Understanding words

To underpaid and highly professional Doc

" Mick, I KNOW where the limitations of CD replay are and the CDS2 is not far from them. The CDS3 CANNOT be very much better, if it is better at all. The thing to do is a side-by side demo of the two players - have you done that "........James McP.

No I have not.

I have heard them both on different occassions and the CDS3 is light years ahead. If you don't believe me, listen for yourself.

Ignore WM, he lives near an airfield and his ears are shot out.


Mick (I wanna CDS3/552/500) Parry
Re: To underpaid and highly professional Doc

Originally posted by mick parry

I have heard them both on different occassions and the CDS3 is light years ahead. If you don't believe me, listen for yourself.

Mick (I wanna CDS3/552/500) Parry
Well, Mick, this is rather like your Garrard/Ninja comparisons posted elsewhere. It's totally meaningless to compare one component in one system and room with anything in another system. You should know this by now.

No CDP can ever be 'light-years' ahead of the CDS2. What you need to recognise/learn is how limited the 16/44.1 red-book CD format actually is. Alan Ball demonstrated this to me and the results were a big surprise, to me at least.

I think you swallow the Salisbury/hi-fi mag hype too easily.
Re: To underpaid and highly professional Doc

Originally posted by mick parry

Ignore WM, he lives near an airfield and his ears are shot out.

Mick thanks mate, :) I feel that aspiring to own a Nap 500 shows a basic ineptude towards understanding economics, 4 times 135 in dual mono config with a medicore off board PSU don't equal £11k :cry:
I know the Darwin squad will look after you, but Mick a Dynavector HX1.2 will stuff the 500 for breakfast, and you get enough change to go Rhino blasting for hoo.... 3 months at least in high season :cool:
Not long ago you we telling Timpy and myself, that Naim has the ceratin 'chanlenge' on music, and that air and space, openiness with detail was for sad men who didn't aspire to wear hooded adornments and seek enlightment on the square :rolleyes:
Now the CDS3/552 is a completely different kettle of fish, now you 'preaching the gospel' of Bopping Dane & 'I'll do you' Darwin, so why the change of stance, when it's clearly more 'Hifi' than music, and after all these years of sheep worship, I have seen such strange posts, as 'Wow all that air and huge space around the notes, what depth?' on the naim forum :eek: not long ago that would be considered death by being dropped on Sailsbury catherdral spire from a great height, now it's all the rage :D although when first released, (the world class audio gear :D ) a post was seen fleetingly on naim entitled

"Naim, not like your fathers Naim", sort of smacks of commericalisum to me Mick, read' Oh err the sheep aint buying this stuff, best do some main stream gear, that'll sell'
Mick, don't read/fall for the brain washing, show indivduality and take a leap of faith, you know it makes sense :) Wm
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Originally posted by Paul Ranson
I'm still intrigued to know why you have so much Naim gear borrowed or begged, given it is such crap.

Paul, why worry yourself about such trival things, it's far beneath your hypothesizing & self sustaining smuggness. To even contemplate engauging a full spectrum analysis,is a waste of Intrigue, and that would be a shame, there's a whole evening to go yet.
Ignorant humm, of course, no thought for the full schematics, or life changes events that went into constructing it.
Begging Paul, surely not?, I mean can you see' Mick on the streets of 'old town' in swindon, on his knees, and a sign saying 'Wife and full naim system to surport', doesnt really go does it?
Prehaps you ought to start that Northampton sections of NOBS, I can see no more a fitting postion for you, than Head Nob :) Wm
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At least someone loves me


"Well, Mick, this is rather like your Garrard/Ninja comparisons posted elsewhere. It's totally meaningless to compare one component in one system and room with anything in another system. You should know this by now."

That is correct up to a point and I did volunteer the differences in my system / house and Clives. However, one does have a memory and I know which sounds best. My Garrard in my house/system is distinctly better than the Ninja in Clives old house/system.

