what do you do?

Originally posted by Ya-Boo
Micheal,I,m mortified........:eek:

Just because my spelling & grammer are piss poor do'es not a thug make me.

Its all realitive..........to me the current government & polititions are the thugs ..... they just have posh job titles
Network WAN/LAN support for a large American company, then outsourced to a large American IT outsourcing company and then I found out I'm probally going to be outsourced yet again to a large British Telecommunications company.

And I'm still located at the place I started at 14 years ago :mad:
I'm currently unemployed but used to be a fermentation/project scientist for a biotech firm. I got into hifi during my PhD. as I had a bit of cash and had always browsed through the Richer Sounds catalogue/hifi mags thinking I'd have one of those seperates systems when I got a bit of cash. Now I've got a nice seperates system and far too much time to hang around here :D.
No offence intended Ya-Boo - sorry if I did :shame:

I just love those euphemistic job titles though. Repo-man sounds much better :D

Been playing the clarinet since the age of 7 (piano since 9) - totally f*cked up at school, failed nearly all my A-levels and decided that the only job I was even remotely capable of getting (apart from riding motorcycles all day) was as a musician.

Been principal clarinettist with the RAF Central Band for 15 years and done a bit of moonlighting freelancing with the Beeb for example. I may well leave in a couple of years and get a proper job. :D

Sem to spend more of my time re-building kanckered old motorbikes than anything else...and I just love it! :)
IT Assistant for the Estates department in a local authority and I've been there nearly two years for all my sins. ;) Still looking around - pay is pretty cr-p and the job doesn't really enable me to specialise in IT support, which is the direction I want to move into.

Have loved music since the age of two and was given a Philips cassette deck that previously belonged to my mum. I think the first cassette I was given had 'Puff the Magic Dragon' on it. I still preferred listening to 'Tubular Bells' on my parents' Ferguson record deck.

Got into seperates in mid-2002. Spent a large part of 2003 box-shifting, but finally pretty happy with the system I've got and now just enjoying the music.

Can't play any music whatsover, though - I got 10% in my last school music exam (10 years ago to the month in 1994)! :D
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Apart from the computer geek thing, I've played the piano since I was about 5 and was brought up on classical music so have always loved music and wanted to be able to listen to it. Can't really say when I first got "into" hifi though.

Formerly Electronic Engineer for a hifi/av company, now Audio Applications Engineer for a semiconductor company.

Got bit by the bug really. I've always been into music (starting with a particular fascination with the classical guitar), and started attempting to play it when I was 5. Moved onto the electronic keyboard a few years later (dear god, what a soulless instrument I realise now), but gave up as it became clear that I wasn't much good at playing, and I concentrated my creative energies into photography. About three years later, I got into hifi, and here I am...
Not much. I'm a Computer Scientist by training, graduated from Edinburgh Uni last summer and have been pissing about since then looking for a "proper" job. I'm currently paying the bills doing temp work for the Royal Bank of Scotland (it's actually not as bad as it sounds, and it's evening work so I don't have to wake up early :) ).

I got most of my hifi when I was at uni when I was getting money from my dad and the Student Awards Agency for Scotland and part-time work... I don't get nearly so much money now of course, so my hifi buying has been curtailed considerably. My last upgrade (from ATC Active 10s to Active 20s) was only possible because I traded in the expensive monster ATC sub I had recently been given by ATC after my not-so-expensive, not-so-monster ATC sub died.

Got into "proper" hifi just after my first year at uni. I had the (mis)fortune of living right around the corner from Richer Sounds that first year, so temptation built up until the summer when I couldn't stand it any more so I bought myself a pretty decent lower-mid-level system, which was swiftly upgraded (within 6 months actually) to proper-mid-level status.

I have always been "into" music and love discovering new music, which I suppose is why I got into hifi, though I'm definitely addicted now.

I'm a messaging systems engineer for an IT outsourcing company...I've worked on BP's and the NHS e-mails systems, and now I'm helping with the new barclays bank exchange 2003 environment...

