A challenge / scientific research involving Bub

Originally posted by technobear
On my last visit to WM's, the bass boom was notable only for its absence. I remarked upon it at the time and demanded to know what acoustical wotsits had been deployed. But you all know the answer now - it's just a case of getting the amplifier to behave properly and get a grip on the speakers (well mostly it's that). And it's all down to the mains. Bizarre. Beam me up Scotty :beamup:

I agree, with the BelCanto some boom I thought was room ressonances disapeared... :rolleyes:

Also, much of the "ressonance" I got when I moved was feedback through the rack because I removed the wheels wich apparently isolated it quite effectively, Stillpoints under the player and power further improved the bass, as did SoundCare SuperSpikes under the speakers and subwoofers, I doubt they worked as high pass filter... :;)

Regarding Devil's Mana, if one glass shelf can rattle, I imagine phase 9... :JPS
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Originally posted by lowrider
Regarding Devil's Mana, if one glass shelf can rattle, I imagine phase 9... :JPS
I thought that Mana had magic damping strips stuck to the glass to stop it rattling :confused:
Regarding Devil's Mana, if one glass shelf can rattle, I imagine phase 9...

I thought that Mana had magic damping strips stuck to the glass to stop it rattling

The preceding two posts serve to illustrate the profound depths of ignorance (lack of knowledge) about Mana stands.

But you guys just know it doesn't work, eh?

Blissfully unaware.

Oh go on Bub, educate us!

How exactly does Mana work? What frequency is dissipated in the iron frame? Vibration travels easily through air and easier through less dense materials. So why use Metal and Glass if your objective is to decouple the hardware?

The theory suggests that the majority of vibrational energy will simply be reflected back in to the kit and a small percentrage will seep down the stack lessening as the phases increase. Low density materials will however allow vibrational energy to travel through where it can be dissipated in the floor. (Torlyte and Lak anyone?)
This has been covered before, Merlin. Pay attention.

I don't think that the object is to 'decouple the hardware', as you put it, nor to dump energy into the floor.
Originally posted by The Devil
This has been covered before, Merlin. Pay attention.

Not satisfactorarily Sir;)

Where does the energy go? Is it converted to heat? If so how by using glass and steel? Both of these should be reflective rather than absorbtive shouldn't they?

What are spikes for? Isolation or Decoupling? Are you decoupling from the floor vibrations of sinking the vibrational energy created by the kit itself?

I'll think of a few more in a minute or so?
Originally posted by merlin
Not satisfactorarily Sir;)

Where does the energy go? Is it converted to heat? If so how by using glass and steel? Both of these should be reflective rather than absorbtive shouldn't they?

What are spikes for? Isolation or Decoupling? Are you decoupling from the floor vibrations of sinking the vibrational energy created by the kit itself?

I'll think of a few more in a minute or so?
Hey, I thought I was the one having a bad day. :rolleyes:
Spikes don't 'decouple', nor do they 'isolate'. They couple the steel frames to the interfaces above and below them: the boards, or glass in the case of the uppermost frame, and to the floor in the case of the lowermost one.

Please read my 1st post on page 5 of this thread..
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Originally posted by The Devil
Spikes don't 'decouple', nor do they 'isolate'. They couple the steel frames to the interfaces above and below them: the boards, or glass in the case of the uppermost frame, and to the floor in the case of the lowermost one.

In which case why not use marshmellows or wooden eleephants for the purpose?
Originally posted by merlin
In which case why not use marshmellows or wooden eleephants for the purpose?
I suspect that marshmellows would isolate rather than couple, unless very well toasted.

Wooden elephants should work ok. I'd use the tusks or sharpen the feet.

How about a small wooden Merlin, pointy hat and all, made from some exotic hardwood? Whether it would work best top up or inverted would probably depend on your mood on that day.

PS: Brass could work rather than wood and is certainly worth a try.
Originally posted by The Devil
Because spikes provide precise points of contact and readily transmit vibration.

Where to Bub?

How about a small wooden Merlin

I AM that hifi accessory Steve:D
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Well is the wooden bit vibrating then? If not where has the energy gone? If it is, does it make sense to use something other than solid steel tapering to a point when trying to channel energy?
Yes, some energy will go into the floor, but very little in a multiphase Mana array. Energy is used up vibrating the frames and boards, and most has been dissipated in the levels above. Ultimately it must be dissipated as heat - but very little heat, before you start on that!
I put pennies under my spikes so that they don't mark the floor :)

Or in my case so they don't mark the black painted technobear mark I paving slabs :D

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