WM's cables slagged off

well damn, no ignore option

glad you know how to spell asshole Paul
I would re-pay the favour by saying that i think you are a pointless tosser with no worth to add to a decent discussion.
You really are childish at the moment, you have no idea of what you talk about, back to your cheap lil PC with your naff lil compressed audio thru you crumby lil headphones, off you go theres a good boy.
See i can do personal as well, but prefer not to, just thought i would throw it in there
please try to grow up a tad and put forth a decent correlated argument.
Densen amps are very revealing and fussy where interconnects are concened. The differences are between unlistenable (stips paint) and fan-bloody-tastic.

Mr Berk-ett,

I challenge even your cloth ears ;) not to hear the unsubtle differences between a Chord Chrysalis, a Cable Talk Monitor 2.1 and an Omiga Audio lead between, say, a CDX and Densen amps.

It is a general rule that more expensive kit highlights such differences more; an unfortunate fact of life I suppose :JOEL:
Now you lot, can we stop bickering and get back to the matter in hand, slagging off our cables please, I'm quite disappointed with effort you guys are making, you must try harder :rolleyes:
Mid term report, CLASS MUST DO BETTER :D
My spelling is probably better than yours you total gayboy.

I'm more of a man that you'll ever be my friend, your lass will testify to that when I was nailing her good and proper behind your back.

I can do a lot worse than personal mate, believe me :JOEL:
you truely are a pathetic creature, can you lower yourself anymore? maybe the gutter is to high a pedestal for you.
I am thick skinned and you bullshit has no effect, apart from showing what a complete tosser you actually are.

Berk, i find it hard to believe that out of 100,000,000 sperm yours was the fastest!
Originally posted by Steven Toy
Densen amps are very revealing and fussy where interconnects are concened. The differences are between unlistenable (stips paint) and fan-bloody-tastic.

Mr Berk-ett,

I challenge even your cloth ears ;) not to hear the unsubtle differences between a Chord Chrysalis, a Cable Talk Monitor 2.1 and an Omiga Audio lead between, say, a CDX and Densen amps.

It is a general rule that more expensive kit highlights such differences more; an unfortunate fact of life I suppose :JOEL:

Maybe I would Mr Tuneful member ;) but on my equipment not thus far. I'd still like to think my cans are quite revealing, though. I do hear differences, just not to the scale said here.

And to your point about high end, we listened to some cables through Rorys system, that is £2k speakers, £1k front end, £1.5k amp, and there was still little appreciable difference to me.

Maybe I have cloth ears :D

Tones, can I join your gang? ;)
Originally posted by penance
you truely are a pathetic creature, can you lower yourself anymore? maybe the gutter is to high a pedestal for you.
I am thick skinned and you bullshit has no effect, apart from showing what a complete tosser you actually are.

Berk, i find it hard to believe that out of 100,000,000 sperm yours was the fastest!

Yeah mate, I am a tosser. I have tossed off in your lasses face enough times.

And you better believe my sperm was the fastest, however, nothing is faster than you running after the sheep in the fields with your pants down.
Originally posted by Steven Toy
Densen amps are very revealing and fussy where interconnects are concened. The differences are between unlistenable (stips paint) and fan-bloody-tastic.

pray tell.... what have you found that are fan-bloody-tastic. I've just started using a homemade GWS with Audusa plugs between my Densen pre and power which is working well.

I tried a homemade Nu-Vista between the CDP and pre but this didn't work well, evidently less impressive than my incumbent Chord Co. Siren.

but then some people don't believe cables make a difference....

?2k speakers, ?1k front end, ?1.5k amp,

They call that a mullet in the circles I frequent.

2.5k front end, 1.5k amp and 1k speakers would not just probably show up the i/c differences better it'd sound more musical too.

No offence intended to anyone running (or sporting) a mullet.
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Originally posted by Steven Toy
They call that a mullet in the circles I frequent.

2.5k front end, 1.5k amp and 1k speakers would not just probably show up the i/c differences better it'd sound more musical too.

Hey mate, wasnt my choice, and I'd more than likely be inclined to agree.
sorry, should have read the full thread.


which of Omiga's i/cs worked well between the CDX and Densens?
you are a truely sad lowlife
a guttersnipe
with playground insults
FYI my GF has far more taste than to bother with a foul mouthed thick northern monkey, as im sure people who have met her will testify
Now im sure youll say you have met her, more of your pathetic attempts at stinky bait
try something constructive, if your small brain can cope
otherwise call it a day and crawl back under your stone
This is the last post from me for now. I've got work to be getting on with (for once ;)).

Penance, I've truly enjoyed our little exchange. I am so sadenned that you want to put me on your ignore list *** reaches for the kleenex ***.

Sniff sniff. ahem. Oh you dont have one do you :p

Never mind.

Nah I havent really met your lass, but I'm sure after she had the Birkett lovin, there'd be no going back. :D

Would she still love you if she knew of your strange fetishes I wonder?

Nah. I am just kiddin man. Peace. Truce?

Oh penance. I love you....


Chill bud. I am.

Edit: I'll be back later on for the latest installment of happy families. Chow for now.
Originally posted by penance
...bother with a foul mouthed thick northern monkey

something wrong with being Northern? I'll have you know it's a long time since us northerners lived in trees.
which of Omiga's i/cs worked well between the CDX and Densens?

The middle-ranking one with Eichmanns at one end and a non-lockable DIN at the other.

The other one I had with the lockable DIN (as used by Naim) and some other plugs at the other end sounded too laid-back. The one I'm using/"testing" now is more detailed too.
Oi, less of the 'northern' insults!! It may be grim up here but dont bring us into you and birkett's love tussle.

FWIW (which is probably next to nowt) - compression is shite - but Ive heard some compressed recordings sound better than non compressed - kinda depends on the quality of the original recording.
Originally posted by PBirkett
This is the last post from me for now. I've got work to be getting on with (for once ;)).

No No dont leave me pauly

Penance, I've truly enjoyed our little exchange. I am so sadenned that you want to put me on your ignore list *** reaches for the kleenex ***.

Sniff sniff. ahem. Oh you dont have one do you :p

Never mind.
never meant to upset you, or are the Kleenex for another reason?

Nah I havent really met your lass, but I'm sure after she had the Birkett lovin, there'd be no going back. :D
I know you havent, she has taste ;)

Would she still love you if she knew of your strange fetishes I wonder?
she is a nurse of 18 years exp, nothing surprises here :P

Nah. I am just kiddin man. Peace. Truce?

Oh penance. I love you....

peace dude, truce :)

easy on the love tho, its still sore!


Chill bud. I am.

me 2
No hard feelings mate. I'll try and go a little bit easier on your ass next time - never realised you was so tight :lol:


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