A challenge / scientific research involving Bub

Originally posted by merlin
Oh go on Bub, educate us!

Vibration travels easily through air and easier through less dense materials. So why use Metal and Glass if your objective is to decouple the hardware?

Factually incorrect unfortunately. The more dense a material is the higher the speed of sound is in the material. Therefore metal transmit vibrations/sound waves more efficiently than air and less dense materials do.

but you posted on PFM that your spikes have sunk into the wooden floor, so how is that a precise point of contact?

Good grief. Sunk spikes are still good points of contact.

If you don't want Mana, don't buy it. I'm not here to 'sell it' to you, and to be honest, I doubt whether some of you have sufficient intellect to even set it up, let alone try to understand how it works.

I have a working demonstation of how Mana works in my living room. If you are sufficiently interested, and depending on who you are, you could come and listen to/touch it if you ask nicely.
So what you basically have is a support system that wobbles in time to the music? Vibrating in sympathy until all the energy is gone. And the more levels of wobbling iron you have the more area available to jig away to the beat ?

So the spike are there to stop the energy escaping before it's had a chance to make the platform dance. I see now.
Originally posted by merlin
Where does the energy go? Is it converted to heat? If so how by using glass and steel? Both of these should be reflective rather than absorbtive shouldn't they?

Yes the energy does become heat. Again the more dense the material the more energy it can dissipate as heat, for a given volume. The ability of a material to dissipate heat is entirely due to mass, (look up specific heat capacity).

So what you basically have is a support system that wobbles in time to the music? Vibrating in sympathy until all the energy is gone. And the more levels of wobbling iron you have the more area available to jig away to the beat ?

Yes. It also 'wobbles in time' to the very small internally-generated vibrations in things like CD players, amplifiers and turntables.

It's a dynamic support, not a static one.
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Originally posted by The Devil
Yes, some energy will go into the floor, but very little in a multiphase Mana array. Energy is used up vibrating the frames and boards,
Frames and boards which are vibrating in contact with air will produce sound n'est-ce pas? Surely this is undesirable.

I would have thought the best material for a shelf on a stand is one which is very lossy, where all the energy is dissipated by the particles inside the board trying to vibrate each other, so that the shelf as a whole doesn't vibrate. I should have thought chipboard would be quite good for this. Now I know that glass is amorphous, but it's very dense and so can vibrate as a whole.
Originally posted by GTM
Factually incorrect unfortunately. The more dense a material is the higher the speed of sound is in the material. Therefore metal transmit vibrations/sound waves more efficiently than air and less dense materials do.


What about when you channel it to a point with a tiny amount of surface area, so I pin head of metal surrounded by air?

And why use Lead for soundproofing?
so because you are question about the remarks you make of mana, you insult our intelligence?
James, Does being a doctor give the needed understanding of vibration dynamics? i thought not.

Twas a bit of a bad thing to say mate :(
Originally posted by technobear
Frames and boards which are vibrating in contact with air will produce sound n'est-ce pas? Surely this is undesirable.
I guess so, but you can't hear it.
...the best material for a shelf on a stand is one which is very lossy, where all the energy is dissipated by the particles inside the board trying to vibrate each other, so that the shelf as a whole doesn't vibrate. I should have thought chipboard would be quite good for this.
I know where you are coming from - this is the polar opposite of what Mana does.
Originally posted by penance
so because you are question about the remarks you make of mana, you insult our intelligence?
James, Does being a doctor give the needed understanding of vibration dynamics? i thought not.

Twas a bit of a bad thing to say mate :(
Sorry, I didn't mean you. Merlin seems to be being wilfully dense today.
no probs :)

Ive said before, i would willingly try Mana set up properly (did try it once didnt like it *) but i have other priorities for my audio spending.

*i accept it may have been incorrectly setup, as others should accept it isnt everyones cup of tea.
Dense no - inquisitive yes!

Another one. Mana seems to promote the idea of gear wabbling intime to the music, Naim go to great lengths to avoid this happening.

So what's with the Mana and Naiom stuff then? Arnen't they just cancelling each other out?
Naim cases ring like a bell if you tap them. Great substrate for Mana.

There's only so much that they can do with a leaf spring suspension.

You really ought to come and listen to it sometime.
Originally posted by technobear
Frames and boards which are vibrating in contact with air will produce sound n'est-ce pas? Surely this is undesirable.

Glass usually produces rattle sound... :JPS:
Glass usually produces rattle sound...

Hi-fi nerd usually produces nonsense on forum.

That shows how little you know about Mana, yet again. I try to steer clear of discussing things of which I know absolutely nothing, but do carry on....
If anyone gets a chance, I'd recommend finding one of those musical box mechanisms. You know the ones where you turn a handle and a big wheel turns with pins that strike tuned prong thingies, making a simple tune.

Anyway, you can place them against various surfaces and the tune will be amplified by the resonances of the material. Playing with such a thing against various surfaces (speaker cabinets, hi-fi supports, etc.) can be very instructive.

Incidentally, this works on exactly the same principle as the NXT flat panel speakers.
Originally posted by The Devil
Glass usually produces rattle sound...

Hi-fi nerd usually produces nonsense on forum.

That shows how little you know about Mana, yet again. I try to steer clear of discussing things of which I know absolutely nothing, but do carry on....

Losing your polish... :p
Actually exasperated at having to explain the basics to you.

I thought that you were interested in hi-fi. Mana is arguably one of the more famous stands available, and is hardly 'news'. I would have thought that you would have checked it out by now.

Excellently crafted and formed responce, helping out a Fallen Angel (Outstanding word smithery).
I take it this is the new and improved mana for all seasons responce, basically to "GO where no weanie has gone before"
I must say the new Tony Blair answer (well spun) is most restrained, I wonder how many teeth marks are in your mouse/wall/5th level of mana at the moment?
Prehaps, James should visit more NON mana systems, and see how the 'Other poor weenies' cope without their fix of ferrite.

Mana the final front-ear,
These are sonic voyages of the starship angle-iron
Who's (never ending :rolleyes: ) mission,
Is to seek out new weenies, & poor mis-guides souls,
To Bodly GO, where no bleeding edge has gone before!!!!!!
weapons of sonic mass distruction
Ferrite and testosterone what a mix!
Just think us poor weenies are missing all the fun, now your all playing love thy mana-erite, who gets the Ju-Ju stick these days?
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Originally posted by The Devil
Actually exasperated at having to explain the basics to you.

I thought that you were interested in hi-fi. Mana is arguably one of the more famous stands available, and is hardly 'news'. I would have thought that you would have checked it out by now.

Dont be, I was just picking on you... ;)

I am sure of one thing though, I wouldnt have a display like yours if it was the only way to play good music... :rolleyes:

This doesnt mean I dont believe it works as claimed, at least almost as claimed, I was surprised with the results of my recent dab with supports, so I believe almost anything, just my aesthetic ideas are quite different from yours, as you can see in my avatar...


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