
brizonbiovizier said:
Yes bub - the reviews said to buy one and you did. With no other evidence. Reviews are a 1000 times less reliable than a shop dem. You know what Dawkins had to say about blind faith. You are outsourcing the decision as well as the listening it seems. You arent an expert on the sme either - in fact you have no experience of the deck at all.
I've got it on sale or return, and I've already told you that.

1000 times less reliable? Shop demos are a complete waste of everybody's time.
Its still no experience. Reviews are an even bigger waste of time.

I wonder what they would say about a certain ancient english wizard ;)
BBV, I know you didn't raise the BLG in the thread but I don't understand the enthusiasm for debate around Bub's imminent SME arrival. Unless you're anticipating his dry wit leading to best in the World claims I figured it as a bit of a scratch to itch. I didn't think I had seen Bub suggest that SME is the best in any sense, merely impeccably built and widely respected, a platform that once arrived it, most folk stop trying. I can understand his motives entirely. You'll know that I now have an SME10 in situ, I could go out and audition Brinkmann, Teres, Clearaudio, VPI and a whole host of others. However, I simply like what it does, the build and whole SME assuredness appealed and the price suits. Since Bub first indicated elsewhere that he had a 20 on its way I got a similar impression from him. If he doesn't like it it will go back and I suspect he'll have a quiet rethink. Only, it's clear that he doesn't expect it to go back and therin lies his expectation that you asked him about. Actually, if anything then given Bub's forthright views historically I thought this whole anticipatory episode showed a lot of humility and open-mindedness on his part!
brizonbiovizier said:
I wonder what they would say about a certain ancient english wizard ;)

I believe said person has no need of dealers. He's not keen on wasting his money and their time.

Nick, I can assure you your notoriety spreads beyond the confines of central London, but only in respect of your thoroughness - aptly related by references to surgical instruments, evacuations and passages.

It appears however that they share Bub's concerns as to the reliability of your opinions.
Paul - That might be stretching it a bit far ;) Especially after his goading me about the BLG calling it poncy.

Sm - Are you referring to yourself in the third person? Which dealer would that be exactly given that I have only stepped outside london a few times in the last decade to dealers? You are clutching at straws. You are trying to stir the pot and it wont work. Even if this dealer exists then I dont give a fig for their opinion.
You would be hard pressed to find more. Perhaps you would care to back up your assertions rather than making vague insinuations? Can you tell me which dealers I have been to outside of london? ;)
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brizonbiovizier said:
Faith can be referred to in terms of evidence - that was his whole point. The teapot argument reveals the whole thing as the absurdity it is. I found his arguments cogent and compelling. As well as hilarious!
The teapot argument proposes an absurdity in faith but it doesnt provide a proof that faith is wrong.

A definition of "faith" as a noun:
(1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion (3) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (4) : complete trust.

You found his arguments cogent and compelling. You then, old boy, are part of the target demographic and that IMO is amusing.
Alternatively it was just funny. The teapot analogy shows absurdity in faith but does not pre-suppose it. It just exposes it by substitutng an unfamiliar article of faith for a familiar one. As it happens Dawkins was really just making a case against monotheism not faith IMHO. There was no reference to buddhism that I heard. Which has merit as a spiritual path just on the basis of mental discipline if nothing else due to the meditative aspect. It also stays well clear of absolutes and the whole concept of smiting. Unlike state montheism which is just another social control mechanism.

I am happy to continue on this topic but I suggest you start another thread.
Guys, can I just say how lucky you are to be fighting over which is the better £5k turntable! Lucky sods!
Yes, I am rather fond of my bio-booster armour thanks.

I still think the mega-smasher is the best weapon (real or fictional) ever created in the history of man. I especially like the fact that it comes out of my tits.

brizonbiovizier said:
Alternatively it was just funny. The teapot analogy shows absurdity in faith but does not pre-suppose it. It just exposes it by substitutng an unfamiliar article of faith for a familiar one.
Genius. That's faith debunked then.

brizonbiovizier said:
As it happens Dawkins was really just making a case against monotheism not faith IMHO.
I dont think the principle of monotheism was really the issue for Dawkins. The paradox of three monotheistic systems all claiming singularity was core, but the core subject is the way a belief system uses faith as a tool of social organisation, indoctrination and mobilisation. This is social politics not religion and not reflective of the genuine principles of Judaism, Christianity or Islam IMO.

brizonbiovizier said:
There was no reference to buddhism that I heard. Which has merit as a spiritual path just on the basis of mental discipline if nothing else due to the meditative aspect.
That's buddhism encapsulated in a sentence then. Blimey you really know your stuff. :)
Oh yes, very fond of a bit of Hokotu-shin-ken myself.

Really really want that punch-pad arcade machine in my bedroom!
greg said:
That's buddhism encapsulated in a sentence then. Blimey you really know your stuff. :)
Here's turntables encapsulated in a sentence:

My Brinkmann LaPonce is the bethtest, bethtest turntable in the whole wide World, and no back answers.


My Brinkmann tonearm is the bethtest, bethtest tonearm in the whole wide World, and no back answers.


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