A woman scorned

domfjbrown said:
You only use around a third (IIRC) of your body's strength in normal circumstances, due to bodily safety mechanisms. Adrenaline and rage will allow you to use the full amount of power your muscles and bones will allow.

Clearly I need to get really pissed off before moving the BP power amp!
Dom, in fairness none of us know what was going on in that house to judge, and gossip is cheap. It takes two to make a relationship and from experience a 'nice' person can be pretty horrid behind closed doors. I don't condone cheating but my own recent split I am getting a lot of 'don't be mean, let her come back, she loves you' which is no ones business but ours.
Thing is people genuinely think everthing was spot on when it just wasn't, and because I don't tell them the issues (none of their business) they lay the blame at my feet, I don't give a fk I'm happier and the people who matter have noticed this.
yeah, theres no excuse to two time a woman like - I haven't, well, not in so many words, once I've met someone else, I simply leave the other one, tho that may invlove a weeks overlap or so...
Ummmm not good.
My missus has warned me the first thing that "get's it" will be my Beloved
Ducati.......Given that choice no quick shag is worth the cost. :D
one of my life rules is
never interfere between someone and their significant other.

the corrollary of which is 'don;t judge a relationship from the outside'

she was still in the wrong to lob his kit - no matter what he did.

Dom you seem to assume this guy was just after a quick shag. You may be right, but we really don't know so don't be so hard on the guy. For all you know they could have been deeply in love... would it be better then? All we know is she killed his kit, and to me, no matter what I did (within reason) that is below the belt. There are many other ways to get your point across other than smashing things.

Maybe I am just biased right now though.. my own woman seems to be angry with me and I don't have a clue why! Woman can get away with bloody murder ... if we men had mood swings anything like they fcuking do we would be out the door in no time, yet we just forgive them and let them back!
I totally agree with Julian, why just cos its a woman does everyone rally around her, she has committed vandalism and criminal damage, and the courts will be stacked in her favour.

Perhaps it ought to be criminal to commit adultery whilst married, but like I said if a bloke chucked out a woman's things, he would be a bully at least.

i am not condoning what he has done, it is deplorable, but then again she has no right to damage anothers' property jsut cos she is a woman.
Lt Cdr Data said:
Perhaps it ought to be criminal to commit adultery whilst married, but like I said if a bloke chucked out a woman's things, he would be a bully at least.

i am not condoning what he has done, it is deplorable, but then again she has no right to damage anothers' property jsut cos she is a woman.
I think our (my) judgement would depend upon what the woman had done. Paint the scenario (say) of house husband looking after child who discovers wife two-timing whilst out on night shift, then shredded shoes (for example) would seem similarly appropriate.

But then, as several have correctly observed, we don't actually know all the circumstances - in either direction.. For all we know he deserved to have his hifi shredded and be force fed with it ;)

...but then accuracy and truth have never stopped anyone from jumping to quick conclusions, so why should we all stop now? :D
you lot sound like a bunch of "sweetie wives" :D

TBH It's absolutely none of our business, original poster should be ashamed of himself, if one of my pals told my life story like that, I would do more than smash his bloody hifi.
T-bone Sanchez said:
Not a pal, hardly a life story and people who know me know that even making a threat like that just isnt worth the pain.
Oooohhhhh, get her!!!

Still none of your business, no matter how tuff you think you are (theres always someone tougher ;) )
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Lt Cdr Data said:
i am not condoning what he has done, it is deplorable, but then again she has no right to damage anothers' property jsut cos she is a woman.

I think everyone's taking this way too seriously! Lighten up, it's only hifi!

But there are two important lessons for us all here.

1) If you're going to play away, don't shag one of the neightbours

2) And don't get caught!
Tenson said:
Dom you seem to assume this guy was just after a quick shag. You may be right, but we really don't know so don't be so hard on the guy. For all you know they could have been deeply in love... would it be better then? All we know is she killed his kit, and to me, no matter what I did (within reason) that is below the belt.

I was brought up Catholic; even if I *don't* (I don't, by the way) believe in a LOT of the crap they forced on me at Church, there's one thing that everyone should use as their mantra: "love thy neighbour, but don't shag around with his wife". Or something. You get what you deserve if you do.

Of course we don't know both sides of the story, but men are by biological default more promiscuous then women, so 9x out of 10 it's the bloke's dick that won't behave.

BTW - some of you might well know my theory on "love". It's a crock. A subtle blend of lust, need and dependance, and it's always a blend of all three throughout a relationship's life. Since I don't have need or dependance on any woman, and know how to deal with lust, I can sit back and laugh at all these saps who get reeled in by the hype.
sounds like the love of your 'ahem' left hand satisfies your needs fully!
the thing is monogomy is an unnatural state to start with it occurrs very rarely in nature as in general it is a non survival trait. go read some heinlein (his future history series in particular) for a different and imho equally valid, perspective on 'love'.

lAmBoY said:
sounds like the love of your 'ahem' left hand satisfies your needs fully!

Wrong on both counts; right hand, and lust.

If I needed or wanted a woman right now, I'd pay for it. I don't need another one in my life as anything other than a mate right now, and I have enough of those :) Women are a liability from what I've seen - since I've never needed one when young, I certainly don't need one now. Sex is all well and good, but to have all the crap that goes with it in a relationship just isn't my bag.

Monogamy is a type of wood according to some people :) often it's "wood" that gets you into trouble too eh??? ;) Serial monogamy sounds alright to me, provided that's monogamy for no more than 6 months at a time (so the devious female can't start changing you and/or changing herself - always moving the flipping goalposts).

That said, there's still the pesky problem of that Bank Holiday bet...
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