Windbag is worse threat than Terrorists..

PeteH said:
If you raise the price of something, people are less likely to pay for it. This is fundamentally how prices work. :)

When I did A level Economics back in the mists of time, I thought 'This suplly/demand stuff is all so blindingly obvious'. Little did I realise that some grown men are unable to grasp the simple truths that raising the price of something will decrease the demand for it, and that an item in very short supply for which there is a high demand will command a very high price.
Heavymental said:
After spending 3 weeks in France and getting back last week I despair of this country and its drinking culture. 3 weeks around France we witnessed nothing that would make you feel wary. No agressiveness, no raised short nothing that would class as antisocial. Even the kids hanging around on bikes in town centres said 'Bonjour' as they cycled past. Without wishing to sound like an old woman but you'd get a lot worse in a British town centre. On the first day back we go to the cinema in Bath and its full of nobheads shouting and dicking about. The next day we get home to pembrokeshire and some pissheads coming out of the pub are threating to stab each other in the street. I felt like shooting the lot of them. This country is fkin full of dickheads. Note that this was Bath and Pembrokeshire. Hardly nasty parts of Britain. We seem to think of it as normal for our towns to feel like they've been invaded by vikings every night.
This is just one aspect of France that impressed me, I could go on about what else is great about that country. But as a taster...get this....the town centres haven't been overrun by chain stores! No Clinton Cards, no Starbucks, no Claires Accessories. Its like another world! And no Chavs...woohoo!
Ok...I know France has its problems but they're not as basic as every second citizen being a complete twat.
The attitudes and culture have got to change but they're not going to anytime soon so I'm either moving country or moving even further into the sticks. I've had my fill of the chavs and dckheads in Britain.
It takes a trip to somewhere with a nice culture and attitude to make you realise whats wrong with this place.

that is soo true...luckily it's not too bad where I live, but I went the cinema ages ago (up at newcastle) and it was full of charvas chucking pop corn etc around...
Raising the price is one way to go. Increasing income tax is another, the effect would be less expendable income. I do feel though it will be the wifes and children of these idiots who will take the financial burden.

I would also like to say these drunks come from all types of back ground not just the lower class. though not stated in this thread IMO anyone who comes from a background of privalige who acts like that should be made to help out at homeless centres from 11pm to 9am when the drunks are being sick and wetting the beds, then they can clean it all up.
ya agree drunks come from all backgrounds, but I repeat the punishments for anyone caught creating trouble when drunk, on the spot fines need to be tougher, and again the establishment where they got their poison should take some of the punishment too.

'Appen I was right. Just fancy that.

"While we support many aspects of the government's alcohol strategy, the bottom line is that alcohol-related harm will continue to rise until we address the fundamental problem that we are drinking too much as a nation.

"The proven way to reverse that is to tackle the unpalatable issues of price and availability."
My dad reckoned he saw something today, that suggested the amount of cases of cirrohsis (sp?) was something like 14 (or was that 114 I cant quite remember) in 100,000 of the population, as while it represented an increase, its hardly the epidemic people make it out to be...
Heavymental said:
After spending 3 weeks in France and getting back last week I despair of this country and its drinking culture. 3 weeks around France we witnessed nothing that would make you feel wary. No agressiveness, no raised short nothing that would class as antisocial. Even the kids hanging around on bikes in town centres said 'Bonjour' as they cycled past. Without wishing to sound like an old woman but you'd get a lot worse in a British town centre. On the first day back we go to the cinema in Bath and its full of nobheads shouting and dicking about. The next day we get home to pembrokeshire and some ****heads coming out of the pub are threating to stab each other in the street. I felt like shooting the lot of them. This country is fkin full of dickheads. Note that this was Bath and Pembrokeshire. Hardly nasty parts of Britain. We seem to think of it as normal for our towns to feel like they've been invaded by vikings every night.
This is just one aspect of France that impressed me, I could go on about what else is great about that country. But as a taster...get this....the town centres haven't been overrun by chain stores! No Clinton Cards, no Starbucks, no Claires Accessories. Its like another world! And no Chavs...woohoo!
Ok...I know France has its problems but they're not as basic as every second citizen being a complete ****.
The attitudes and culture have got to change but they're not going to anytime soon so I'm either moving country or moving even further into the sticks. I've had my fill of the chavs and dckheads in Britain.
It takes a trip to somewhere with a nice culture and attitude to make you realise whats wrong with this place.

Well said that man!
The Devil said:
When you know something, post about it, when you don't, say nothing.

Well I dont have the stats at hand for today, but in 1997, according to this, the rate was 6 per 100,000. That is 0.006% of the population. Hardly the epidemic its made out to be.

And of those that will almost certainly be PROPER alcoholics - i.e. the ones that drink 20 pints a day (or whatever). That is 3,600 people out of 60 million!

Big deal!

I bet more people die getting out of bed every year!
Its also worth noting these are figures for just one result of alcohol consumption, there are many other problems caused by alcohol not covered in these stats, many of them are social rather than physical.
It's also worth noting that these are annual death rates. For every death, there are numerous other patients with significant liver, and other, disorders.
Has anyone stopped to think that we non-smokers are being subsidized to a large extent by the enormous taxes paid by smokers? Now that they're no longer allowed to blow smoke in our faces they've become a significant force for the good.

Ban smokers? We should encourage them.

The Devil said:
Where does it say that 50% of cirrhosis in the UK is caused by Hepatitis C? [If it does say that, it's wrong, btw.]

It doesn't as I read it now. It says that 1/2 the cirrhosis is caused by alcohol - which is a different, though also interesting statement.

What is the rest from? Presumably being sat on by fat French farmers force-feeding us corn mash for pate production

It is not something I am trying to argue, since I am not a medic. I am just keen to learn.

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