Why you can never 'win' with Mana

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Originally posted by wadia-miester

Now just so I now don't get confused, are we talking, internal resonant frequenices generated by the oscilaations of the chips, or we talking, board flexiations caused by outside vibrational forces ?

Why choose :) ? I'd like to hear your thoughts on both..
Originally posted by dat19
Why choose :) ? I'd like to hear your thoughts on both..

Oh no come on Dwatty, lets hear your thought(s) first! I need something to make me smile this morning;)
Originally posted by Steven Toy

Mana-iac: Was it set up properly?

Dissenter: yes
This is the part I do have to take issue with.

There is such an enormous difference between the benefit achieved using Mana set up absolutely spot-on as published by me, after James Jong, on the Mana forum this summer (if it didn't make any difference I wouldn't have bothered to publish it, and the difference was confirmed by some other long-term Mana users) and the effect that sub-optimally set up Mana has.

I doubt whether some of the previous Mana users here would have had the gumption to do the centre-lift test whilst setting-up - it's not mentioned in the supplied instructions - and I certainly didn't.

It is a fundamental mistake, and I'd like to see WM and Merlin tell me with a straight face that they used this method...
Originally posted by The Devil
It is a fundamental mistake, and I'd like to see WM and Merlin tell me with a straight face that they used this method...

No can't say that James, but then seeing as there is nothing in the instructions, it would seem to suggest that the company themselves are unaware of the need for it.

changing tack, you really ought to try a Finite Element rack in your room with you equipment. You may understand why many have moved on to this from Mana.
I find it hard to take your post with a straight face James. If Mana is indeeed so hard to setup that even the manufacturer doesn't know how to do it properly then it's hardly surprising that mere mortals like us don't "get it" and, if that were made clear from the start I doubt many people would want to try :rolleyes:

Thanks Merlin, but I have no need. The system I have is one of the very best I've heard anywhere. I know how good it is because of the live band experience. The reason it is so good is the Mana supports, I know this because Mana was introduced initially without any box changes. I've been using Mana now for two years, and the preamp and CDP have not been changed in that time.

Other Mana'd systems have sounded equally as enjoyable as mine, but it is completely invidious to draw comparisons between geographically separate systems for obvious reasons, room-speaker interactions, mood etc.
Originally posted by michaelab
I find it hard to take your post with a straight face James. If Mana is indeeed so hard to setup that even the manufacturer doesn't know how to do it properly then it's hardly surprising that mere mortals like us don't "get it" and, if that were made clear from the start I doubt many people would want to try :rolleyes:

JW has often said he wants to update the instructions supplied. The centre-lift method is not difficult in any way.

I think it's well worth putting a little effort into getting the best out of your very expensive boxes Michael. If other people don't wish to do that, fair enough.

I am mortal too, btw!
Originally posted by The Devil
JW has often said he wants to update the instructions supplied. The centre-lift method is not difficult in any way.

why hasnt he then? surely that would be paramount to good bussiness.

I think it's well worth putting a little effort into getting the best out of your very expensive boxes Michael. If other people don't wish to do that, fair enough.

cant fault that idea, though its for the individual to decide how and when. There are still a lot of people that dont believe a rack can influence sonic characteristics. I guess thats there loss, or gain depending on your stance.

I am mortal too, btw!

So the Bible lied? I knew it!
Originally posted by The Devil
Thanks Merlin, but I have no need. The reason it is so good is the Mana supports,

But surely James you would like to find out just how good it could sound on something like the Pagode, a stand many have replaced their Mana with because of it's clear superiority.

Telling people they need mana, but at the same time admitting to no knowledge of it's superior rivals is not the sort of position I would expect someone like you to get into to.
Hi Merlin, it just doesn't get better, your preconceptions will be blown away if you make the effort, I will show you.

Hi Penance, no offence taken whatsoever - was trying to be funny.

Yes the speakers are on phase 7 Mana. It cleans everything up, particularly the bass. If you have uncontrolled boomy bass it tends to mess everything else up as well. Even Mana sceptics like Mick Parry, Toy, Alex and others agree that Mana is very worthwhile indeed under speakers. Most also agree it is the best support for an LP12 as well, the controversy is what's best for other TTs, amps and CD players. I think I know the answer.
Originally posted by The Devil
Hi Merlin, it just doesn't get better, your preconceptions will be blown away if you make the effort, I will show you.

But how can you say that when you haven't, and are not prepared to, experiment with alternatives?

If it's that good on mana, just imagine how mind blowing it would be on something better like Finite Element or Ash Designs.
My previous rack was ..... Ash Designs. Now used for the TV / vid / playstation upstairs. I've also heard Hutter (quite good), QS (average), Fraim (average) and used Sound org (average).
I think you've proved that we can't win, because you won't admit defeat...

I note that townshend don't make an appearance on the list of stuff you've tried. I do also wonder how Tonne Control (my custom rack) stacks up, because it's at completely the opposite end of the spectrum, in that it doesn't resonate. Whilst I accept that there are better racks out there (probably) than Tonne Control, they don't come in at the same price (around £150 total) / performance ratio...
Merlin, yes it still is properly set up.

Sorry, forgot to mention Townsend Seismic Sink - I've tried this one too (poor).
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