Who's got the biggest???

Dom sorry to hear about your teeth, especially that one under your tongue OW!

Quite nice Aria Pro's arent they? - a friend at college had an Aria Pro II bass and I remember it had a nice sound and an easy to play action.

Never played a shergold, but always fancied a go on a Modulator.. I like the idea of tuning down an extra octave and bashing out some grunge ! :D ever played one Tony?

Originally posted by bottleneck
Dom sorry to hear about your teeth, especially that one under your tongue OW!

Don't feel sorry mate - I think they're wicked - I just thank God I found an NHS dentist in Exeter or I'd have the whole lot ripped out and have titanium ones installed! The one under my tongue isn't hurting (yet) and I don't reckon it will when it comes through either - it's not as jagged as the front ones... Being able to chew on both sides of the tongue at once will be handy 'cos I'm a ridiculously slow eater these days - not sure why - probably I talk too much ;)

Originally posted by bottleneck
Quite nice Aria Pro's arent they? - a friend at college had an Aria Pro II bass and I remember it had a nice sound and an easy to play action.

Yeah - that's what I remember too - mine was a black one with maple(?) neck - really slick and easy to run up and down the fretboard - and it was only £230 - a real bargain!
Originally posted by domfjbrown
Being able to chew on both sides of the tongue at once will be handy

Not sure how the ladies might feel about that! ;)
Never played a shergold, but always fancied a go on a Modulator.. I like the idea of tuning down an extra octave and bashing out some grunge ! :D ever played one Tony?

I had a quick go on a Modulator 6 string many years back, and it's a nice guitar. A of the sound depends on which module you have installed though.

The switching on the Masquerader and Meteor is incredibly comprehensive as is ââ'¬â€œ there is a three way pickup selector (front / both / back) and then an individual three way sound selector for each pickup. This enables you to switch each pickup to humbucker, single coil or out of phase independently of the other allowing for a serious number of combinations.

Shergold pickups get some stick from certain heathens; they are certainly not the loudest or most aggressive out there, but they enable you to pile on distortion in a really grungy way. I've got a Johnson J-Station amp sim and the Masquerader through that can deliver some wonderful Sonic Youth type stuff. The Shergolds have that slightly thin sound that means you can play those big open grunge / indie chords with ultra heavy distortion that would tend to fart with say a really fat Gibson pickup. This is why many of the grunge bands used thinner sounding Guitars like the Fender Mustang and Duo-Sonic, they distort really well.

Not big and certainly not clever but I put a claim in for the fastest music - although music may be a questionable term. Easily 300bpm and more for half an album. Moby 1000 doesnt really count as it is only 1000bpm for a couple of seconds for those with counter claims.
Originally posted by MO!
Not sure how the ladies might feel about that! ;)

He he he - they'll not mind - they'll be loving the length of the tongue instead of worrying about the teeth!!!!

300 bmp? Eeek - reminds me of my mate's Japanese techno CD "Terrordrome" - pretty well unlistenable (although I guess if you were full of disco biscuits, crystal meth AND whizz it would be danceable!). 1000 bpm - that's trully insane...
Originally posted by n24
it is only 1000bpm for a couple of seconds for those with counter claims.
1000 bpm - mere bagatelle! Conlon Nancarrow's Study for Player-Piano No25 finishes off with 1028 notes in 12 seconds! No 21 also starts and finishes at the same sort of rate. (Oh and no electronics required ;) ). OK still a rather dubious claim as not sustained over the whole album (and I don't actually have it :nuno: ).

As for other claims - seems I'm pipped at a number of posts. CDP 21.8 kg rather than chris.gally's 25kg
Tie with techno at 100W per channel class A (the next 20 then AB) behind Sideshowbob
Speakers 42 kg each rather than Johnh's 55. Suspect though that Bub's ATCs beat Johnh - although that is cheating as they have the amps inside them too. Surely though they do trash Sideshows 170 Class A watts.

How about heaviest power amp - 55kg?

Since my "stand" is actually stone built into the house, which is of course firmly attached to the earth, how about heaviest stand (5.98*10e24 kg)?
Originally posted by GrahamN
1000 bpm - mere bagatelle! Conlon Nancarrow's Study for Player-Piano No25 finishes off with 1028 notes in 12 seconds! No 21 also starts and finishes at the same sort of rate. (Oh and no electronics required ;)

Player-pianos, steam organs etc fascinate the HELL out of me - I'd love to own one of said devices one day and program in psy-trance and pop tracks on it for the sheer madness factor...

If there's that many notes in 12 seconds, surely there's got to be a LOT of holes in that paper tape - how do they stop it breaking?

In addition - do you have any recommendations for recordings of steam organs or similar? I love that "To the shock of Miss Louise" track on the Lost Boys soundtrack (the one that plays on the old-style carousel in the film).
Hi Graham,

Yes, speakers are about 66 kg each, but that does include the amp packs - 58 kg without the amps. Total 350 wpc Class A with the usual ATC caveat of staying in Class A up to 66% of maximum output - but by then you would be deafened, so a non-issue. I'd be surprised if anyone else has a system capable of playing cleanly at 106dBA without any noise or distortion, so go on: surprise me!

The turntable is a Mana Stealth Ninja. Fewer than ten of these exist, IIRC. It's better than an LP12, but not as good as a Garrard 401. ;)
Originally posted by The Devil
capable of playing cleanly at 106dBA without any noise

Now there is a clever trick.

I feel I can lay claim to the largest amount of hifi for sale, hopefully I will lose that one soon!
I will try another, biggest, nicest, cigar case... :MILD:

Similar to this:

Maybe, but it doesn't take that much, it is about 2'high, and Spanish cedar inside... :latte:

I almost forgot, I am the one with more kids around here, 6... :argue:
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I have quite a few at that speed but most notably - Epileptik4 mixed by Simon Underground. There is some seriously fast stuff on Fighting Spirit by Manu le Malin and Thunder from the Southwest by Dj Producer as well. The speakers love it.

There is actually a lot of info in the tracks which the system lets out, you normally only hear this stuff on massive bass heavy rigs with loads of distortion.
I've a signed Eric Bibb album and a signed Ian Brown album!

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