Understanding words

Since when did this become a 2 horse race?

Since never, is the answer.

I have heard wonderful sounds from Kuzma, from nottingham analogue, from Platine, from VPI, from Michell. Ears from people I trust rate a lot of other manufacturers too... Avid, Townshend, SME, Simon Yorke, the list is massive!!

We are lucky to have such choice - I havent heard all the options, but what I have heard has shown me there are loads of ways to get a good sound from vinyl. There is no ''best'' ? whats that about!?!?

The ''one true light'' approach to audio is our own little version of being a Jehovah Witness. Christ on a bike.
Originally posted by bottleneck
Christ on a bike.

Or, for translation purposes, Jesus Cycles, a form of transport favoured by true hippies to go with their open air footware.

Understanding words you see;)
I'm certainly not claiming that my TT is the best in the world. I haven't the time nor the inclination to listen to every other TT available. I've listened to a few, and it's the best I've heard, but the others weren't in my system, so I'm being a bit Mick-like with comparisons with other systems.

OTOH, a certain TT reviewer has a very similar deck to mine, and he's hanging on to his. If it's good enough for him...

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