Worst song ever

Oh yes, scratch "It's raining men", the all time worst song has to be "Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum)" by the Cheeky Girls. Top that if you can!

Kind of pleased I managed to forget that to begin with :) .
Uncle Ants said:
:confused: Naha, nah, you got it all wrong, Surfin Bird really is a classic, nothing bad about it at all.

:mana: :yikes: Are you actively seeking treatment???? :beamup:
tones said:
:mana: :yikes: Are you actively seeking treatment???? :beamup:

:D Not yet, but if I listen to it long enough :MILD:

Not just me though ... TonyL, Midlifecrisis, and all of the members of the Cramps and the Ramones (who aren't dead yet anyways) all think its a work of gonzo genius :)

two .. three .. four ....

Well...everybody's heard about the bird
Bird bird bird, bird is the word
Bird bird bird, bird is the word
Well everybody's heard about the bird
Bird bird bird, bird is the word
Everybody's heard about the bird
Bird bird bird, bird is the word
Everybody's heard about the bird
Bird bird bird, bird is the word
Don't you know about the bird?
Well everybody's heard about the bird
Bird bird bird, bird is the word
Bird bird bird, bird is the word yeah
Well everybody's heard about the bird
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na
Everybody's heard about the bird
Everybody's heard about the bird
Don't you know about the bird?

:JPS: Devilishly Good.
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mr cat said:
what about agadoo...or however you spell it!!

Black Lace? Just a couple of harmless jokers. Have to agree that Wonder's 'I just called to say I love you' is much worse.

Also, another vote for 'Surfin' Bird' as a classic.
notaclue said:
Black Lace? Just a couple of harmless jokers. Have to agree that Wonder's 'I just called to say I love you' is much worse.


true...but it's still sh*te. :cool:
its not exactly a terrible song, but the song that really makes me switch for the 'off' button on the radio more than any other is..

'the shoop shoop song' by Cher.

I really dislike hearing that.
stickman said:
Dire Straits "Money for Nothing"

Aaah, but for me that track has great memories - sticking V signs up at the DJ at school discos every time the "colour TVs" bit came up in the song - misspent yoof!

If you hate that track, you should hear what 1200 Mics did to it on "Acid for nothing" off of "Heroes of the imagination" - it's pretty, err, improved!

I've got a worse one - Rivers of Babylon/Brown girl in the ring/basically ANYTHING ELSE by Boney BLOODY M. They make Black Lace sound like the Beatles.

I actually can tolerate Black Lace, but Boney M? Pass the garott wire!

Oh - there's worse - Abba. Yuk.
michaelab said:
Oh come on! Even if you don't like Bohemian Rhapsody you have to admit it's very original and there's a lot of musical talent involved.

Hmm - well, it did have a cool video (groundbreaking effects etc), and the tape nearly wore through from all the overdubs they did, but it's just too worn out. Wayne's World helped revive it a bit though!
MartinC said:
Probably "It's raining men", especially if forced to watch The Weather Girls video with it. Not quite sure why but I HATE it.

Other's that spring to mind are "Who let the dogs out?" and Meatloaf's "I'd do anything for love".
Got to agree with all those suggestions, although Jeri Halliwell's version of "It's Raining Men" is even worse than the original.

Oh and anything by Cher I hate with a passion, just can't get on with her voice/singing, just really annoys me. :rolleyes:
Uncle Ants said:
TonyL, Midlifecrisis, and all of the members of the Cramps and the Ramones (who aren't dead yet anyways) all think its a work of gonzo genius :)

I can only assume that, if the word "genius" has a value of, say, x, the word "gonzo" has a value of -1000x.
I think it has to be a song that was written with no tongue in the cheek whatsoever, i.e. Black Lace, along with many other potential nominations, probably/hopefully! never regarded themselves as serious artists.

The worst thing is when people are really trying and still fck it up. Hence Stevies low moments, Geri Halliwells efforts and for me....The Beautiful South 'Don't Marry Her' rates up there. God it makes me angry. So so bad. Especially the 'rude' edit being 'Don't marry her, Fck me'. Really can't imagine them deciding to release such blatant rubbish.
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Heavymental said:
God it makes me angry. So so bad. Especially the 'rude' edit being 'Don't marry her, Fck me'. Really can't imagine them deciding to release such blatant rubbish.

Aaaah - but I wish I'd been there when my brother played his just-bought copy of "Blue is the colour" in front of his kids (oldest being, err, 7 I would think, back then!!!), having only heard the radio edit! The look on his face when she sang that first f word must have been priceless :D
domfjbrown said:
Aaaah - but I wish I'd been there when my brother played his just-bought copy of "Blue is the colour" in front of his kids (oldest being, err, 7 I would think, back then!!!), having only heard the radio edit! The look on his face when she sang that first f word must have been priceless :D

True! But seriously there must be lots of middle of the road music fans that bought that and were shocked when they heard that and stuck it at the back of their collection. Did they underestimate their fan base!? Most fans are surely middle aged middle class middle of the road middle england middlers!! Can imagine many an embarrassing sunday afternoon sticking that on before lunch. It just confuses me really...why did they decide on those lyrics. Its just quite unpleasant really. Can you imagine sitting down and writing "Don't marry her, fck me" when "Don't marry her, have me" does the job.
They're just shite I suppose....Rotterdam confirmed that.
tones said:
I can only assume that, if the word "genius" has a value of, say, x, the word "gonzo" has a value of -1000x.

Well maybe genius is the wrong term ... maybe idiot savant would be better :)

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