Excellently crafted and formed responce, helping out a Fallen Angel (Outstanding word smithery).
I take it this is the new and improved mana for all seasons responce, basically to "GO where no weanie has gone before"
I must say the new Tony Blair answer (well spun) is most restrained, I wonder how many teeth marks are in your mouse/wall/5th level of mana at the moment?
Prehaps, James should visit more NON mana systems, and see how the 'Other poor weenies' cope without their fix of ferrite.
Mana the final front-ear,
These are sonic voyages of the starship angle-iron
Who's (never ending

) mission,
Is to seek out new weenies, & poor mis-guides souls,
To Bodly GO, where no bleeding edge has gone before!!!!!!
weapons of sonic mass distruction
Ferrite and testosterone what a mix!
Just think us poor weenies are missing all the fun, now your all playing love thy mana-erite, who gets the Ju-Ju stick these days?