A friend of mine, whose dad is an old hand at vinyl, sent me an email regarding turntable setup (after asking his dad) and at the end of it he says the following:
"By the way, never screw or unscrew a cartridge into
the arm's headshell while its all mounted onto the
record deck. The torque forces needed to tighten or
loosen the screws can destroy the arm bearings."
Is this true? How delicate is the tonearm and its bearings? Mine has a detachable headshell so it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but I think after aligning the cart I probably did the final screw tightening with the headshell attached (it seemed quite likely that if i detached the headshell to do it I would probably throw off the alignment, which had been very fiddly and unfun...)
The reason I ask is because I'm still getting that crackly sound I mentioned before. I'm not sure but it mostly seems to be worse towards the inner part of the record. It's definitely a LOT worse on some records than others.
So I wonder, is it possible I've buggered the tonearm's bearings, and this is causing the crackling? Seems a tad farfetched, but hardly impossible...
I still haven't gotten around to trying my HFN test record, which should hopefully give me a better idea of how well- or not-so-well setup the deck is. I'll do that today. And I never got round to trying Uncle Ants' cart... I think I'll give that a quick try before I put it in the post this afternoon. If the crackle goes away I've presumably either buggered my cart or just had it set up wrong. And if the crackle stays it seems more likely that the arm might be buggered (though it could again be down to poor setup...)
Anyway, any ideas about this tonearm bearing business? Do ye without detachable headshells actually have to remove the whole arm to attach a cartridge?? Seems like it would make a tiresome, fiddly job monumentally more so!
P.S. - Tony, sorry for the delay, I've been strangely busy the past few days! I'll give your cart a quick whirl then I'll chuck it in the post today. You should have it by tomorrow, or Friday at the latest.