What do you believe in ?

I have compiled another list of therapies, less contentious ? We shall see

Polarity Therapy
Cranial Osteopathy
Crystal Healing
Light Therapy
Bach Flower Remedies
Herbal Remedies

Once again feel free to vent your spleen. Although a little more in the way of an explanation for your views would be helpful.
I'll take the first one...

"Polarity Therapy is a very effective form of treatment which is much sought after in this age of holistic and complementary approaches to ill health.

This approach to health and healing, developed by Dr Randolph Stone, DO, DC, ND, employs a profound system that blends both eastern and western concepts of health. It deals with the whole person, mentally, emotionally and physically, by helping the body to heal itself naturally. Polarity Therapy is truly a complementary science. It recognises that energy has to move from a positive to a negative pole, through a neutral field; this concept was applied by Dr Stone to the human constitution. This scientific law is fundamental to the movement of energy throughout the universe and the earth around us: it manifests in our physical body as energetic currents, which Dr Stone referred to as the Wireless Anatomy of Man. Polarity Therapy works on many different levels: subtle energy; nervous, musculo-skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems; gynaecological (excellent in pregnancy and after-care) and at emotional and mental levels. It has been found useful in dealing with many varied and different expressions of disease by unlocking the holding patterns that create the symptoms." http://www.ukpta.org.uk/polarity_therapy.htm

I simply cannot understand what the energy is that is being channeled. Anyone? Electrical? Shock treatment? Laying on of hands? Chi/Chakra/BS. Im sorry, but I need some evidence of this so called energy. I hate it when psuedoscience is used to mug the needy. I have an open mind (honestly), I just need something real and tangible to help me out.
Solid article. I think the bottom line is that many people can't wait to believe and have an amazing ability to convince themselves of anything even when the counter logic/evidence is staring them in the face.

The spectrum ranges from cable magicians to people who believe that flying a plane into a building will send them to heaven with 16 virgin supermodels. Whichever way you look at it they're both irrational beliefs.
I think that it's a mistake to lump all these therapies together, as some work for some ailments and some don't. I think back to 10-20 years ago when 'alternative' cancer therapists were saying that diet effected the disease and orthodox practitioners were saying this was a load of rubbish. Times change and so do views.

As for the list, I must confess that I don't know much about many of the items and I agree that the description of 'Polarity Therapy' sounds like nonsense. I don't know whether it works or not but, if it does, I doubt if it's for the reasons they think.

Hypnosis can be effective, particularly when based on the work of Milton Erickson. I believe that Cranial Osteopathy can also be useful in some cases, as certainly can Shiatsu, Acupressure and Acupuncture. Herbal Remedies can work, depending on the herbs and I like the brandy in Bach Flower remedies.

You could have mentioned, but didn't, that certain essential oils (teatree amongst them) are highly effective against MRSA and C. Difficile (just Google it all you sceptics). You also left out my personal favourites that I have no doubts about, which are 'healing' and The Feldenkrais Method.

As for homeopathy, I have grave doubts about its effectiveness except as a placebo but, as I've said before, we shouldn't knock placebos. The mind is a powerful thing.
Light therapy is an effective treatment for SAD-something to do with the Pineal gland and our biological clocks relation to exposure to sunlight.
The others are related to the manufacture and marketing of esoteric cables and passive preamps that cost £5k:D
Playing it straight, eh? ;)

Start here then.

What do you expect from a yorkist:)

It makes for interesting reading, it is obvious that Chakra's mean different things to different cultures, and in some cases change all the time (evolution?). Essentially a spinning wheel of energy. potentially linked to the nervous system. If it is linked to a known system or organ in the body and not some spiritual energy then ther may be some substance. Again, the term energy requires clarification, specificaly spiritual energy. Anyone?

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