WM's cables slagged off

Originally posted by maddog 2

Originally posted by penance
...bother with a foul mouthed thick northern monkey

something wrong with being Northern?

Something wrong with being a MOnkey?

that's the second time TODAY that you have spurned the cartoony one. three strikes and you're out. :D ;)

Originally posted by MartinC
I'm interested to see the anti Nu-Vista posts here
Well I'll redress the balance then ;)

I use NuVista ICs between my DAC (Chord DAC64) and amp (Arcam A22) and they are superb. However, they aren't originals. They were made from NuVista cable and terminated with Eichmann Bullets and they don't have the ferrite clamps - they're about 1m long.

I had a set of original NuVistas (clamps and all) and compared them to my "DIY" NuVistas and the difference was night and day. The original NuVistas were OK but with the bullets and without the ferrites (which IMO make no difference at all) they are a superb IC. Way more bass extension and much more dynamic. They also blew my VDH D102MkIII out of the water.

I had about a 3m pair of NuVista cable and just made myself another 2m set with bullets to connect my AV amp pre-outs to the Arcam and I still have enough left for another 1m set which I'm keeping for a potential pre->power IC if/when I change my amp :) Can be used as a balanced cable aswell which is nice.

EDIT: I've tried using the NuVista as a digital cable aswell just out of interest and it wasn't bad but it was quite harsh and bright compared to my Apogee Wyde-Eye.

I remember Marge being voted into FHMs 100 sexiest women. Number 98 I think! When she lets her hair down she's a bit of a honey yeah! MMMM...... wet marge! :MILD:

There used to be quite a few funny li'l mpegs and pic's of marge in the act! Anyone see the Simpsons meet the Jetsons pics? LOL! There's flintstone ones too!

erm.......... i'm sounding a bit OTT here :o

Off to watch another glorious night at Parhead! Bring on the Munich! (ITV2 for all interested)

Hail Hail!

Originally posted by michaelab
Well I'll redress the balance then ;)

I use NuVista ICs between my DAC (Chord DAC64) and amp (Arcam A22) and they are superb. However, they aren't originals. They were made from NuVista cable and terminated with Eichmann Bullets and they don't have the ferrite clamps - they're about 1m long.

I had a set of original NuVistas (clamps and all) and compared them to my "DIY" NuVistas and the difference was night and day. The original NuVistas were OK but with the bullets and without the ferrites (which IMO make no difference at all) they are a superb IC. Way more bass extension and much more dynamic. They also blew my VDH D102MkIII out of the water.

I had about a 3m pair of NuVista cable and just made myself another 2m set with bullets to connect my AV amp pre-outs to the Arcam and I still have enough left for another 1m set which I'm keeping for a potential pre->power IC if/when I change my amp :) Can be used as a balanced cable aswell which is nice.

EDIT: I've tried using the NuVista as a digital cable aswell just out of interest and it wasn't bad but it was quite harsh and bright compared to my Apogee Wyde-Eye.


you know where to get them cheap off the reel or something michael?

NB are they shielded BTW?

Michael, maybe the nu-vista are stopping the chord from being hard, thats why you always scrowl at us when we mention it :rolleyes:
The Nu-vista cable is limited in a big way. Full Stop. I'm saying no more on this one.
Anyone wishing for a demostration of this, please feel free to bring along they own cable and kit, for a A/B with any other cable in the same price braket, is more than welcome :)
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Originally posted by bottleneck
you know where to get them cheap off the reel or something michael?

NB are they shielded BTW?
The person I bought my "original" NuVistas off (on eBay) offered me a load of the cable for FREE provided I buy my Bullet plugs from a shop in London that's run by a mate of his.

Won't say who it is but he's on the forum :)

The cable is sheilded, yes.

Dear Mr mystery Nuvista cable supplier,

Please give me some of that free funky nuvista cable.

I'll be your best mate, and fix you up on a date with WM.


I'll even buy some plugs off your mate in London !
:D don't know if he still has any left. He used to make up a lot of NuVista ICs with Bullets and sell them on eBay but I don't see any up there at the moment so his NuVista stocks may have run out ;)

well he did say "bit left" before giving some out last time.

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