what do you do?


I work as a Senior Science Technical officer (Senior technician to the man/ women in the street). I work in a Physics department in a School of Science within a University in the land of the Human League. I started some 16 & 1/2 years. I did spend a six year period within the computing section of the school.

When I started I was the employed as the Acoustics & Vibration technician. I got to work with alot of test equipment including audio stuff. The work was with undergrads & postgrads. It was varied work. From developing experiments, to designing & building prototypes, providing teaching support, to organising science experiments for school visits, to humping stuff here there & everywhere. Also I got to do some teaching in the University.

I got a pocket full of technical qualifications. OND in Technology, HND in Electrical & Electronic eng & Bsc in Engineering Physics.

I grew up in a house full of music. Parents were from Jamaica so I grew up listening to a couple of Stereograms full of Ska, Rocksteady, early Reggae & Soul records. There was the early days of radio one & Luxemberg to listen to as well. There was a panio in the house which my parents couldn't play. My brothers & I had panio lessons but I was no good at it. My brothers were. They also played loads of different instruments. I just listened to the radio, bought records, played football & rode a Raleigh Chopper. :cool: I also watched the music progs of the day such as Top of the pops, Supersonic, Old grey whistle test, Lift off with Ayasha, Get it together, The Bay city Rollers show, The Marc Bolan show etc.

To be honest, my record buying fixation didn't start to 1975. Showaddywaddy- Sweet Sweet Music was the first one. The next one I bought was in 1978. (Pocket money only went so far.) My older brother was the keen record buyer so I listened to his stuff. He also started to buy the music press as well which I stared to read as well.

He had a saving policy mature. This was set up by my parents. He decided to buy a hifi system. He got a few mags in & I read one of the. It looked like Double dutch but I was hooked. When he bought his system, (Garrard Sp25IV, Amstrad amp, speakers from the music centre & some headphones) I was hooked even more. A few years later, I had a policy mature & it was my turn to hit the slippery slope of records & Hifi.

My other career is being a DJ. I started this in 1989 at the Student Union at the university, where I work. It started out as a gentle hobby but mushroomed into something a lot bigger. It has been very enjoyable and has lead to work around the country, radio work & many other things. I work for one of top venues in the country. DJing is well paid but is hard (but enjoyable) work. It has helped to pay for the various (hifi) toys that I own.

Quite enjoyable overall.

I manage sales channels for a large business involved in direct mail.

It's atrocious so I need good music to drown out the sound of conscience screaming!
Now I know why my brother tells me that IT is always late being delivered in large corporates; you are all on the internet! I own a recrording studio, got into hifi because I did not like what I heard when I played my master tapes at home. Dominic
Good thread. As condensed as possible - well I guess my life has two parts: part 1. 13-14 year old yout messing around, blues parties in the midlands, 15-16 funk clubs and stuff, 1987 arrived - acid house, 88/89 early techno, 90 ibiza/italian house, 91-94 DJing, the golden years of deep house and refixed disco in the uk. 1995 graduate with fine art degree. wanted to be a painter or DJ or both...
part 2. parenthood (1996) shock to the system decided having no money wouldnt work as wasnt earning enough from DJing and wouldnt sell any paintings so train as a programmer find it pretty straight forward, software career starts.
now four beautiful daughters and developing software - ok money, busy life. how I got into hifi - I was always fascinated by the equipment a *friend* used play his dub plates when I would pick up a ounces of indica. then simply wanted to hear my music to a more satisfying degree. also gradually became interested in the equipment in its own right. Oh not a star trek fan.
nothing to do with IT at all :p

did a music degree after doing Grade 8s in Piano and Clarinet...working in a 'hifi' shop part time and hopefully starting a music teaching course in September.

Interest in high fidelity equipment came from my dad, not from work.
I nail wood together and people pay me loads for it, which is nice.

First taste of hi-fi was replacing the speakers in my first car, them were the good ol days.

The O

I.T. I'm afraid. C# and Sql Server, currently looking for a new job!

