The silly thing about this whole argument is that there
is no argument! There are clearly two very distinct, very well-defined goals in audio: the goal of total fidelity and the goal of greatest subjective enjoyment.
The objectivist has a more "scientific" (or possibly "engineering") point of view regarding audio - they want their audio equipment to most accurately reproduce the original musical event. For sources, recording media, etc this gets rather hazy and tricky, but for amps it's very straightforward - straight wire with gain is the goal, that's it. To an objectivist, the recording itself should be able to provide all of the musical satisfaction and personal enjoyment, and if it doesn't (e.g. shoddy recording quality), then tough.
The subjectivist viewpoint on the other hand is (and please forgive the term - it's not meant in a bad way!) kinda "new agey" by comparison. A subjectivist doesn't care if the hifi equipment is accurate, as long as it sounds good. To them, if the hifi adds its own character it can be a good thing (if the character is pleasing).
Some people (clearly a lot of people, though I suspect we are a very vocal but very minor minority) adhere almost religiously to one or the other and that's fine - the problem is when one of these "zealots" hits the pulpit and starts preaching in absolute terms on the merits of their point of view. As far as I'm concerned this is all well and good - freedom of speech and all that. But for zealots of the opposing argument (who will never be convinced of the opposing POV) this really gets their hackles up and these silly, pointless bile-fests ensue.
The key point I'm trying to make, though, is that both points of view can quite happily coexist! There's no reason for any argument! The only argument that is valid is regarding specific bits of kit (and possibly specific hifi designers/companies), and whether they follow one viewpoint or the other.
So if you're a zealot of one camp or the other, and you see a zealot of the opposing camp waxing lyrical about why their viewpoint is so much better - ignore it! Let it go. Chill, man. And if said zealot tries to get you riled up by saying that one of your favourite bits of kit is crap, you can happily let that slide as well, safe in the knowledge that Enemy Zealot's opinion holds no weight with your point of view because your criteria for goodness/crapness are totally different!
...And the world of ZeroGain will be a much more peaceful place.
"Groovy" Dunc