2 Power kords needed

Paul - you're merely suggesting an alternative solution to the same problem. Why should Tony change if the Seismic Sinks are doing the job for him?
No, I'm suggesting avoiding the problem.

Are you telling me then that you have no vibration at all on your equipment?
My equipment doesn't shake along with the music. There's no magic and no Mana involved.

There's an interesting contrast here between the treatment of cables and 'fairy dust' and the approach to basic system setup. I think the distraction of AV is at least partially responsible.

Yes Paul, but your mains transformers will be buzzing away, even if you can't hear it, plus there will be noise from the CDP's transport, and every schoolboy knows what Mana does to an LP12.

You have a good system and room as things stand.

I haven't been to WM's place, but by all accounts he has room boom, which won't be alleviated by Mana.
Paul, all equipment vibrates when music is playing loud, they all have a natural resense frequency and threshold, even on solid marble or squash balls or wood you can still feel the them, some stands counter act these freq's or absorb/disapate them, weather you like the sound they make, thats another matter. My equipemnt doesn't shake or physicaly jolt along the stand, I must need some serious power to move a 32KG tranpsort and 15KG dac.What I feel Mike was trying to point out, was that by placing his hand across the top of the transport, he could not feel, the internal vibrations of the sound waves acting on the kit. Using is a glass shelf is far from ideal, but required for a/v due to the size of the components.
The sink will work any where, floor, table bookshelf, so will mana I'm told :eek:
No Foo Foo dust there, just for futher adventuement, have you tried a spot of internal damping on your already set up equipment ? would be nice for you to try and report back I feel.WM
I think the distraction of AV is at least partially responsible.

Sooo easy, when you run out of arguments, blame it on AV... :p

Ohhh... I forgot, TVs bounce so much... :baby:
Paul's right, there is no way an AV system can be regarded as hi-fi. They don't compete with two channel stereo. TVs resonate like there's no tomorrow.
Originally posted by wadia-miester
What I feel Mike was trying to point out, was that by placing his hand across the top of the transport, he could not feel, the internal vibrations of the sound waves acting on the kit.
Exactly :) I clearly didn't mean to imply that any of WMs kit was shaking wildly like an unbalanced washing machine on spin cycle :rolleyes:

Originally posted by The Devil
Paul's right, there is no way an AV system can be regarded as hi-fi. They don't compete with two channel stereo. TVs resonate like there's no tomorrow.
For christs sake - we've gone from power cords, through equipment stands and now you want to start the AV vs. Stereo debate? :(

Why not throw in something less contentious like the death penalty? :D

To describe Tone's system as an AV system is quite absurd. And, until you've heard lowrider's system (which is an AV/multichannel system) you ought not to pass judgement. It's one of the better sounding systems I've heard, stereo or multichannel.

I'm in favour of the death penalty for anybody who uses expensive power leads in an AV system on a fancy rack. Does that help? :D

-- Ian
Originally posted by The Devil
AV systems are for watching the telly on. Hi-fis are for listening to music. It's like comparing a tractor with an Aston Martin.
A ridiculously silly statement and btw, you do know that Aston Martin made tractors don't you? They were called "David Brown", the "DB" in the Aston Martin naming convention :p

Originally posted by sideshowbob
I'm in favour of the death penalty for anybody who uses expensive power leads in an AV system on a fancy rack. Does that help? :D

-- Ian

Wouldn't work with a Eupen, Ian. The thing is so stiff and thick that, by the time you've bent it into an effective noose, it wouldn't work for anything smaller than a hippo.
'Silly statements' are things like 'CD does detail better than vinyl', and 'isolation for amps = BS', and some of the rest.

For purely music reproduction, AV systems don't compete with a decent two-channel set-up. This is all basic stuff, btw.

Lamborghini make tractors too. Reliant Robin is perhaps a better comparison.
Someone has to explain to The Devil, that AV doesn't mean TV + receiver + speaker pack... :JPS:
Originally posted by The Devil
For purely music reproduction, AV systems don't compete with a decent two-channel set-up.
Oh dear James, more pre-conceived ideas not based on experience :rolleyes:

If you were to add "for the same money" to the end of your sentence I'd agree with you, but a properly done multichannel system (after all, we're talking about listening to music here, not watching DVDs so "AV" is something of a misnomer) can sound as good as and in many ways, better, than any 2 channel system you care to setup. Of course it will always cost more, quite a lot more, but it's perfectly possible.

Never had any interest in AV myself, and never heard an expensive AV setup. No desire to either.

Anyway, no-one's answered my question yet. Has anyone done any research into whether posh kettle leads actually measurably reduce RFI or not? Yea or nay?

-- Ian
Tell you what Ian,

We'll do some power cable comparisons with my DAC tonight and some on s/sink off s/sink comparisons for you to make up your own mind!

Cheers, Neil

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