Its a G thing
Dev which post of mine was offensive? Are you sure it was one from me?Dev said:Greg/ShinOBIWAN, I've deleted your posts for rather obvious reasons.
Ah, the one regards JW. Aren't I entitled to use swear words these days?
Dev which post of mine was offensive? Are you sure it was one from me?Dev said:Greg/ShinOBIWAN, I've deleted your posts for rather obvious reasons.
James - your Saharan dryness makes me thirsty. I love it.The Devil said:I'm very impressed with your wealth & taste, Mr S.
The only people capable of pushing a bike to its limits will be racers, if you don't race you won't know how, and you cannot learn on the road. You can probably get part way on track days, but they don't like you measuring your progress.You didnt mentiuon racers in your original post but said bikers capable of pushing a bike to its limits.
The pretend race bike end of the modern road bike range. Where all the useful engines come from.When you say sports bike i assume you mean a modern road bike, not a race machine?
Hi Greg, I didn't remove it for the swearing, it was because it quoted another post which was, er, let's just say contentiousgreg said:Dev which post of mine was offensive? Are you sure it was one from me?
Ah, the one regards JW. Aren't I entitled to use swear words these days?
Ah cool. No, fair enough pal.Dev said:Hi Greg, I didn't remove it for the swearing, it was because it quoted another post which was, er, let's just say contentious.
The Devil said:I fear it has fallen on stony ground with our favourite low-wattage member, greg. I'm glad you, at least, picked up on it.
The Devil said:Not at all, actually, this is repeated behaviour, and I am one of quite a large group of people. He backed off pretty fast after he tried the same thing with a policeman's wife, though, I hear. Naturally enough, the husband took a pretty dim view, and had a little chat with him about it.
The Devil said:Absolutely. Anyone who has driven a motorcycle on British public roads, as I did (briefly) in my youth, will know about the nasty surprises which lurk thereon. Even a painted white line can upset most bikes, a change of surface, mid-corner bumps, little potholes, etc.
leonard smalls said:At this point I'd better let y'all know that:
a) sports bikes are rubbish and all look the same
b) BMWs are rubbish except the 3.0csi
c) Subaru Imprezzas are rubbish and ugly
d) the only bikes that are actually cool are those where you can see the engine, and usually have less than 4 cylinders
e) the only bikers that are actually cool are those who don't look like a power ranger
f) speed is irelevant, it's how cool you are (especially on a bike, as you're rarely cool in a car unless it's a Blower Bentley or similar)
leonard smalls said:e) the only bikers that are actually cool are those who don't look like a power ranger
Guzzi actually, and tuned to give similar performance to a modern 600, however I neglected to upgrade the brakes and suspension sufficientlyShinOBIWAN said:Tranlation: I'm scared of them, give me a good old Triumph!
I'd love to, but they're rather expensive!ShinOBIWAN said:Translation: I own a 3.0csi, the rest are therefor shit by definition.
OK, Imprezas are rubbish because they're uglyShinOBIWAN said:Translation: I judge books by their covers.
A modern 4 cylinder bike tends to squeal like a little girl. I prefer a bike to roar, even if it's a bit slower...ShinOBIWAN said:Translation: I'm old, really old.
May I refer the honourable gentleman to this damning piece of evidence:ShinOBIWAN said:Translation: I think I have taste that's above everyone else's.
This is cool:ShinOBIWAN said:Translation: Where'd I put my medication?
He's right you know.leonard smalls said:This is cool:
And all right thinking people will know this is not: