Originally posted by TonyL
Lordy, can't a bloke take a break to eat dinner and watch the Channel 4 news anymoreââ'¬Â¦
Soreee... did you have anything nice?
I found the parallels between our two paths quite funny; we both started in exactly the wrong place and had to buy twice ââ'¬â€œ shame it didn't happen at the same time as we could have just swapped bloody stands! Conclusive proof it's simply question of personal priorities.
Yeah, too true, but I was a jammy bugger, and thanks to a very nice man, I got my first bit of Mana in a direct swap for my QS Ref
I never actually considered that I fully 'bought into' either camp ââ'¬â€œ there are things I have learnt from JW etc and things that I have learnt from Larry / Dave etc
To be honest, Tony, I don't think there's much to 'buy into' with Mana. JW doesn't preach any kind of philosophy, he just thinks his stands are the best, and after trying them, many of people happen to agree. I don't think you can necessarily say the same about the other camp. When I was 'in there', so to speak, the whole non-ferrous ethos was rammed home at almost every opportunity. Don't get me wrong, Larry, Dave, etc, are nice enough guys, but I sometimes wonder if there is some other agenda behind them advocating their particular approach. After all, everyone has to make a living.
Tony, can I be frank with you?
When you said you took your kit to AudioWorks and you left convinced QS Ref was better, in all honesty, I thought to myself: "Larry's done a number on him" - believe me, I've been there before, so I know pretty much exactly what will have happened. For instance, did you get the ol' empty Mana rack placed next to the QS Ref demo?
Now, before you tell me I'm fantasising, and you made the decision yourself- no one else - I know their methods, and equally, I know how 'convincing' they can be, so all I'm doing is suggesting that it's a possibility. I'm not saying this is what definitely happened, I'd like to make that absolutely clear!
I know you're not the sort to make that kind of decision easily, and no doubt you thought long and hard about it before ditching your Mana, but all I'm saying is it's very easy to be influenced by others when you respect their opinion and greater experience. I know because it happened to me.
One thing that makes me deeply suspicious about the approach of the 'other camp' is the shenanigans that go on at demos of the MusicWorks block & leads. Have you ever been to one of the hi-fi shows where these are being demonstrated? It always has me in fits of hysterics! For instance, who is that ridiculous little man that appears comatose when Naim leads are being used with music, and then jumps about like a demented chicken when the MusicWorks leads and block replace the Naim leads?
My mate and me had to walk out the last time, because we couldn't take it anymore...
equally there are things in both camps that don't work for me (as an example you will never catch me ditching vinyl for CD the way many of the Cheadle crowd haveââ'¬Â¦)
Why is that do you think? I find it all rather bizarre... including the mass abandonment of Naim gear for Accuphase and Spectral all of a sudden when Larry lost his Naim account.
I know all this is cloaked in controversy, but one can't help being somewhat suspicious...