I've just about always loved listening top music, really started buying it when I was in the 6th form...and just upgraded my kit bit by bit...
Got into music from a very early age, used to get up on sunday mornings Aged 5 and put on parents copy of Sandie Nelsons "Drums A Go-Go" on and old Bush radiogramme got my first real taste of proper music when I heard Hemispheres by Rush, Discovered HiFi When i ventured into laskeys and realised sound could be much better than I was used to.

Left school with o grades and highers but decided I wanted to be a printer, eventually left this to become a medical sales rep. I am still in medical sales although now I am a key accounts manager for a respiritory company.

Working in medical sales has given me the means to pursue my hobby, with relish, most of my mates think I'm mad, but they all like to come over for a listen to music played properly.

I also played the drums as a teenager. Definition of a drummer: A guy that likes to hang around with musicians.
Originally posted by PBirkett
Nope. Star Trek is the biggest pile of steaming dog turd ever to hit the small (or large) screen. I'd actually rather stick a mace up my backside than sit through an hour of that.

Your opinion doesn't count since you have no hifi:p

I work for a music company as a network designer/implementor.
Originally posted by titian

Now I'm more or less doing intraday or short time trades on ABB Ltd because it is quite volatile. :D :D

Volatile! slight understatement! having said that everything is volatile at the moment! certainly are some cheap offers around at the moment for the brave....
Patent attorney and Head of Patents for the world's largest flavours and fragrances manufacturer.

Never really got into hi-fi. I like classical music, so it's just a means to an end. Completely and demonstrably deaf to tweaks of any kind, so clearly hopeless as an audiophile.
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Ex aerospace engineer and Alfa romeo specialist, now a common and garden rca terminator:)

so did you do electronics? or another area? i'm sure that as an alfa specialist, you certainly became an electronics expert! (not to mention rust removal!)
Originally posted by blakeaudio
Volatile! slight understatement! having said that everything is volatile at the moment! certainly are some cheap offers around at the moment for the brave....
Well see today:
went in, went out and get $$$$$.:rolleyes:
Wait for the next time.:D
Well, seems like we have a lot of tech-heads around!

I work in a bigass software company and I think I win the longest job title award with:

Divisional Process Owner for e-Business License Migrations, Europe, Middle East and Africa :rolleyes:

Basically I manage the operations involved in moving a customer from our old licensing model to our new model with a 'virtual team' of about a hundred folks. Luckily I quite enjoy my job, but I am looking for promotion at the moment. Got offered the global role a short while back, and then they abolished it which narked me off :mad: Now I'm chasing a job in San Francisco which is a step up from the job they took away (Fate? I hope so).

I got into hifi at uni when a friend of mine dragged me around all the shops in Reading to audition kit. At that moment I realised how much of the music I was missing. Bought a CD67 SE that day, and shortly afterwards a Rotel amp (971 I think).
I'm a designer (graphic/web/interactive). Been freelancing for the last 3 years or so after the industry went tits-up and I was made redundant. Was a great career move - I now earn more money, have less stress and take more holidays. I get to work with respected designers in respected design companies on big name brands and I can work in my pants.

Got into hifi through my brother who was/is a bit of an electronics boffin - But sadly my funds all go on house repairs and bills and saving for new G5/House in France/Car/holidays.
I am an IT analyst working at same place Dunkyboy was temping at. At present its mind numbingly boring despite the fact we are doing lots of interesting new things with our branch IT and I'm in the middle of it. Politics and management just make it frustrating. Some of them may be reading this! I keep meeting lots of people at work who are also into hifi.

14 years ago I graduated with a degree in History which I loved doing, and I very seriously considered trying to continue into academia by starting a PhD.... If I had, maybe I would be happier in my job but probably a lot less able to indulge the taste in music and hifi. On the other hand I do know a lot of unhappy and undervalued academics. My wife has a PhD in Italian Renaissance politics but she got fed up, retrained and is now an accountant!

After a year bumming around, including working in a classical music shop where I learned tons about the music I love but lived in relative poverty I went to do a diploma in Logic and Information technology... it was complete b*****s but the afternoon I spent trying to get DOS memory management working on a PC was enougth to eventually get me a 'real' job in IBM support.... and things just moved on from there.

What I'd love to do is junk the IT stuff and open my own record and hifi shop..... but I reckon Edinburgh's pretty well sewn up for this already.

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