You when things are bad when...........

Originally posted by Tom Alves
Sorry I've been away and missed all the fun. From my side of the fence Naim ain't going down the pan, as much as some of you would like to see it and secondly if it's set up right it does sound stunning ( and yes I can prove that even if it isn't to your taste).

Look it's late, why aren't I looking at porn instead of wasting time here? ;) Has anyone mention Seventh Veil recently?
Welcome back Tom. I've been having some more fun on eBay and Audiogon recently. Also, someone phoned from BBC Radio Shropshire wanting to interview the man who sold the Ironbridge Power Station. I told him that I'd sold it a number of times but had to stop now. Well, there's a limit to how many Ironbridge Power Stations one can sell. :D Anyway, if anyone's in Shropshire this morning ...
Originally posted by 7_V
Welcome back Tom. I've been having some more fun on eBay and Audiogon recently. Also, someone phoned from BBC Radio Shropshire wanting to interview the man who sold the Ironbridge Power Station. I told him that I'd sold it a number of times but had to stop now. Well, there's a limit to how many Ironbridge Power Stations one can sell. :D Anyway, if anyone's in Shropshire this morning ...

WTF!!! - I live 5 miles from Ironbridge power station. Has someone been selling it on ebay!!! ROFLMAO Any links?
Well if mr naim is around, here ye this....

I am actually a bit of a naim sound fan, I certainly like the sources....

hated the sbls gave me palpitations...really anxious edgy sound...

but I don't think as a company you are doing any favours, you are greedy, that is all there is too were taking the pisss with the 52 preamp, now you really are fat cats extraordinaire, there is no other way to put it, and I hope your loyal fans vote with their feet, and you have to cut prices.

The stuff only has a few hundred pounds worth of bits in and I think it is pure greed to charge what you are.

And I am not anti, I like the stuff, however, there is no magic circuitry involved, see neil mcbrides pages.

And if naim is so solvent, I am sure you won't mind sharing the accounts and finances to back up your own position?

Pray tell, how much do you sell the nap 500 to the dealers for?
I would imagine that the dealer margin is 40-50%, the same as most other brands. Thats a lot of money if he sells a £24K pre/power amp!

soz, couldn't resist.
This thread is going the same way as another thread on this forum a while back.

If ya don't like Naim 'cos of whatever reason don't buy it.
It could be overpriced, over specced etc, but some like the sound that Naim kit produces, me included, and I don't mind laying out dosh for it either.

I recon its a good thing we all don't like the same tho - how boring that would be!

andy c!

PS I'll bet some manufacturers wish their kit had the residual second hand values that Naim kit has.

I'll get me crash hat on ready.....

You said

"PS I'll bet some manufacturers wish their kit had the residual second hand values that Naim kit has."

True and I bet they wish that they had the same loyal band of customers that Naim have.

What these people forget is that nothing comes on a platter, it has to be earned. I have a 18 year old 32.5 pre amp in my dining room that was serviced just last year. How many many other company's offer that level of customer care.


Originally posted by Robbo You do have to admire Naim's customer loyalty though, as most of them have no interest in finding out about the other extremely competent kit thats out there. [/B]
This statement is based on a survey of Naim customers by any chance?!
Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data
And I am not anti, I like the stuff, however, there is no magic circuitry involved, see neil mcbrides pages.

And if naim is so solvent, I am sure you won't mind sharing the accounts and finances to back up your own position?

Pray tell, how much do you sell the nap 500 to the dealers for?
Ha Ha Haaaaaaa...

Imagine a company posting their accounts, finances and profit margins on a sleaze thread of a forum on the internet!

Ha Ha Haaaaaaa......
Originally posted by BlueMax
This statement is based on a survey of Naim customers by any chance?!


You only need to look at the Naim owners that post here, on pinkfish and of course the Naim forum to understand that this statement, although a generalisation, is pretty close to the mark! of course, not all are like this, but a great many are:(

But as I said before, you have got to give great credit to Naim's marketing and sales strategy to have created and maintained this userbase for so long.

Mick, Naim servicing costs are on the up; Densen offer a lifetime guarantee.

PS - A few days ago I heard some (very nearly) mains optimised SBLs on the end of active 250s and they were shockingly good, not like any other SBLs I've heard - they had bass, great midrange presence and didn't break up in the treble until past 12 O'clock.

Audio Research are another such company. They offer service and upgrade packages to all their products dating back to about 1971 when they were founded.
Originally posted by BlueMax
Ha Ha Haaaaaaa...
Imagine a company posting their accounts, finances and profit margins on a sleaze thread of a forum on the internet!

Ha Ha Haaaaaaa......

Like any company in this fine land of ours, Naim are required to make their accounts public, it takes only a couple of minutes to download them from the internet:)

Still I have little doubt that they would show anything of interest to those looking for chinks in the armour, after all you can sell one 552 and lose about twelve Nait 5 sales and still end up with increased turnover and, almost certainly, a healthier profit margin.

So volume would be down, but turnover and gross profits up. Could certainly help to explain why the 552/500's appeared in a shrinking market place;) (If you were cynical of course)