions. Most folks here sail their own ship IME.
Well SM I have heard them sound authentic. Frankly kondo didnt. Though it sounded "nice". I think thorsten can speak for himself without your assistence. As for the BLG an active isolation platform might be optimal but the townshend works pretty well. The phono is kit based but that hardly consitutes "home made", given that it comfortably beats the groove I had previously. Why dont you tell us in detail exactly what your system is given I have been gracious enough to do exactly that. Better still... bake off!


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