Originally posted by LiloLee
er Dino, haven't you sold your speakers?
Its primary purpose is as an ickle headphone amp, these old boys are supposed to have excellent output stages.
Second, its got a dinky tuner in it. I need another one
Third, its another pre amp, for more flexibility than an 8yr old russian gymnast.
Fourth, i'll probably run it as a parallel integrated, utilising the twin analogue outs on the dac with my main source, but have the option to integrate it as either a pre or a power, or even a swish switching box using the tape outs.
Fifth, i think it looks cool, and have always wanted one, so whether it is necessary or not, it will create a nice glow in the dark as a minimum.
Sixth, i'm not ruling out chucking some speakers at it in the future, but defo not whilst i'm living here. But primary purpose is as headphone rig.
This beast is massive - 21"*18.5"

. I've found it a home though now.
Still on the lookout for a mint tape deck - big motha with tasty vu meters, and excess knobs
That amp looks like a beast, somthing new which is as good must surely cost £1000. I paid £150 for my amp and its nothing in comparison to that.
Well its arguable what it is worth now (some wouldn't have it for free), but in 1976 this would have set you back $900 - not pocket money (would equate to just under $3000 now)
those spring-loaded binding posts (just right for manky bellwire spaker cable) shouldn't be a problem.
I agree - crap they are too. Can always change them though, if one could be bothered......