Windbag is worse threat than Terrorists..

Other UK causes include primary biliary cirrhosis, chronic viral hepatitis (hepatitis B or hepatitis C), autoimmune hepatitis, haemochromatosis, alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency, Wilson's disease, cystic fibrosis, glycogen storage diseases, galactosaemia, tyrosinaemia, hereditary fructose intolerance, hereditary haemorrhagic telangectasia, Byler's disease, abetalipoproteinaemia, porphyria, biliary obstruction, primary sclerosing cholangitis, cardiac failure, veno-occlusive disease, Budd-Chiari syndrome, intestinal bypass surgery for obesity, sarcoidosis, syphilis, and cryptogenic cirrhosis.

Many of these are rare, or very rare.
Joe said:
The government claims it is waging a 'war on drugs' but seems to have a blind spot regarding one of the more dangerous ones out there.

I just thought I'd requote this, as this is one of the most important things mentioned in this thread IMO. They've downgraded cannabis too, so they obviously don't really care about getting tough on drugs, just like they haven't bothered to get "tough on crime".

I mean, why make E or coke illegal, when booze is also highly addictive and can kill in one day? Stinks of hypocrisy. Oh yeah, how stupid of me - of course, the TAXES.

Joe said:
There is a third option; an economic slump so severe that it removes most peoples' disposable income at a stroke (no pun intended). It is no coincidence that we were at our healthiest as a nation during the period of rationing and free vitamins post-WW2.

It'd be nice to see house market come back down to earth for a start... With companies starting to fold (Rover, Golden Wonder, etc) and the worldwide economy starting to look shaky, it looks like we'll all be seeing what a receession will be like soon.

If they ban smoking AND boozing, I wander what age people would have to work to since we'd all be living far longer and healthier, and thus be living yet retired much longer.
domfjbrown said:
I mean, why make E or coke illegal, when booze is also highly addictive and can kill in one day? Stinks of hypocrisy. Oh yeah, how stupid of me - of course, the TAXES.
Dom, this doesn't make any sense. If they legalized ecstacy or cocaine they'd certainly tax it.

It'd be nice to see house market come back down to earth for a start... With companies starting to fold (Rover, Golden Wonder, etc) and the worldwide economy starting to look shaky, it looks like we'll all be seeing what a receession will be like soon.
Actually, I don't suppose it would be at all nice to see the house market or the worldwide economy move into recession. There would be bankruptcies, massive unemployment and much general misery.

If they ban smoking AND boozing, I wander what age people would have to work to since we'd all be living far longer and healthier, and thus be living yet retired much longer.
I wonder who'd join me (a non-smoker and light drinker) in moving to a country that was less 'healthy', less puritanical and a heck of a lot more free.

7_V said:
I wonder who'd join me (a non-smoker and light drinker) in moving to a country that was less 'healthy', less puritanical and a heck of a lot more free.


I'm with you. I haven't had a drink in two months (shedding some pounds you see) but I will have one sooner or later. I have something of a fear of being like Grandfather- physically as fit as 77 year old could be- didn't stop him dying of Parkinsons :( .

To "The Devil" you state that prohibition could be considered a success because of a fall in cirrhosis of the liver. Is this an acceptable trade off against the rise (and until comparatively recently no real fall) or organised crime "feeding the habit"? I'd like to see less self inflicted injuries and illness in the NHS but I'd like to weigh them up against possible side effects.
Tons of Fun said:
To "The Devil" you state that prohibition could be considered a success because of a fall in cirrhosis of the liver. Is this an acceptable trade off against the rise (and until comparatively recently no real fall) or organised crime "feeding the habit"?
I'm not advocating prohibition, I am advocating a big hike in the price of alcohol in order to reduce its consumption.
A pan-European price hike, obviously. I wonder how the French, Poles, Lithuanians, Germans, Italians and Irish would react to your advocacy.
They are not my problem, but unfortunately, the seemingly permanently-pished Scots are.

Someone once said that I didn't "look Scottish", it was analoguekid, if I'm not mistaken. They were absolutely right. I'm not 5'5", 14 stone, spotty and generally rather unwell-looking. I've never known people to drink so much alcohol.

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