A case of miffed fish ?

Originally posted by Steven Toy


I think you're falling into some kind of absolutist trap here.

Yes, as well as coming over as very narrow-minded and blinkered!

Tony, what the hell is your problem with Naim gear and Mana? Did someone once roast you gonads with a red hot Burndy, or spike you up the arse with a Soundstage? :D

The system is somewhat tune challenged, coloured, a bit shut in and lacks soundstage depth. It has weaknesses as well as strengths. Whilst I like it, I'm not looking to replicate it at Toy Towers :D

Oi, monsieur Toy, wot's all that malarkey about? :MILD:

'Tune challenged' I can handle, along with the other audiophile tosh, but 'SHUT IN'!!! :D

Come on now... ;)

Originally posted by wadia-miester

I've heard some where close to 20, including a good one, one James would admire as well.

So, don't you reckon there might be others?

I certainly know, changing kit to naim for me, would result a a downward trend in performance, by a not in-substanical amount.

Tone, you make me want to hear your system more and more every time you say such things...

I can emulate more bleeding edge, than even 37 levels of mana can manage, however at the expense of the rest of the 'whole' it's not an option. (for me)
I have no desire to go for the 'Sonic buzzsaw approach'

Oh yes, very constructive, Tony. If you're on a wind-up, then fair enough, otherwise you're only coming across like a fool. Sorry, no offence.

as Alex has stated all ready today, enough on this subject. Wm

Wot? So you can just breeze in, do a bit of Naim & Mana slagging once more, then disappear back to Wadialand? ;)

Originally posted by Steven Toy
The system is somewhat tune challenged (well, a bit), coloured, a bit shut in and lacks soundstage depth. It has weaknesses as well as strengths. Whilst I like it, I'm not looking to replicate it at Toy Towers :D
High praise indeed. :rolleyes:
Not damned by faint praise

The system is somewhat tune challenged (well, a bit), coloured, a bit shut in and lacks soundstage depth. It has weaknesses as well as strengths. Whilst I like it, I'm not looking to replicate it at Toy Towers
Well if you like it so much, why don't you want to replicate it?

When I first heard some decent systems, I did want to try to replicate them because they were/are very very good indeed.
you're only coming across like a fool. Sorry, no offence.

Marco, one of the reasons why so many people who have never met you take an instant dislike to your forum persona is because you write stuff like that without, apparently, a second thought. You can't call someone a fool and then make it better by saying "no offence".

You idiot.

Sorry, no offence.

-- Ian
James, if shit stirring is all you've got left to offer, I suggest you go and have your lie down now; there's a good lad.

Although, perhaps it's time for Steve to take control of the glove puppet ;)

Originally posted by sideshowbob

Marco, one of the reasons why so many people who have never met you take an instant dislike to your forum persona is because you write stuff like that without, apparently, a second thought. You can't call someone a fool and then make it better by saying "no offence".

Well, I'm very sorry Ian, no disrespect to Tone, but it would be nice for a change if he showed just a teensy bit of respect for other people's choice of equipment.

Not much to ask is it? :)

Marco, one of the reasons why so many people who have never met you take an instant dislike to your forum persona is because you write stuff like that without, apparently, a second thought. You can't call someone a fool and then make it better by saying "no offence".

Marco didn't cal him a fool, he said that he came across as one - there is quite a big difference.

You did however call him an idiot and by so doing you may be fanning the flames, and exacerbating the descent of this thread from reasonable discussion to vitriolic exchange. Now that wasn't very clever, was it?

However, Marco, I really would prefer it if you didn't fall out with Tone. Could you not do that, even if it's only for me? ;)

You guys have similar objectives but set out to achieve them in entirely different ways.

I think that is cause for celebration not fighting.
Marco, why should it bother you?, I mean it gives you what you like, and your not shy and telling people about it, so why worry :rolleyes:
I have more 'Fun' with Mick P than yourself, yet Mick is 'above' the words, and he understands, were I feel you take it personaly, I wouldn't. Lifes not worth the grief, besides it's friday, even Dave C's popped over from PFM too :) just think 2 whole days away from the weekly grind, as you say 'Kick back' and enjoy :) Wm
So it's perfectly ok for WM to slag Naim & Mana at every opportunity?

But it's not ok for me to defend it?

I'd call that a pretty crap attitude!

However, I don't fight battles that are impossible win.

So, I'll bow out gracefully from this argument :)


I find WM's Mana/Naim baiting mildly amusing (as I'm sure it's not meant in all seriousness) so you should also. It is easy to forget that I'm a user of both Mana and Naim too, albeit in smaller doses.

Bits of metal, glass, and aluminium boxes; what's all the fuss about?
Originally posted by wadia-miester

Marco, why should it bother you?, I mean it gives you what you like, and your not shy and telling people about it, so why worry

Tone, let me assure you 'worry' is definitely the wrong word in this context...

No probs about what you said, however if I ever get to hear your system, I hope you'll allow me the same privilege of making such 'objective' remarks :p :D


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