
Um so what about the fact the new stars wars films, titanic, king kong etc etc were mastered on pmc? That seems at odds with your stament. Not that my choice of speakers ahs anything to do with this thread but you do seem to keep bringing up every element of my system for discussion. I am not sure what to make of all this attention! Plus the fact PMC are the fastest growing audio company in the uk - hard to imagine that is totally on the back of UK sales.
Arh, Bio hazards still her?e, my word his Chipset must be near max buffer by now surely.
The strange thing is, when you meet even the most hardened (forum) protagonsits, in real life they are for the most quite human (their are exceptions)
To be fair even James is cool to hit the town for **** up with.
However nick, is possibly in the exception catagory I feel.
Yes my hearing is different to SM's as it it Bub's and Greg's, so is my taste in music, but make no mistake, Muisc is were its at for me.
Hence why I'm Blaisa' about an awful lot of equipment, it just fails to grip or involve me.
SM 's SME20 was quite passable, (even more so since his phono and pre upgrade I suspect) It makes some very pleasing sounds, though the CD 7 is nice contra touch too.
I suspect it will surprise a fair few of you, maybe if you PM the Gent I'm sure he'll let you round for a good earwig.
The Devil said:
Tenterhooks were used around a large frame for tentering wool, in the wool industry. They may still be in use today, for all I know.

Indeed they are; not really an industrial piece of equipment any more but useful for samples.
WM - thats a little unfair I am a very affable sort of a chap underneath the brisk exterior. You mustnt take my comments upon over priced cables to heart. If they do make a huge difference I will be happy to eat humble pie. How do you think the cdp beat the sme in your opinion?
Each unit does things, the CDP (Wadia) had greater dynamics and scale with more controlled, tighter bass and speed, the TT had the smooth effortles flow with sence of rightness on some recordings that just can't be bettered (reel to reel anaolgue masters maybe?).
Its rich fullness of sound is most pleasing, its great deck no quibble
The Esoteric on the other hand, plain took the micky out of it. The P01-D01 is awesome verbaitum.
brizonbiovizier said:
Um so what about the fact the new stars wars films, titanic, king kong etc etc were mastered on pmc?

So? Warner Brothers, Paramount and Disney use ATC. Sony and Air use TAD & Dynaudio....

You mention five films. What about the other 10,000?
griffo104 said:
SM - if it's good enough for The Clash it's good enough for me :D

Interesting link, thanks. The marketing department goes overboard and in the process shows the UK centric nature of the business!

There are a lot of really poorly mastered albums on there IMO. For instance the two Underworld ones are the worst two CD's they ever did because the levels are too high, The goerge Michael stuff is hyped at the frequency extremes. In fact I am struggling to find a natural sounding recording on there. Now I know the culprits!

And FWIW, my best friend was an engineer at Psalm when they were recording the ZZT stuff for Frankie & Art of Noise. They used Questeds. With JBL 15" and ATC mids. God knows where the PMC's turned up, but Dom hasn't heard of them.
Yes but I mean they arent as fashionable and high profile as some high end brands.
SM - There are some really awful albums on there, some of those releases, as you mention, should never have been allowed to be released - truly awful sounding.

For instance, as much as I enjoy the Doves albums they ain't for showing off your hifi - not exactly something PMC should be bragging about.
I think any company who can take the credit for Dido's recordings deserves patronage from as wide a group of music lovers as possible. Impressive, in a word. Very impressive.

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