2 Power kords needed

I wouldn't say mine are very expensive boxes, though they are more expensive than average... :MILD:

I believe they take care of their own induced vibrations well enough for me, until proven wrong, I also didn't believe in replacing PCs, until a friend brought some to test on my system... :rolleyes:
Yes I know. 'Possible' is compatable with 'vanishingly unlikely' Tony.

Winning the lottery is possible.
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Supra cables?

Hi -

Has anyone used the Supra LoRad cables? I ask because they are easier to get hold of for me and if the are as good as, say, Eupen, then why not?

Thanks for the other pointers, addresses, etc. I think I have a Eupen on the way to me anyway.

Yes, there's a friend of mine here in Portugal who uses (or used) a Supra LoRad cable and when I took a Eupen over to his place we found them to be comparable allthough the Eupen had somewhat better bass extension.

Cheap field strength meter?

Originally posted by michaelab
Yes, there's a friend of mine here in Portugal who uses (or used) a Supra LoRad cable and when I took a Eupen over to his place we found them to be comparable allthough the Eupen had somewhat better bass extension.

Thanks for that. I have ordered a Supra internally in Norway for about £53, which is not cheap, but if I find it effective I could find a cheaper shop in Sweden most probably, where they are made AFAIK.

I also have a Eupen on the way from www.audusa.com. this will be £55.36 inc P&P ex VAT but I will have to pay our VAT on that, at 24%, plus our tollservice's paperwork for over a tenner, so you can see why I want to find a local source if at all possible, in case I turn out to want several of these things of one type or another.

This is totally off the top of my head but: what about using an old CB SWR meter in field strength mode (a passive device)? If one attached a small loop to the supplied terminals and waved it around the cables and boxes, shouldn't one get an indication of field strength? Then one could at least check what were the culprits for RF, and whether one had reduced it (the link to audio effect remaining moot.)

Maybe one would need a better meter because the ones I'm thinking of were only intended to deal with a 30 MHz signal. I suppose the thing for me to do is try it, but my daft mate with a raised Toyota Landcruiser has it (round here we need to tackle the odd elk-hit etc and a radio comes in handy, so he says).

Just a thought,
Re: Cheap field strength meter?

Originally posted by SteveC
I also have a Eupen on the way from www.audusa.com. this will be £55.36 inc P&P ex VAT but I will have to pay our VAT on that, at 24%, plus our tollservice's paperwork for over a tenner, so you can see why I want to find a local source if at all possible
Ahhh of course I forgot that Norway is not a member of the EU ;) Otherwise of couse you'd just pay the UK VAT (17.5%) and P&P and then no other charges.

Now perform another measurement with cables in situ and apply same EQ. Shockingly, the balance of the sound will revert to as it was prior to the mains tweaks to my ears:eek: So, I would have to deduce that the cables are adding rather than subtracting something:confused:


The giveaway is that most of these manufacturers claim RFI reduction but none of them give any figures or details of tests whatsoever. In a competitive market, one would assume at least one manufacturer would work out the marketing advantage of publishing measured figures for the claimed reduction. The fact that they don't suggests RFI reduction claims should be treated with extreme suspicion, whether you like what these cables do or not. Plenty of people in this thread have claimed the cables have a positive effect reducing RFI, but it appears that's just an assumption from claims made by manufacturers, and not an established fact at all.

-- Ian
I tend to agree Ian, which is why I was honest enough to post those findings:)

Still, if what they add is musical enjoyment, and in my experience, the Shunyatas certainly do that, then I have no problem in recommending them;)
I understand that analog ICs and speaker cable can, and most times do, equalize the sound, but digital and PCs, I just cannot see how, it MUST have to do with the amount of garbagge they let through, or not... :rolleyes:
Acoustic Zen Tsunami

WM has kindly lent me a Tsunami to try. AFAICT these retail for > £100.

As already stated, my experience with these things to date has been one of: no difference to the stock lead; a very subtle difference; or a more noticeable difference that isn't obviously an improvement.

So, today I tried it on the phono stage (EAR 834P), preamp (EAR 834L) and CDP du jour (Rega Jupiter). Couldn't try it on the ATC active speakers as I'd need two, and they'd have to be longer. Didn't try it on the turntable PSU or the tuner either, as they have captive leads.

The results of this non-extensive test are: (a) no discernible difference on the phono stage or the preamp (or a difference that is so subtle it was missed in the time taken to power-down and then warm-up the valves again); (b) a noticeable, but subtle, difference on the CDP, mostly a fractional increase in volume and a slight rearrangement of the stereo image. Maybe it was getting wider, or deeper, or something, but I really don't listen sitting between the speakers very often and barely notice this kind of stuff. If soundstaging is a priority for somebody, I can imagine they might like the result, and can see why they may regard it as an improvement. For me, I'm afraid, it's a case of different not better. I can live without it quite happily.

Line up to kick me for pre-determining the outcome, but I honestly tried to forget my preconceptions and listen with as neutral an expectation as possible.

I think the power lead debate is, as so often, a case of different people valuing (and therefore hearing) different things.

Sorry WM, I seem to be doing a job of rubbishing everything you've lent me. :D

-- Ian
Ian, I have no problem with it mate, at least you tried it :) I tried the exac5t same cable on steve's Rega at his hose, and it made well, slightly more than a slight difference, but that's some where else, shame I didnt have another one, the atc's could have been tried, also shame at robbo's too never mind mate, it's all good fun. maybe when you make the trip, I'll take em all out first then later I'll put em back in see what you feel then. cheers for having a go mate. WM
Yep nice one Ian for trying:)

Interestingly, your comments might be interpretted by someone with different viewpoints as giving your CD player increased dynamics and greater soundstage capabilities. Those listeners might well see things totally different, so it just goes to show that the only way to really know about any product is to try it for yourself.

Have to say though, as I believe you enjoy the Meridian presentation, a try with the Shunyata Python might genuinly cause some surprise. Not saying it's better, just that it does something that might be interesting to you.
another take on the mains cable debate, my brother has got himself a kimber powerkord for his new plasma. He said that the contrast improved, colours were better and the picture was sharper. He is very pleased with it. Seems to me this is more objective than opinions on whether the music is/isnt better.

Cheers, Robbo
"He said that the contrast improved, colours were better and the picture was sharper."

Seems to me that this is equally as subjective as saying it improves the sound quality of the stereo.

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