Got into hifi from Uni with my mates first system (party time).... now gone absolutley hifi nuts!

Aside that, written a couple of albums + writing a "charity record" at the moment. :cool:

Cheers, Tim

I'll also add that I have work in Hifi retail as well. Now that was interesting. :eek:

Oh, and I'm a Star Trek fan...

AFAIC it's the best drama on the telly (and I worked in drama for a long time...). It had (and continues to have) excellent production and technical values, the scripts and characterisation are spot on and there's always a moral issue to be sorted.
In the classic series (which sadly, I have all of on tape:o ) 3 eps were banned due to their UnAmerican content!

Not completely convivnced by Enterprise, though. Especially the theme tune.
Originally posted by wadia-miester

don't/didn't anderson do all the Sainsburys contracts?

they did some work there but bulk of it I think was Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) rather than Arthur A - the former make much of their loot from big outsourcing deals.

credit, debit, shreddit....
Originally posted by dominicT
I own a recrording studio, got into hifi because I did not like what I heard when I played my master tapes at home. Dominic

What studio would that be? :)


I am a student studying sound engineering. I am also in a band (see my sig). I have my project studio at home and my Hi-Fi is the monitoring system of that. The music for my band is recorded by me in my project studio :)

I got into hi-fi really because my dad always liked things like that. He got bored and deaf so I kinda carried it on.

Started out as a Chemist at uni, migrated to Physicist when I started work and transmogrified over the years into software developer, developing Magnetic Resonance scanners throughout (so I guess I've been one of robs' customers at various times - I assume you're based just west of Oxford ;) ).

Started playing piano at 10, violin at 11, graduated to viola at 14, got hifi about 16, then played in a shedload of youth orchestras until work (and bellringing) took over towards the end of Uni - and I became a music consumer rather than producer.
Another IT bod.

Computer Science at uni followed by falling into a job working with Lotus Notes in the city. Dot Com then Bomb allowed me to purchase a flat in Hove, which I sold last year and moved to Sweden where I'm currently learning the language and rock climbing. Plan to fall back into the IT world sometime this year, although in a more analytical role.

HiFi bug came in through the back door via a series of box upgrades. First realised I was hooked after a listening to a system in Tokyo and thinking that was exactly the sound/emotion I was looking for. Currently still trying to achieve this.

Not a fan of Star Trek.
Originally posted by robs
Maker of superconducting magnets.

Unless anyone's got a better offer..

have you thought about speaker applications for thsoe magnets??

Hmm. LHe cooled hi-fi..now that would be going some....maybe we could start a new thread topic...records that can cause your system to quench...!?

For some years I made gradient coils for MRI scanners..plenty of research into audio in that field...mainly how to reduce the noise levels...as anyone who's been in a scanner will appreciate..

Still haven't gotten round to DCT-ing my Tandy Gold patch cables..

GrahamN....try again!!(Though I might have visited that way in the past....)....... & where might you be? Just South (Of Oxford)?
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Originally posted by robs
GrahamN....try again!!(Though I might have visited that way in the past....)....... & where might you be? Just South (Of Oxford)?
Ok, so how about...just North (of Oxford), previously just South (in my old home town) - in which case we are one of your customers. I'm quite a way South (and a little East).

...Quite a way south & a little east..maybe we share an office? Should I knock before entering?

Or more likely, I'm further south again?
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Originally posted by themadhippy
theatre technition...
ditto, unpaid though, amature dramatics :rolleyes:
...and playing with big audio and lighting toys... [/quotecertainly is fun, isn't it :D
...previous to this i worked on the touring circuit,mainly on sound,but also doing lighting,rigging and anything else that paid the bills...
i can usually be found behind the mixing desk, but i have a few gigs coming up where i get to rig & run the lights...

shame it's all volunteer work. usually get a funded piss-up though, so it's not too bad ;)

other than that, i'm another IT bod: a system builder.

and i'm currently getting a business off the ground that makes my tag (millitant nutter) sound worrying :p

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