Do you ever read what has been said before.
Garrards pumped out a heap of junk called the SP25 during the 70/80's. It was cheap and nasty and the plinths were plywood.
Today Loricraft will only restore 301/401's and manufacture the 501 and 601.
The Loricraft plinth totally eliminates any rumble that the old Garrards suffered from in the early days. The sound therefore improves significantly.
You claim to be objective and yet you continue to take the mickey out of equipment you have never heard.
If I genuinely thought that a LP12 is better than a Garrard then the Garrard would go, believe me, it would go.
Your Ninja trashes all LP12's, there is no disputing that, they are total crap compared to yours, That is why I was prepared to pay someone to buy yours off JW because I knew he would not sell it to me.
However, my current set up trashes the Ninja. Whether you choose to believe me or not is an irrelavance.
Three months ago, I would have asked you to name your price for the Ninja because I wanted it, now there is no way that I would swap it for my Garrard.
If you don't believe me, publically ask me to swap it and I will publically decline your offer. That is how much better it is.
The good thing is that anyone, including you, can do what I have done and have a TT that is damn good.