Possibly we should swap TT's for a while.

On the other point, I am confident that if you actually sit down and listen to a CDS3, you will agree with me. You like your CDS2 and you will like this even more. It is up to you to decide if it is worth the money and that is your call not mine. All I am saying is that it is a formiddable CDP and much better than a CDS2.

As regards to my little ray of sunshire from the genteel town of Cheltenham, my view is that Naim have pulled off a clever trick, the new stuff is different but at the same time it does the same as the current stuff but better.

Naim are going to be around for a long time and that is because the stuff sounds good. It may not suit your personal ears but it suits an awful lot of punters and thats what brings in the lolly.


The Swindon sheep
the lack of smt probably relates to one of naims biggest selling points. i.e. that 20 years from now (assuming the company is still around - i think it will be) you can send your ancient 552 or cds3 back to the factory to be fixed and fettled if something breaks. also talented people like les w and others may be able to tweak the thing more to your liking. it's kind of difficult to do that on a 5 layer pcb with a 50 component per square cm density, you're more likely to scrap the board and replace it which means you have to keep a stock of boards around which can run out etc.


Re: At least someone loves me

Originally posted by mick parry
...My Garrard in my house/system is distinctly better than the Ninja in Clives old house/system.
I've no doubt that that is possible, but you are conveniently ignoring the fact that Clive/fox was using a NAC82 at the time, you have a NAC52 which is a lot better and I would guess that the room acoustics are probably different, plus it was several years ago! To say nothing of different cartridges, dedicated mains etc.
Possibly we should swap TT's for a while.
Nice try! If we can put our old differences behind us, you are welcome to bring your (no doubt) frightful records to play on my Ninja. Might give you an idea of what you should be aiming for.

You may recall that it was me who brought up the fact that Clive only had an 82/epona supercap whilst I have a 52/proper supercap.

I also mentioned he had a springy wooden floor whilst I have concrete. I also mentioned that his was mounted on Mana whilst mine is on Hutter. I think I can claim to be honest and objective.

I also gave an open invitation for anyone to listen to it and then write a totally honest opinion of it.

I have also alluded that if we swapped TT's, one of us may well change our minds.

My 401 is fairly unique because I have spent a fair amount of money on it. If my TT is genuinely better than a Ninja, then there could be a lot of happy people out there in a few months time.

I have heard both and I do have a good memory.


1. The 82 is Naim's worst product when price is considered.

2. What's so funny about this new Naim revolution is that all they've done is add a bit of air, space, image, soundstage and all the sheep are having multiple orgasms. When these have worn off they may notice that alot of the boogie factor's disappeared down a black hole.

If you want air and space and boogie factor you buy something else half the price, unless you're Mick or very rich and deaf - is that tautologous?

Alex, although we don't see eye to eye often, on your above post, I salute you sir :) Whatever next a Mark Levison in an olive box :D
Slightly off Topic, is it true Paul Dureden is a Stavros (Dr Who version) lookalike ?
We seem to have drifted nearly full circle in the subject of words and meaning.

Is it old naim and new naim? (old labour new labour?!?)

i.e. still a traditional naim sound but with a slightly different sound

Or is it..

a completely different animal? (old labour/ conservative?)

NB - Ju - if you really want upgradeability and tweak city, you need a point to point wired valve amp :D .... Im bitten by the smell of solder!

Originally posted by The Devil
That Nobby Stiles an' all.

I've heard it said that Naim gear is a good cure for Nobby Stiles, what with not being able to actually sit down and listen for long periods.
Originally posted by The Devil
No, he looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Who do you look like, Tony?
James, Steady neady, Or I'll set Marco on you, I asked this as Paul was seen loitering with intent in the Neat room, and was commented that he resembled Starvos, I've never seen him, so this is why I asked ?, beside Arnie is mere a 15 stone wannabe Govnor', who happens to made a few bob from mom's apple struddle :) plus the odd celluloid appearance :D

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