Vintage Heaven

Originally posted by Robbo
Well, for a start all of the caps will probably have dried out and will likely need replacing. Therefore I suspect it may sound dull, undynamic, with a lack of detail for a start:p

'tis a possibility this may occur at some point - if it is the case initially, money will be refunded or unit will be returned for service pro gratis - but it can be overhauled no problem with expert hands for a longer life - no more fannying about really than changing valves :p
Originally posted by cookiemonster

What remotely comparable amp would you be able to buy now for a few hundred quid. Might ask him, if he'll take a nad for it...

Stick to cash mate, that sounds just too damn painful.
Originally posted by Robbo
I am going to go against the grain here and say that it looks truly awful

My lovely Pioneer tuna looks extremely funky in the dark, and sounds good as well. Obligatory poor photograph:


-- Ian
Originally posted by bottleneck
Stick to cash mate, that sounds just too damn painful.

:ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:

That one tickled me must say!

Nice purchase there Cookie, mid to late seventies mutha. Bet it's got a loudness button too. Me I must admit to a total love affair with Mcintosh amps, old blue eyes still sings!
Oh well, done it nowââ'¬Â¦

I actually had that one in my eBay watch list as I'm looking for a nice cheesy 70s receiver for my bedroom, but couldn't justify paying anything like that amount just for a third system. I bet that Pioneer sounds really good in a heavy and warm 70s way, it just needs a pair of Celestion Ditton 44s or big IMFs to capture the party vibe of my youth!

I'm going to hold out for a hefty Marantz at a reasonable price (i.e. 50 quid or less) ââ'¬â€œ Those 70s Marantz receivers just look so damn funkyââ'¬Â¦ I've even got a lava lamp to stick on top of it.

Originally posted by domfjbrown
Don't forget the whole thing'll need recapping and maybe retrannying as well....

As long as it works fairly well, who cares!

Beauties such as these are for looking at, pampered and occasionally used.
Like my 1975 Moto Morini 3 1/2 Sports
Originally posted by BlueMax
Beauties such as these are for looking at, pampered and occasionally used.
Like my 1975 Moto Morini 3 1/2 Sports
Can't beat a lovely 70s Italian bike...
Here's mine:

Use it as an excuse to get the papers every Sunday in Shrewsbury (nearest shop 3 miles, Shrewsbury 40 miles
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Originally posted by Robbo
Seems like I am the odd one out in not liking the look of it:(
As someone who has a cheesy '50s robot lookalike even Flash Gordon would've laughed at (to say nothing of the scorn those upstart Cybermen would've heaped on it) as their avatar, I doubt you're in a good place to throw stones :p (but at least it sounds great).

The '70s brushed ali facades on those receivers, with the nice back-lighting was great! Must hook up my old Technics SA200L as my bedside system sometime soon. I'll only be using the headphones on it, so those spring-loaded binding posts (just right for manky bellwire spaker cable) shouldn't be a problem.
As someone who has a cheesy '50s robot lookalike even Flash Gordon would've laughed at (to say nothing of the scorn those upstart Cybermen would've heaped on it) as their avatar, I doubt you're in a good place to throw stones (but at least it sounds great).

Now you mention it, it does kind of look like a 50s sci fi robot! hadnt noticed that before! I'll have to do a better picture.

That receiver is way to cluttered up with buttons, knobs and dials imo. I cant understand why you guys are getting all nostalgic for 70's kitsch. The 70s was an awful period!
That amp looks like a beast, somthing new which is as good must surely cost £1000. I paid £150 for my amp and its nothing in comparison to that.
Along with the realiabilty probs that plagued them, rear pot gasket?, leaking carbs? fooked fork seals ?, free drive wash, when the orginal petrol pipe split, did tune one once though, the smaller rayjay turbo, single 42mm bing, spilt manifold, modded clutch from a suussshh 350 power valve :D , mind you they do make a handsome noise, sort of inspired me to buy a lavva Jota in pea green 76 model, for Tomato farms throw together not bad, lots of fun :)
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Along with the realiabilty probs that plagued them ...

Ah but that is what makes them an enthusiasts machine.

Do you know! there are some BMW 5 series drivers who never even bother to look under the bonnet?!


How do I get 'Attach file' thingy to upload a pic of my Moto Morini from H/D? It is only a lil 50Kb jobbie.
Originally posted by LiloLee
er Dino, haven't you sold your speakers?:eek:

er...yup :D

Its primary purpose is as an ickle headphone amp, these old boys are supposed to have excellent output stages.
Second, its got a dinky tuner in it. I need another one :D
Third, its another pre amp, for more flexibility than an 8yr old russian gymnast.
Fourth, i'll probably run it as a parallel integrated, utilising the twin analogue outs on the dac with my main source, but have the option to integrate it as either a pre or a power, or even a swish switching box using the tape outs.
Fifth, i think it looks cool, and have always wanted one, so whether it is necessary or not, it will create a nice glow in the dark as a minimum.
Sixth, i'm not ruling out chucking some speakers at it in the future, but defo not whilst i'm living here. But primary purpose is as headphone rig.

This beast is massive - 21"*18.5" :eek: . I've found it a home though now. :)

Still on the lookout for a mint tape deck - big motha with tasty vu meters, and excess knobs :D

That amp looks like a beast, somthing new which is as good must surely cost £1000. I paid £150 for my amp and its nothing in comparison to that.

Well its arguable what it is worth now (some wouldn't have it for free), but in 1976 this would have set you back $900 - not pocket money (would equate to just under $3000 now)

those spring-loaded binding posts (just right for manky bellwire spaker cable) shouldn't be a problem.

I agree - crap they are too. Can always change them though, if one could be bothered......
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