WM's cables slagged off

Oh yeah, I am so jealous baby :rolleyes:

I really want to be a snotty, arrogant, condescending snob like yourself.

Like I say, its alright for you lot to have a pop at my method of listening, but if I have a pop back, then I am the bad guy eh :mad:
well, if all you can do is throw pathetic personal comments you are really showing yourself to be somewhat churlish
pointless carrying on talking to someone who hasnt the gumption to formulate a decent argument without resorting to a lower level

should of expected it!
If you taunt me I will bite.

I havent got a problem with you (believe it or not), but :-

they probably slag off anything that isnt compressed tripe in an attempt to cover up the fact they have cloth ears

You've read one thread on that forum and come to that conclusion. Do you know all this for a fact?

I responded to this crap, and I get flamed, claims that I'm jealous and whatnot. Well you fucking asked for it mate.
Originally posted by PBirkett
Have you ever listened to a properly encoded compressed file and succesfully told them apart when listening, not knowing what you were listening to?

Yes I have, thanks for asking.

Why am I looking daft. Because I dont agree with you?

My mood is good, thanks for asking.
In the red corner, snorting coke (cherry version) & shooting from the hip Paul 'man I'm bored shitless Birkett, while in the blue corner slinging lead & through platters Penance staunchly defending the forum.
Guy's debate is cool, disagreeing is no probs, and calling it B/S :bs: is part of life whatever you feel about cable cooking, sperm pens, cables, etc. I have no grief about this either, but you got to respect the other guys point of view, werather you feel it's bollox or not.
If you can't hear/tell a difference whoo great you can spend far more cash on the software & ale, but many can, and do wish to up tempo by whatever means.
If we didn't have a slag off once a week, would be a boring place to dwell :rolleyes: Wm
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lead and platters, your onto something there :)

Paul, it all starts because as soon as cables are mentioned you straight away say "bollox", something i have come to expect from people of your type:rolleyes:
I think wadia-miester summed it up nicely. We all have many different tastes in systems and many different budgets but it does not mean ones view is either correct or wrong. Paul I am sure you are right about not been able to tell any difference from compression (I am open minded on the subject) but sound quality asside a lot of people just prefer hard media. I.e records, cds, not just a file.

I find LPs are far nicer to handle but thats just me, it dosn't mean I think CDs or compressed formats are a load of shite.
Tony, this is nothing against you mate. We do what we have to to earn a living, and this is your way. If people are prepared to pay for this service, thats good for you, whether I agree with it or not, is neither here nor there. I wont go around telling people not to do it or whatever, but I have to say, I cant see what the benefit could be, and that is it. Nothing more.

You read too much into my opinion penisance, and since you've already got me down as a childish bad tempered git, then I might as well behave like one towards you anyway. I happen to think it livens up the forum a bit, although FWIW I am sure Micheal probably agrees with you, but frankly mate, I am past caring. If you bait me, I'll bite. :JPS:
Guys - lets not get into a slanging match :)

Paul - you can have whatever opinions you like but you do come across as always trying to slag off anything expensive as audiophool bollox. I don't think anyone really has a problem with that but what I (and no doubt others) have a problem with is the implication that some group of kids into MP3 who smugly reject expensive cables and cable cooking out of hand without listening to the difference they can make is in any way objective.

Like I said, you think that forum is more objective than this one because the people there are more likely to agree with your views on things like expensive gear and cables etc. That's not objective though. That's just more biased toward your viewpoint - which isn't a problem, but don't go claiming it's objective.

I personally believe this forum to be as objective as a hifi forum can reasonably be. People here generally will try anything and won't reject things without listening to them. There were cable sceptics here who have changed their minds. OTOH you have people like Tones who says he can't hear a difference - no problem with that but at least he has tried them.

I think I've already grown to my maximum height thanks, although I am sure the beer belly can grow some more. :lol:

Whats your excuse?
Originally posted by PBirkett
I think I've already grown to my maximum height thanks, although I am sure the beer belly can grow some more. :lol:

Whats your excuse?

My excuse would be that i am more mature than yourself.
I have no need nor time to bother with children.
Good luck with your bollox and crappy compresion and also your inability to make informed objective comments. Where would we be without you:rolleyes:

welcome to my ignore list
Originally posted by michaelab
Paul - you can have whatever opinions you like but you do come across as always trying to slag off anything expensive as audiophool bollox. I don't think anyone really has a problem with that but what I (and no doubt others) have a problem with is the implication that some group of kids into MP3 who smugly reject expensive cables and cable cooking out of hand without listening to the difference they can make is in any way objective.

Sometimes I might come across as smug. I dont mean to, believe me, I am not good at typing my opinions on forums. I have always preferred face to face communication. I am not very good sometimes at making things sound inoffensive.

Like I said, you think that forum is more objective than this one because the people there are more likely to agree with your views on things like expensive gear and cables etc. That's not objective though. That's just more biased toward your viewpoint - which isn't a problem, but don't go claiming it's objective.

No mate, you misunderstand me there. This is my take. It is an OBJECTIVE forum, not because I happen to agree with many of them (truthfully mate, I hardly EVERY visit that forum), but because they dont believe in SUBJECTIVE opinions. Everything must be tested scientifically to them to prove valid. Personally, I think a little of both approaches might be the best thing.

I once went there with the intention of comparing my old DACMAGIC with the EWX. My thread died a quick death when they discovered it wasnt a measurable change but an opinion. I havent really went back since.

I personally believe this forum to be as objective as a hifi forum can reasonably be. People here generally will try anything and won't reject things without listening to them. There were cable sceptics here who have changed their minds. OTOH you have people like Tones who says he can't hear a difference - no problem with that but at least he has tried them.


Although I havent tried dozens of cables, I've tried a fair few, and have always found that while there are small differences, the differences are not as big as some would believe. I believe they represent a very small last % of the performance that can be squeezed out of a system.

Anyway, I didnt really intend for this to descend into a slagging match, but I have to admit to occaisionally enjoying a good "heated debate" :JOEL:
Originally posted by penance
My excuse would be that i am more mature than yourself.
I have no need nor time to bother with children.
Good luck with your bollox and crappy compresion and also your inability to make informed objective comments. Where would we be without you:rolleyes:

welcome to my ignore list

Oh yes, I bow down to your superiority, you are just so sophisticated and cultured.

Nah. I really think your a total arsehole.
Being up to my neck in work right now (Christmas is uncancelled!) I have not had the time to contribute to the forum as I might wish. However, I feel compelled to break my self-imposed exile to extend my thanks to Paul and Penance for providing some rich entertainment this lunchtime. Good work fellas!
hehe yep my thoughts exactly. It has certainly made typing up a dull report more interesting and contributed to this forum getting a new world record.:)

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