Understanding words

For God's sake don't mention M***o, or he'll show up again and cause untold misery. The Dark place is so much easier these days without him.

Paul D. is one of my dearest friends, and he looks just like himself.

I look like Alan Rickman, unfortunately.

OTOH, Dev Banerji looks like a very small Indian Peter Sellars.
I am confined to quarters with some light refreshments and a damn good hi-fi apparatus, you?

I can't believe you agreed to Alan Rickman. I actually also look a bit like Richard Gere and Dustin Hoffman, with a hangover.
Tonite, I'm in also my son lives with me now, so slight change about, but likeable, but as yourself a quiet night in, with some top tunes, bought a few discs this week Bonnie Raitt best off, Ozrics Swirly Terminations & Gary more Jap Import. :)
I'm also running in the new Wadia, so a few more hours on the bores won't go a miss :cool:
I've heard it said that Naim gear is a good cure for Nobby Stiles, what with not being able to actually sit down and listen for long periods.

i'm surprised you can sit and listen for long periods. what with the generation game conveyor belt style of kit throughput you have in your living room. i spotted those adds, how long have you had that moon gear? buy naim next time and be satisfied for a while. ;) :D :D



I think rare may be a better word than unique.

My restored 401 has

a) a Loricraft plinth

b) a Loricraft PSU

c) a Naim Preifix

d) a Naim Aro arm

e) a 17D2 Dynavector cartridge

Up untill now, Loricraft never used the Aro, I took a chance and bought one and Terry O Sullivan reckons it sounds better than the usual SME 1V and Schroeder that he currently fits.

It was because of this that he quickly fitted an Aro for the recent Hifi show.

Terrys opinion is that my 401 is as about as good as it will ever get. It ceretainly sounds better than any LP12 that I heard and that includes the Ninja.

If I want better, it has to be the 501.


Out of the Ether, and into the frey, Pops Sir Mick of Salisbury, wielding his sword of turth (Paul darwin approved) and his shield of injustice (Blessed By St. J.V.) ready to take up the chalenge of over priced dross & medicore sound systems, with his self justification at hand, St. Mick rides into battle where ever Naff sound, Olive boxes and the Naim way are slighted :D
Go Mick, Go..............for all of Sailsbury rides at your side :)
It's bloody Loricraft


Methinks our genteel resident from the town of retired civil servants has been over doing it on the Sunday lunch vino.

The bulk of my TT is non Naim old chap.

I am soon to depart for a couple of weeks cruising the Med as one does at this time of year. However you are welcome to a listen when I come back but for goodness sake don't bring whatever it is you have been drinking today.

Naimfully your

Re: "Unique"

Originally posted by mick parry
It ceretainly sounds better than any LP12 that I heard and that includes the Ninja.

If I want better, it has to be the 501.
As long as you are happy, that's all that matters. I wouldn't like to think of you slumming it with second-best.
My brother had a Garrard TT playing through a Sony integrated amplifier with some Wharfedale speakers back in the 1970's.

The LP12 is definitely better, if I recall correctly.

Do you ever read what has been said before.

Garrards pumped out a heap of junk called the SP25 during the 70/80's. It was cheap and nasty and the plinths were plywood.

Today Loricraft will only restore 301/401's and manufacture the 501 and 601.

The Loricraft plinth totally eliminates any rumble that the old Garrards suffered from in the early days. The sound therefore improves significantly.

You claim to be objective and yet you continue to take the mickey out of equipment you have never heard.

If I genuinely thought that a LP12 is better than a Garrard then the Garrard would go, believe me, it would go.

Your Ninja trashes all LP12's, there is no disputing that, they are total crap compared to yours, That is why I was prepared to pay someone to buy yours off JW because I knew he would not sell it to me.

However, my current set up trashes the Ninja. Whether you choose to believe me or not is an irrelavance.

Three months ago, I would have asked you to name your price for the Ninja because I wanted it, now there is no way that I would swap it for my Garrard.

If you don't believe me, publically ask me to swap it and I will publically decline your offer. That is how much better it is.

The good thing is that anyone, including you, can do what I have done and have a TT that is damn good.


Mick, forget Loricraft, just buy A Well tempered, it makes sense, think of the pride of ownership, the best the World :) forget Naim, you know in your heart of hearts it's the ONLY true path to Music Mick, we'll all help through the cold turkey period, It would be a pleaseure to help you 'Break the chains of sheepisum' even if you are a shepard :D Wm

I have heard a well tempered and it is but a fraction of the Ninja.

I have heard a Ninja and I very much doubt that you have, unless of course, you have one in the office.

Fortunately for all of us, anyone can do what I did and have something which beats a Ninja. The well tempered, although good, is not in the big boys league.


Mick, dream on, and then some, and think of pink fluffy Rhino's ripe for blasting as you slowly disappear over the Med, in a 2.5 star yacht, you managed to 'accquire' a ride on ;)
However I have no need for Vinyl, but if I did, then a well tempered deck it would be period, and tis the big boys league with out the big boys cash, while we are interacting on this most vexed of subjects, Naim? since when has that been the big boys league :D , prehaps since the adoption of 'World Class Audio' on the boxes maybe :rolleyes: genteel Spa salutes you :)
Originally posted by julian2002
i'm surprised you can sit and listen for long periods. what with the generation game conveyor belt style of kit throughput you have in your living room. i spotted those adds, how long have you had that moon gear? julian

As the song goes " I will sell everything I own":)

Time for reflection, system is now the best I have heard, but I am going to downgrade to something like a Linn Classik:eek:

Fancy a nice pair of subs to fill out your bottom end;)

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